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Ranged killing attack + No rage modifer broke?


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Re: Ranged killing attack + No rage modifer broke?


As a GM you can have nothing better to do with your time!


If you didn't read the character sheet, as a GM, you have made a rod for your own back and I have no sympathy.




I must disagree with you here, at least in what I take to be the spirit of your post. Yes, I believe that the GM should review the characters before hand. However, I can not tell you how many times I have been given characters minutes before the game and then expected to approve/disapprove on the spot with the game on hold until I make a decision. Yes, I could have simply disapproved them and made the player sit out but I tried to be a little less heavy handed and get on with the campaign.


There is also the possibility that the GM is simply not going to see exactly how abusive a build is until it is used in game. Not every GM will know the rules better than every player. Yes, GMs should be familiar with the rules, but I think it is impractical to insist that every GM knows the rules perfectly or even better than every one of their players. The ratio to GMs to players is bad enough as it is.


I think some of the responsibility must fall to the players to ‘not ruin’ the game for everyone else in the pursuit of their own enjoyment.

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Re: Ranged killing attack + No rage modifer broke?


If anything' date=' that range seems low. Mile and 2/3 for a high powered rifle shot? Um, 9d6, extremely high powered rifle shot? What's the RL record for a confirmed sniper kill? 2430 metres, according to Wikipedia. With modifiers to the perception.[/quote']

I have no idea.. I was just going with the info given.


Though who says that a properly constructed High Power Rifle doesn't have Increased Range on it, and we know they come with Sights to offset the Range Mods and see the target.


I don't usually get into battles that involve those kinds of ranges so it's never come up.

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Re: Ranged killing attack + No rage modifer broke?


If anything' date=' that range seems low. Mile and 2/3 for a high powered rifle shot? Um, 9d6, extremely high powered rifle shot? What's the RL record for a confirmed sniper kill? 2430 metres, according to Wikipedia. With modifiers to the perception.[/quote']


You know, its been YEARS since I've even seen a NRP attack. Most characters just end up with a couple of Accuracy Levels to offset the RP.


Some kind of vision enhancement would be required. I would also have to think about SFX. A bullet drifts quite a bit because of wind. A laser is line of sight and can ignore wind. I would probably hit a gun-wielding 9d6RKA NRP attack with a couple of difficulty penalties. That's a TOUGH shot. Eh. Hard to say. It is definately something I would have to take as it comes.

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Re: Ranged killing attack + No rage modifer broke?


Really the range is only a problem when the player character goes out to murder someone under circumstances where there is going to be little visual cover. When someone else initiates the conflict or it erupts out of a chance encounter, they will be fighting at closer range.

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Re: Ranged killing attack + No rage modifer broke?


Really the range is only a problem when the player character goes out to murder someone under circumstances where there is going to be little visual cover. When someone else initiates the conflict or it erupts out of a chance encounter' date=' they will be fighting at closer range.[/quote']


Prearranged signal: "Okay, here's the plan: we walk out there. We know it's a trap, they know that we know it's a trap, and they know that we know that they know we know it's a trap. But they don't know what we'll be doing about it. So, we hide sniper rifles up on all the nearby rooftops. Then, when they attack us, I'll take the hit. When I croak out "Teleport us back to home base.", you'll actually be teleporting us up to one of the rooftops, where we can get a good angle on them. While they're standing around talking about whether or not they want to follow us back to our home ground - that should take at least a few minutes, they'll want to prepare in case we're setting a trap - we do first aid and take aim on their leader."

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Re: Ranged killing attack + No rage modifer broke?


I must disagree with you here' date=' at least in what I take to be the spirit of your post. Yes, I believe that the GM should review the characters before hand. However, I can not tell you how many times I have been given characters minutes before the game and then expected to approve/disapprove on the spot with the game on hold until I make a decision. Yes, I could have simply disapproved them and made the player sit out but I tried to be a little less heavy handed and get on with the campaign.[/quote']


I do agree with you on all counts, however...


There is a big difference here. In this case, the character hasn't just been handed to the GM, but rather been part of an ongoing campaign and has been slowly building up power in a single ability (at least to my understanding, please correct me if I'm wrong, Guyon). It might not by Guyon's fault that the character was ever allowed, but it is certainly Guyon's responsibility to make sure the character eventually falls within the campaign expectations, and definately not continue to become more unbalanced. This is extremely hard to do in a campaign with no point limits though.

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Re: Ranged killing attack + No rage modifer broke?


Prearranged signal: "Okay' date=' here's the plan: we walk out there. We know it's a trap, they know that we know it's a trap, and they know that we know that they know we know it's a trap. But they don't know what we'll be doing about it. So, we hide sniper rifles up on all the nearby rooftops. Then, when they attack us, I'll take the hit. When I croak out "Teleport us back to home base.", you'll actually be teleporting us up to one of the rooftops, where we can get a good angle on them. While they're standing around talking about whether or not they want to follow us back to our home ground - that should take at least a few minutes, they'll want to prepare in case [i']we're[/i] setting a trap - we do first aid and take aim on their leader."


Good plan, except the other guy's speedster did a sweep of the area during the initial "ambush" and unloaded all the rifles, dropping the ammo in a trash bin by some bums down the alley... then lit it on fire.



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Re: Ranged killing attack + No rage modifer broke?


As a GM you can have nothing better to do with your time!


@ Alibear: YES I HAVE MUCH MORE IMPORTANT THINGS TO DO! I would rather spend time with my kids and wife, have a nice lawn and be looked up to in the community for helping out then baby sitting a character sheet! Ifi you don't then I really feel sorry for you.


Look this is just a game! A Game! Half of you are acting like a major crime has been committed. You should be ashamed of yourselves. Jumping on a bandwagon just to let off steam.


But lets play devils advocate. What is wrong with going over that 60 point limit? There are many comic book characters you can never be by sticking to it. Silver surfer can go through the sun, Hulk, Thor, Johnny Storm can catch the planets atmosphere on fire, and the list continues. By sticking to that limit you can not have the fun of becoming a comic book character that you have always dreamed of. This games is all about fun and it shout not be crime to want to be a character that is fun for you.


I suggest you reread your past posts and form now answer with the thought in mind that this is a games, and did you have fun with your friends? And check your attitudes at the door.



@Dust Raven: If you re-read my thread this charicter was JUST upgraded before play. Actually transformed during that games by it's player. And done quite colorfully I might add the way he did it.



I am done with this thread.

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Re: Ranged killing attack + No rage modifer broke?


Good plan' date=' except the other guy's speedster did a sweep of the area during the initial "ambush"[/quote']


Speedsters can move so fast they run right up vertical surfaces? So much for the rooftops :(

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Re: Ranged killing attack + No rage modifer broke?


@ Alibear: YES I HAVE MUCH MORE IMPORTANT THINGS TO DO! I would rather spend time with my kids and wife, have a nice lawn and be looked up to in the community for helping out then baby sitting a character sheet! Ifi you don't then I really feel sorry for you.


Don't feel sorry for me I have a nice life but I don't have a lawn and couldn't give a flying feck how people in my community see me. I have a nice family life with wife and son. I normally turn my thoughts to RPG matters when my son's in bed and my wife is watching the idiot box.


I never said babysit the character ffs just give it the once over, take two minutes. A 200 point attack power will probably leap out at you. It would ring all sorts of warning bells in my GM's noggin'.


I don't play with an active point limit either. I set an average attack power, 70 points, and say that players can have higher if they can justify it and it won't unbalance the game.


e.g. One character is a powered armour dude and has an experimental 1 shot rocket. 20d6 EB, 1c, OIF, Act 14-, Side effects (Weapon explodes before the rocket fires 6D6 RKA)


I think you should seriously sit down with the other players and work out what you want to do with your campaign or a GM will never be able to run a scenario.


So he has a 200 point attack power and nothing else? One of two things happen as far as I can see in combat. (it can only be combat because all his points are in an attack power)


1. He shoots a bad guy. The bad guy dies or is heading that way. Bad guys pals think that i's time to take out HowitzerBoy and squish him like a bug because he is so badly built.


2. Bad Guys know about HowitzerBoy and send in the Ninja/ Speedster/Martial Artist/ Mentalist to take him out before he can attack.



BTW Comic books have writers that do whatever they like because they have total control over the story. A GM does not have that luxury. Players will always use the big attack every time.


GM's have to think about making bad guys to give the whole team a decent fight. How does he do that if some characters have 200 point attack powers and some only have 100 point attack powers?


Anyway it's your game and you can play it as you will but as soon as you bring it up for discussion in a public forum then expect people to comment. Guess what? The comments might be different than what you want. No Range is not broken!

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Re: Ranged killing attack + No rage modifer broke?


Prearranged signal: "Okay' date=' here's the plan: we walk out there. We know it's a trap, they know that we know it's a trap, and they know that we know that they know we know it's a trap. But they don't know what we'll be doing about it. So, we hide sniper rifles up on all the nearby rooftops. Then, when they attack us, I'll take the hit. When I croak out "Teleport us back to home base.", you'll actually be teleporting us up to one of the rooftops, where we can get a good angle on them. While they're standing around talking about whether or not they want to follow us back to our home ground - that should take at least a few minutes, they'll want to prepare in case [i']we're[/i] setting a trap - we do first aid and take aim on their leader."




"Sure, it was a good plan. But we didn't expect the first hit to be a 9d6 RKA! I didn't even bother to teleport the remains away - we just got out of there."


cheers, Mark

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Settle down, Beavis


I suggest you reread your past posts and form now answer with the thought in mind that this is a games' date=' and did you have fun with your friends? And check your attitudes at the door.[/quote']


I did check my attitude at the door but I never got a ticket so I had to take someone else’s.

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Re: Ranged killing attack + No rage modifer broke?


@Dust Raven: If you re-read my thread this charicter was JUST upgraded before play. Actually transformed during that games by it's player. And done quite colorfully I might add the way he did it.


Ah. I thought it was a gradual change. He had that many XP saved up to make that big of a change?

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Re: Ranged killing attack + No rage modifer broke?


Speedsters can move so fast they run right up vertical surfaces? So much for the rooftops :(


SuperRunning: Flight 20" No Turn Mode, Only Along A Surface


It's how the Flash can run up the side of a buildng and across relatively still water.

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Re: Ranged killing attack + No rage modifer broke?


Rogus in my LC ot MU campaign has this power.

But its a slot in his eye-beams multi-power,

so the advantage takes off some of the dice.


I'm not worried about the unbalancing of "no-range"


what worries me is when the player figures out he can write his name on the moon. :nonp:

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Re: Ranged killing attack + No rage modifer broke?




"Sure, it was a good plan. But we didn't expect the first hit to be a 9d6 RKA! I didn't even bother to teleport the remains away - we just got out of there."


Which is basically "the 9d6 RKA can't be used for anything but cold-blooded murder because game balance will dictate that everyone you encounter has and uses their own 9d6 RKA's before you do".


Nice out-of-character balancing, but it doesn't affect the validity of my original point :D

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