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Laser targeter?

Guest Schwarzwald

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Guest Schwarzwald

It's apalling how few SF weapon designers put laser targeters on their creations. Even BSG has left them off, and we've never seen a phaser with one, have we? Or a blaster, disruptor, etc.


SInce I put laser targeters on every gun I do, how does hero handle them? I'm still wading thru character creation myself, so haven't seen the weapon rules yet.

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Re: Laser targeter?


Usually it's done either as Combat Skill Levels with Ranged Combat in an OAF: Gun (-1), Only for attacks using this weapon (-1/2) or something similar. Likewise they could be done as Penalty Skill Levels to Offset Range Penalties (as many as you think you'd require) or even No Range Modifier on the attack powers in the gun.

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Re: Laser targeter?


A laser targeter for a pistol or rifle is really nothing more than a really accurate sight. Like all sights though, it's only as accurate as the person who calibrated it and the person firing the weapon. Also, unless the laser is set parallel to the firing path of the projectile/beam/whatever hurts the other guy, the laser is only going to be accurate for a limited distance, and if it is set parallel, the person using the weapon needs to remember the laser is targeting some distance above where the actual impact point is. And if it's on a projectile weapon, that point will change over a distance.


All this info is kinds useless in game though. All you need to know is there's a laser sight on the gun and it's really accurate. The question is, does it only make the gun more accurate over a distance, or also at point blank ranges? I think it applies from point blank on out, so it's probably straight levels of Ranged Combat with the appropriate Limitations. Ta-da! You're done!

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Re: Laser targeter?


It's apalling how few SF weapon designers put laser targeters on their creations. Even BSG has left them off, and we've never seen a phaser with one, have we? Or a blaster, disruptor, etc.


SInce I put laser targeters on every gun I do, how does hero handle them? I'm still wading thru character creation myself, so haven't seen the weapon rules yet.

I always thouht the visible beam of the phaser was a targeting aid. More like a tracer bullet than a laser sight now that I think of it.

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Re: Laser targeter?


I always thought projecting your impending attack with a little red dot on the target made for bad tactics. ;)


Intimidation factor ;)


I would make it a CSL' date=' OAF: Gun[/i'] and possibly even Visible: little red dot.


Linked, +1d6 Presence Attack :)

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Re: Laser targeter?


My firearms instructor only uses laser sights for training. They are for firearms not very good in the field and are actually distracting to the shooter. As to trying to scare the target... that might work. If I were playing Dark Champions I would not use it, I would go for a good optical sight or a laser range finder to determine distance for sniping. Laser range finders are usually infra-red and are not visible to the naked eye.

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Re: Laser targeter?


My firearms instructor only uses laser sights for training. They are for firearms not very good in the field and are actually distracting to the shooter.

Couldn't agree more. Good sight alignment is the easy part of shooting - most shots that miss are because the shooter wasn't concentrating and jerked the trigger too hard, pulling the barrel out of alignment. Laser sights are a distraction, because they lead shooters into the trap of "Ooo, perfect sight alignment gotta pull the trigger NOW!... Ah darn, jerked the trigger again." Which is the worst thing you can do. (I myself used to be a horrible trigger-jerker until I had it beaten out of me.)


That said, they are sorta a genre thing, so there's nothing wrong with throwing them into a game. I think Dark Champs has a write-up for laser sights, but I can't remember for sure. I would say +1 or +2 Range Skill Levels, only when Braced.


I always thought projecting your impending attack with a little red dot on the target made for bad tactics. ;)


I would make it a CSL, OAF: Gun and possibly even Visible: little red dot.

`Tho to be fair, most of us don't go around looking at our chests (or foreheads) for red dots. ;)

Maybe Visible - only to third-parties?

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Re: Laser targeter?


I always think of a laser targeter as something to use when you try to tell certain missiles or bombs "this is what i want you to shake hands with"...




What you guys speak of I always think as a "Laser Sight"...

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Re: Laser targeter?


`Tho to be fair, most of us don't go around looking at our chests (or foreheads) for red dots. ;)

Maybe Visible - only to third-parties?

I do...


I did sort of intend it to be "Visible: To all my bodyguards and the armed people I hang around with" kind of thing.

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Re: Laser targeter?


Combining the Limitations in Dark Champions with the bonuses from 5ER.

+1 OCV, +1 vs. RMod.

OAF, Real Weapon, Limited Range (64"; -1/4), Not in Adverse Conditions (-1/4). Adverse conditions referring to smoke, fog, brightly colored background, etc.

For rifles you could add Required Hands Two Handed.

I definitely don't use the +2 OCV, +8 vs. RMod in Dark Champions/Hero System Equipment Guide. But the Telescopic Sights are messed-up too.

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