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The thing's I've learned playing a Brick...


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Re: The thing's I've learned playing a Brick...


Just out of curiosity, you draw this conclusion based on...?


I figure it's going to have something to do with property damage, carelessness or a GM that likes to show the "real" effecct you would have on punching a realtive normal...

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Re: The thing's I've learned playing a Brick...


It happened with me playing a brick that is a very religious person. He has killed everytime he has acted as a hero. He finds that he doesn't feel guilty because the ones he killed were killing innocent people. It's the not feeling guilt that has the C worried.

The game is new, the heroes are new at this, so it's all in the way that a once normal man has to deal with the ability to kill with he's power, that is the way I am using it. The guy knows the actual translation of '"Thou Shall" not "Kill is really Thou Shall not Comitt Murder"'.

He is scared that he is losing he's humanity. That was what I ment that a Brick is the closest to becoming a Villian. He has to be up close and personal so he feels and sees the result's of he's great STR. He has to fight to retain he's humanity and I see that internal fight to be one that can make you become a Villian or holding on to your humanity and being a Hero.

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Re: The thing's I've learned playing a Brick...


In a way I agree, but everytime I've played a Brick I find that due to the sheer power they have to fight harder than other types of C's to stay a hero. So basically it might need to be restated.


What I learned playing a Brick is that I have to fight harder to stay a hero.


You have given out too much Reputation in the last 24 hours, try again later. I do not owe Bloodstone REP!!!

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Re: The thing's I've learned playing a Brick...


If you keep lifting heavier and heavier things to bat your enemies away with (you know' date=' airplanes, skyscrapers etc) there's going to be a point where your GM says "erm, on picking [i']that[/i] up, you've just sunk kneedeep into the road... if you don't put it down pronto you're going to keep going until all anyone can see is a hand sticking out of a person-depth hole..."


If that same GM has said that comic book physics rules are in effect, then no, that's not what happens. Of course, if realistic physics are being used, then the brick couldn't pick up the big items in the first place unless they were stong enough to hold together under such abuse. You can't have one without the other, in this case.


+X STR, only usable in non-combat situations (-1/2) -- now there's the way to impress both the ladies and potential enemies!


Matt "My-second-character-was-a-brick" Frisbee

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  • 5 months later...

Re: The thing's I've learned playing a Brick...


1" of Stretching goes a long way' date=' especially as it's inherently indirect. This let's you pound almost any grounded opponent from above, putting all the knockback into a very immovable object.[/b']:eg: (Just don't try this on the 12th story of a building that's having enough trouble coping with you fight as it is. All that KB and Falling damage get's doled out in "dribs and drabs.":thumbdown)
Great Mechanic...What would it look like (SFX?)
How did I miss this?


The mechanic for the Character that has it in the game I GM, it's because he's 4m tall, and has learned such maneuvers as Axe-kicks, Sweeping Back-fist and such like.

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Re: The thing's I've learned playing a Brick...


When you think it would be cool to crash through things, you should really have an idea of how tough it is or risk looking stupid. The difference between concrete and reinforced concrete can make a difference, as well as thickness.

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Re: The thing's I've learned playing a Brick...


The comics code often applies, so when you run the risk of your clothes being blown to pieces, wear clean underwear, preferably something other than tighty-whiteies, and a satchel with spare clothes is good for when the press shows up.

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Re: The thing's I've learned playing a Brick...


The comics code often applies' date=' so when you run the risk of your clothes being blown to pieces, wear clean underwear, preferably something other than tighty-whiteies, and a satchel with spare clothes is good for when the press shows up.[/quote']Unless your name is John Estes.
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Re: The thing's I've learned playing a Brick...


Sometimes, once in a very great while, the GM won't punish you for a low OCV.


Relish those moments.


On a related note:


The stun lotto works both ways - your extra dice of regular HTH is a lot more reliable than the team slaughter-monster's HKA's.


Of course, a certain Megabeast is wishing he *hadn't* just learned those lessons, after bouncing 4d6 KA's for most of the round, and being hammered into unconsciousness (and through two walls of a restaurant) by the team brick's Haymaker (not one I play; I'm the GM there). :D

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Re: The thing's I've learned playing a Brick...


Assuming you have wonderfully high PD's and/or ED's, grabbing a villain opponent and hanging onto them, while your teammate blasts both of you with an Area Effect/Explosion/Spread Energy Blast can lead to a very impressive Presence Attack on the other villains right after the attack.


Blasterhero: I blast both Megabrick and Dr. Wimpo for 47 Stun and 14 Body!

(after attack..)

Megabrick: Boy, that sure bothered me. Let me ask Dr Wimpo's henchmen if he felt it since he's not saying anything. (presence attack goes off..)



Works equally well with heroes or villains. :P

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Re: The thing's I've learned playing a Brick...


Yeah, really... and it reallyburns me cuz that's exactly what I have... 18 Dex and 4 SPD... ARGH!!!! I AM NOT SLOW! (though, in our game, I am compared to all the martial artsy and cheetah, etc. people!)


Oh well... s'long as there is no posing as child services again tonight...

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Re: The thing's I've learned playing a Brick...


It's cool to be a fast Brick.


60 STR, DEX 26, SPD 5, and Brick Tricks on top of that. :thumbup:


Who says a Brick needs to be a lumbering 18 DEX, 4 SPD mass of muscle?

Or STR 70, DEX 26, SPD 6, with 1" of stretching. Sure, you've got the Phys Lim (12 feet tall) which drops his DCV back down to 7, but you don't have to buy "Always Direct" on stretching (to relfect that you know a few indirect maneuvers, like a crouching uppercut or an axekick). Throw in 3" KB resistance and a 1 BODY/turn regen, along with a PD 0f 35, and your really going to cause the GM some problems. Oh, and don't forget Rapid Attack: HtH.


I speak as the GM. I really shouldn't create characters for the newbies.

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Re: The thing's I've learned playing a Brick...


Only on the Champions board would an 18 DEX and a 4 SPD be considered "lumbering"....


True. That's been about as low as I've seen people go with a Brick though, out of several gaming groups.


15 DEX and 3 SPD just seems too low for a superhuman... even a Brick. :eg::P

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Re: The thing's I've learned playing a Brick...


True. That's been about as low as I've seen people go with a Brick though, out of several gaming groups.


15 DEX and 3 SPD just seems too low for a superhuman... even a Brick. :eg::P

And yet, my current Character for Sundogs game had a SPD of 3 until recently. Then again, the Swarmling had to get used to co-ordinating 500 rats in such a way as to simmulate humanoid motion...
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Re: The thing's I've learned playing a Brick...


Or STR 70, DEX 26, SPD 6, with 1" of stretching. Sure, you've got the Phys Lim (12 feet tall) which drops his DCV back down to 7, but you don't have to buy "Always Direct" on stretching (to relfect that you know a few indirect maneuvers, like a crouching uppercut or an axekick). Throw in 3" KB resistance and a 1 BODY/turn regen, along with a PD 0f 35, and your really going to cause the GM some problems. Oh, and don't forget Rapid Attack: HtH.


I speak as the GM. I really shouldn't create characters for the newbies.


Most Bricks (even fast ones) are like Linemen, Tightends and Fullbacks in Football.


Yeah, they're big and strong, but they usually draw double-teams when protecting the Q-back or making a hole for the Runningback.

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Re: The thing's I've learned playing a Brick...


Most Bricks (even fast ones) are like Linemen, Tightends and Fullbacks in Football.


Yeah, they're big and strong, but they usually draw double-teams when protecting the Q-back or making a hole for the Runningback.

Char in question has a CON of 30 and STUN of 70. Add in END 60 and REC 20, he's the Energiser-Brick.
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Re: The thing's I've learned playing a Brick...


A Brick (perhaps named White Dwarf) with 50 points of Shrinking (not always on) + 60 STR + a nice and tall bad guy jutting his chin out = A growth attack (perhaps with surprise) totaling22D6!!!


Wanna get really evil... Give a 50 STR Brick a device that gives him 50 points of Shrinking AND 50 points of Growth. Now find a villain soaring at the appropriate height and switch from your smallest size to your largest.


Total attack damage = POW! 30D6

STR Damage (10D6) + Shrinking acceleration (10D6) + Growth acceleration (10D6) = OUCH!!!!!!!


[Definitely a Stop Sign maneuver]


That would be Moleculon. An Odo-like shape-shifter character in a campaign I ran who had a multipower with three "multi" slots. IIRC, it was a 60-point multipower, but had three 40-point slots: growth, shrinking and density increase. His atomic uppercut (start at the minimum size, then throw all points into growth and DI) was an ugly thing to behold - even uglier to be on the receiving end of.

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Re: The thing's I've learned playing a Brick...


For truly super-heroic feats of strength for just 8 Real Points, +40 Str; x10 END.


Added to regular pushing, this gives you 50 extra strength for that one-time "I gotta make this count!" effort, and any brick worthy of the template should have well over 50 END to burn for this.

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