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The things I learned playing a power armor junkie


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Re: The things I learned playing a power armor junkie


The golden rule;


Sometimes you will get caught while your armor is further then you'd want it so don't be such a shrimp while you're out of it.




Know how to make your own equipement Obvious, neh?

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Re: The things I learned playing a power armor junkie


That I'm often just a Blaster or a Brick (or even a Blaster/Brick) in an even funnier costume.


Try and go for a few of the odder abilities. Binder, from CK&C, is a good example of a well themed Powered Armor Character.

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Re: The things I learned playing a power armor junkie


There is nothing bad about blaster-bricks in shiny red power-armors ...


But agreed - try something else.

Run around in a blaster-brick-power-armor, act like a blaster-brick-power-armor ... and save some XP for a small nifty multipower that boosts your SPEED, FLIGHT and DEX to obscene Speedster levels for a short time only.


And when everybody closes in on the Mr. Slow - WHAMMMM!!!

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Re: The things I learned playing a power armor junkie


You need a tough skin to put up with the endless moans from the other players that "you're just getting everything on the cheap by having that suit as a focus and there's no point in the GM even bothering to have a villain get your amour off you as you're useless without it...".


You could temporarily make them forget to moan by being really helpful as often as possible - however it will only be just that, temporary! :)


Non power armour types just don't understand how difficult is for good folk such as yourself!

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Re: The things I learned playing a power armor junkie


Consider putting some points into constructing lookalike robot doubles. They are a good way of keeping your Secret ID safe and also a good way to get the opposition to blow their cover, spring their trap or shoot their wad early while you and your teammates get into position.

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Re: The things I learned playing a power armor junkie


Consider putting some points into constructing lookalike robot doubles. They are a good way of keeping your Secret ID safe and also a good way to get the opposition to blow their cover' date=' spring their trap or shoot their wad early while you and your teammates get into position.[/quote']

Subtlety is often overlooked


Most Armored heroes are as obvious as obtuse as their armor is obvious. It's a fact that armor makes buying powers easier. So, what are you doing with those extra points that your teammates don't have? Well, most of you are buying incredible movement, a devastating suite of offensive powers and the bare minimum of defenses that someone with your profile will need to survive (which means allot). Unfortunately, the subtleties of hero creation are often lost in the cacophony of armor character creation.


Next time you make an armored character consider buying average attacks and investing in more minor abilities. Obviously a senses suite is a part of an armored character... But what about an ENHANCED sensor suite with more/better options? How many powered armored characters carry a lock picking tool set in their armor? How convenient would a spot light or a heat generator (change environment) be if you and your friends were trapped deep in the earth? I'm sure that your new armor is driven by microprocessors, but does it have an onboard computer with tons of programs? Maybe it should.


There are many more "soft" powers to consider or invent. They could make the gaming experience so much more interesting and greatly enhance your role-playing options (and group dynamics).


You’ve got the extra points, why not give it a try?:)

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Re: The things I learned playing a power armor junkie


Hover... or fall!


Consider buying an inch or two fo flight outside any Multi Power or Elemental Control. In the case of the Multi Powers it'll allow you to dump all of your power into offense and defense without worrying about flight.

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Re: The things I learned playing a power armor junkie


Subtlety is often overlooked


Most Armored heroes are as obvious as obtuse as their armor is obvious. It's a fact that armor makes buying powers easier. So, what are you doing with those extra points that your teammates don't have? Well, most of you are buying incredible movement, a devastating suite of offensive powers and the bare minimum of defenses that someone with your profile will need to survive (which means allot). Unfortunately, the subtleties of hero creation are often lost in the cacophony of armor character creation.


Next time you make an armored character consider buying average attacks and investing in more minor abilities. Obviously a senses suite is a part of an armored character... But what about an ENHANCED sensor suite with more/better options? How many powered armored characters carry a lock picking tool set in their armor? How convenient would a spot light or a heat generator (change environment) be if you and your friends were trapped deep in the earth? I'm sure that your new armor is driven by microprocessors, but does it have an onboard computer with tons of programs? Maybe it should.


There are many more "soft" powers to consider or invent. They could make the gaming experience so much more interesting and greatly enhance your role-playing options (and group dynamics).


You’ve got the extra points, why not give it a try?:)


If you have the guts, to do the above. Useing those points for other things beside attacks and movement can be so much fun.


When you do the above, and I have, you become not the dreaded powerhouse that steps on toes, you become the walking data-bank, sensor suite. I loved doing that, over time I became the powerhouse, but only after many game and real years of work to do so, and when I did it was with the other players pushing him to get better.

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Re: The things I learned playing a power armor junkie


Strain your armor to the max!


Don't forget that you can add your Combat Flight/2 to your STRENGTH when lifting stuff!


(You can also use your Flight to "Root" against Knockback [-1" of KB for every inch of Flight dedicated to bracing])

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Re: The things I learned playing a power armor junkie


Keep your prototypes in the closet until you need them.


Along the same lines as designing your character to use a variety of different powers, you can increase your versatility even further with a Multiform. Different suits of armor designed for different circumstances can win a lot of fights.

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Re: The things I learned playing a power armor junkie


Always have a spare suit of armor available for use. You will need it.
Don't be cheap. Talk to your GM' date=' it may cost as little as 5 points.[/b']


Check pg 456 of FREd. And let your GM know that this is just so that you can have a spare suit, just in case something goes wrong with the first one. And if you abuse their trust, you deserve everything you get when they all get destroyed/stolen at the begining of every second session.

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Re: The things I learned playing a power armor junkie


Don't be cheap. Talk to your GM' date=' it may cost as little as 5 points.[/b']


Check pg 456 of FREd. And let your GM know that this is just so that you can have a spare suit, just in case something goes wrong with the first one. And if you abuse their trust, you deserve everything you get when they all get destroyed/stolen at the begining of every second session.


Not with Nucleon as GM; Power armors are neither retainers nor vehicules; As long as it doesn't have any of the nasty limitations (like "Difficult to Obtain"), He assumes, maybe wrongly, that the character have a spare or the capacity to build one fast enough...


... with a little bit of sweat, maybe a little bit of blood...

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Re: The things I learned playing a power armor junkie


Use your Un-Powerarmored form more often. You will attract sympathy, both by the GM and the other players, more easily. Even moreso if you can still make yourself useful while you're out of it, of course...

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Re: The things I learned playing a power armor junkie


Not with Nucleon as GM; Power armors are neither retainers nor vehicules; As long as it doesn't have any of the nasty limitations (like "Difficult to Obtain"), He assumes, maybe wrongly, that the character have a spare or the capacity to build one fast enough...


... with a little bit of sweat, maybe a little bit of blood...

Then you're more generous than I am. If a focus is damaged or lost, it cannot be replaced until the next adventure, or with GMs permission. The limitation without independant assumes the character has some way of obtaining another copy, but it does not assume that it is on hand. The 5 point doubler rule does make that assumption. As for whether or not you can use it on something other than followers or vehicles, read the page referrence that I gave before you post your reply. Your ignorance is showing.


Now that I've gotten that cleared up, it is an optional rule. If the GM doesn't want to use it, don't whine. Instead, try and get them to have the same understanding of the Focus limitation as Nucleon. ;)

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Re: The things I learned playing a power armor junkie


Check pg 456 of FREd.

There are only 372 numbered pages in FrED. I take it you mean 5th revised Edition?




PS: It is hazardous to refer to someone else's mistake as "ignorance"; so very often one makes an error that could be attributed to ignorance at about the same time.

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Re: The things I learned playing a power armor junkie


There are only 372 numbered pages in FrED. I take it you mean 5th revised Edition?




PS: It is hazardous to refer to someone else's mistake as "ignorance"; so very often one makes an error that could be attributed to ignorance at about the same time.

I was informed that FrED was the correct abreviation, however, upon checking the FAQ, I see my error. 5ER it is. The correct FrED page is 309. It still doesn't remove Nucleon's ignorance to the 5pt doubler rule, to which I was specifically referring.
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