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How to do: Twins


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Re: How to do: Twins


Among other things, probably Distinctive Looks, if they're seen together often enough for people to remember them as "Oh, those twins" or "Those two people who look just alike." Assuming of course that they are IDENTICAL twins.



Depending on their relationship, maybe some psychological limitations.


Lucius Alexander


Using Concealment to hide behind a palindromedary

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Re: How to do: Twins


I agree with Derek. Just being twins doesn't mean anything unless the players want it to. It's no different than two character wanted to be siblings (which twins would be), or having any other family connection. Ultimatelya, they are just two characters in the same game, who happen to look alike (if identical).


Of course, if you wanted to be funky about it, give them a Pschic Bond (Mind Link) with each other.

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Re: How to do: Twins


Maybe a very small Social Limitation as mentioned. Maybe a Disguise skill (or bonus) that is Only for Appearing to Be My Twin (-2) and probably Always On. Throw Acting in there too if they are really close personality-wise and relationship-wise. But most likely nothing in terms of mechanics if there isn't some kind of metaphysical thing going on.

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Re: How to do: Twins


The last time I played a set of twins, we each took a rather small Distinctive Features (noticable, easily concealed) and left it at that. The rest of the 'twinness' we just did via roleplay. We were actually pretty good at finishing one another's sentences or exclaiming things in unsion, which was a lot of fun.

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Re: How to do: Twins


For a generic limitation based on being a twin I would suggest:


Social Limitation: Twin (Occasionally, Minor) 5 Points

The following potentially detrimental effects could result from NPCs' behavior towards the twin or his expectation of the twin's behavior:

- Prefer to socialize with only one twin and attempt to exclude the other.

- Pressure the twin to dress, behave, and have interests the same as his twin.

- Pressure the twin to dress, behave, and have interests different then his twin.

- Twins stand out and are therefore easier to recognize in the future.

- Mistaken identity when someone who has only met one of the twins, meets the other for the first time. The twin obviously does not recognize the acquaintance.

- DNA evidence from one, could falsely implicate the other (identical twins only; note the same is not true of fingerprints).

- One twin’s reputation could affect the other.


Another limitation that could be considered is:

Psychological Limitation: Will not abandon twin when he/she is in physical danger. (Uncommon, Strong) 10 Points

Note: I chose uncommon, because the negative effect only occurs when the twin is in danger, and the PC would wish to leave to perform some other task (save the damsel, disarm the bomb, live to fight another day, etc...). I assume if the PC's twin is in danger, he would otherwise heroically want to stay and save him, which would not warrant a disadvantage.

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Re: How to do: Twins


For a generic limitation based on being a twin I would suggest:


Social Limitation: Twin (Occasionally, Minor) 5 Points

The following potentially detrimental effects could result from NPCs' behavior towards the twin or his expectation ...........


Oh, Lightning already said it.

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Re: How to do: Twins


...identical twins' date=' How would you do this?[/quote']Ok, here's where I say it again... With Hero System rules, you need to think backwards.


Don't, don't, DON'T start with Identical Twins and ask "How?"


Start with the Game Mechanical Effects you want in your game, and call it Identical Twins.


All of the advice you've been given thusfar is pretty good, but the truth is that you, as GM, need to figure out what Limits and Advantages will apply in-game. Remember that DF is a Disadvantage. Social Limitations are Disads too... Ask yourself "How disadvantageous is it in my world for these guys?" and "What plot hooks does this condition give me?"


Also, these guys might be Psychically Bonded twins... whatever.


But it all always comes back to the basic Hero premise... build it backwards... start with the game mechanics and call it what the f*** you want.





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Re: How to do: Twins


Ok, here's where I say it again... With Hero System rules, you need to think backwards.


Don't, don't, DON'T start with Identical Twins and ask "How?"

This tone strikes me as very "preachy". I note JmOz's post count, and suggest that he probably doesn't need this degree of lecturing on the basic axioms of the HERO System. ;)


I agree with what you're saying, BTW... I just suspect that you might be coming across more strongly than you realize. :)

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Re: How to do: Twins


But it all always comes back to the basic Hero premise... build it backwards... start with the game mechanics and call it what the f*** you want.




Looks like we've got two conflicting sets of methodology on this.

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Re: How to do: Twins


I cannot be the only person that thinks this thread title looks like a header for an article in Penthouse: Letters...


Beyond that, I've got nothing more to add until I know what the players want to accomplish with it. I know several sets of identicle twins, and they really only confuse people that don't know them. Or when they go out of their way to mess with people.


I mean, when it comes down to it, they really do look very similar, but there are differences in the way the move, act and speak. They usually dress or ware their hair differently. The guys tend to ware their facial hair differently.


In essence, they have a minor limitation of some kind reflecting that they are mistaken for one another by strangers and casual aquaintences. Then they have a really high Acting/Disguise/Shapshift/whatever ability that only applies to immiatting their twin...


Now, if the world at large thinks there is only one of them, that can be a great excuse for other mechanical benefits. But like I said, need to know more about the players intentions first.

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Re: How to do: Twins


Thank you everyone, I think I am going to call it a minor (5 point) DF or social lim, require them to have the same COM (for obvious reasons) and call it good.


The reason I posted this was to get a number of different ideas, see how they rated vs my own (I was at first going to just require the same COM) and go from there...

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Re: How to do: Twins


I have two players who want to play identical twins' date=' How would you do this? A DF, a perk, I just don't know...[/quote']


I would say its justbackground, unless they have some sort of wonder twin powers.

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Re: How to do: Twins


Thank you everyone, I think I am going to call it a minor (5 point) DF or social lim, require them to have the same COM (for obvious reasons) and call it good.


The reason I posted this was to get a number of different ideas, see how they rated vs my own (I was at first going to just require the same COM) and go from there...

Sounds good, but I'd just like to say there is no need to require them to have the same Com. One might dress better, carry themself better, have a neater looking hair style, might have managed their acne better during adolescence (so they have smoother skin), etc.

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Re: How to do: Twins


This tone strikes me as very "preachy". I note JmOz's post count, and suggest that he probably doesn't need this degree of lecturing on the basic axioms of the HERO System.


I agree with what you're saying, BTW... I just suspect that you might be coming across more strongly than you realize.


All of this is true... First, my apologies for the tone... I have no excuse and no other real explanation other than the fact that the 'build it backwards' mantra is a personal thing I have (it's one of the reasons I an a HERO fanatic)... and sometimes my fanaticism comes across *** both preachy and too strong.


Thanks for calling me on it.



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Re: How to do: Twins


I would second the post about COM...the distinctive features would cover actual appearance.


I've always thougth COM was more or less how others felt about the character, not necessarily the actual appearance...how else would someone with shape shift bother with it.

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Re: How to do: Twins


All of this is true... First, my apologies for the tone... I have no excuse and no other real explanation other than the fact that the 'build it backwards' mantra is a personal thing I have (it's one of the reasons I an a HERO fanatic)... and sometimes my fanaticism comes across *** both preachy and too strong.


Thanks for calling me on it.





Well I will let you know that I have been around here longer than the current ownership has, having been here when Bruce ran the show so you young whippersnapper had better remember his place


Just Kidding (Well it is true that I was on the boards in the last days before cybergames bought the company but I digress), no need to appoligise, I was not offended, however thanks for standing up for me Derek. I looked at it as just someone looking at me as a new player instead of the broken down warhorse looking for different perspectives, for that matter I've done it a few times myself. We good on my side.

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Re: How to do: Twins


All of this is true... First' date=' my apologies for the tone... I have no excuse and no other real explanation other than the fact that the 'build it backwards' mantra is a personal thing I have (it's one of the reasons I an a HERO fanatic)... and sometimes my fanaticism comes across *** both preachy and too strong.[/quote']No worries. I suspect we've all got those kinds of hot button stances on various things. One of mine, for example, is selling back END...




...don't get me started on selling back END... ;)

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Re: How to do: Twins


I've actully used Duplication for a pair of twins once, but that was just because I wanted to be in complete control of two PC's. Never actully got to play em though :(


Actully, twins wouldn't be an entierly accurate term since one was from a mirror world... but close enough.

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Re: How to do: Twins


If it's one player playing two characters then it's Duplication.


Duplication is by far and away my favourite power as a character design tool. The polssibilities are mind boggling. It can be a bit of a pain in the but to play for more than a one off game though..

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