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Ben 10 (again!)


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Re: Ben 10 (again!)


One thing on Wildmutt' date=' I managed to catch the first episode and it seemed like he had infrared vision as opposed to sonar.[/quote']


In the episode where Ben has a cold Wildmutt was rendered almost completely helpless by the congestion. Either smell is his only targeting sense, or else he hears through the same slits on the side of his neck that he smells through.

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Re: Ben 10 (again!)


The more I think about it' date=' the more I think you should go ahead and make the Omnimatrix an OIF. Think about it--essentially whomever wears it can only take it off at death--or some other method, we haven't seen that yet. (But I bet they'll do that for an episode or two. :D ) The Obvious part is simply if anyone [b']does[/b] see him change, it's a bit obvious as to how it's done--the Sight Flash is the kicker.


I disagree. An OIF can be removed by someone out of combat. On the show, people who know about the Omnimatrix and wanted it off of him started prepping for surgery.


IMHO if I need an operating theatre to get it off, it isn't removeable for Foci purposes. (Otherwise, I want the point break for my liver!)

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Re: Ben 10 (again!)


I handle Ben's limited control over the thing as a the Accidental Change Limitation. I use it in a non conventional manner though. Every time he uses the Omnitrix, you roll the Lim. If the lim activates, you roll randomly for the form he gets.

Ok, I didn't catch that before. Good solution. In fact, that may be the simple, elegant answer I've been looking for on one of my characters... :think:

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  • 1 month later...

Re: Ben 10 (again!)


You know, I thought I was done writing up alien forms and would be able to concentrate on the villians and supporting cast. But, as of last night, there is a new alien on the dial...


Cannon Bolt


[b]Val	Char	Cost	Roll	Notes[/b]
30	STR	20	15-	Lift 1600.0kg; 6d6 [3]
8/28	DEX	-6	11- / 15-	OCV:  3/9/DCV:  3/9
30	CON	40	15-
20	BODY	20	13-
8	INT	-2	11-	PER Roll 11-
10	EGO	0	11-	ECV:  3
20	PRE	10	13-	PRE Attack:  4d6
6	COM	-2	10-

10	PD	4	Total:  25 PD (15 rPD)
10	ED	4	Total:  25 ED (15 rED)
4/6	SPD	22	Phases:  3, 6, 9, 12/2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12
12	REC	0
60	END	0
50	STUN	0	[b]Total Characteristic Cost:[/b]  110

Run:	20"/40"
Leap:	6"/12"
Swim:	2"/4"

Cost	Powers	END
33	[i]Reflective Plating:[/i]  Missile Deflection (Any Ranged Attack), Missile Reflection, Reflect At Any Target (50 Active Points); Only Works Against Energy Attacks (-1/2)

60	[i]Big Yellow Plates:[/i]  Multipower, 60-point reserve
3u	1)  [i]They Don't Cover Everything:[/i]  Armor (15 PD/15 ED) (45 Active Points); Activation Roll 14- (-1/2), Visible (-1/4)
3u	2)  [i]All Rolled Up:[/i]  Force Field (15 PD/15 ED) (Protect Carried Items), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (60 Active Points); Restrainable (Must Be Able To Curl Up Into A Ball; -1/2), Side Effects, Side Effect occurs automatically whenever Power is used (all atacks against character are treated as if they have the advantage Double Knockback, or they do tripple BODY for knockback purposes if they already have that advantage. ; -1/2)	0
28	[i]Super Ball:[/i]  Running +14" (20" total), Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4), Usable As Leaping (+1/4) (42 Active Points); Linked (All Rolled Up; -1/2)	1
20	[i]Ricochet Rebound:[/i]  Absorption 8d6  (physical, Running), Delayed Return Rate (points return at the rate of 5 per Minute; +1/4) (50 Active Points); Points Fade Immediately If Character Stops Moving (-1), Linked (All Rolled Up; -1/2)
40	[i]Dodge Ball:[/i]  +20 DEX (60 Active Points); Linked (All Rolled Up; -1/2)
2	[i]Bouncing Ball:[/i]  Acrobatics 15- (7 Active Points); Linked (All Rolled Up; -1/2)
15	[i]Bouncing Ball:[/i]  Breakfall 25- (23 Active Points); Linked (All Rolled Up; -1/2)
10	[i]Bouncing Ball:[/i] Knockback Resistance -10" (20 Active Points); Only Reduces Knockback Damage, Not Inches Traveled (-1/2), Linked (All Rolled Up; -1/2)
12	[i]Stubby Clawed Hands:[/i] Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand 1d6 (2d6 w/STR) (15 Active Points); Reduced Penetration (-1/4)	1
6	[i]Can't See A Thing Like This...:[/i] Darkness to Sight Group 1" radius, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (15 Active Points); No Range (-1/2), Only Affects Those Protected By Force Field (-1/2), Linked (All Rolled Up; -1/2)	0
35	[i]...So How Do I Steer This Thing?:[/i] Detect Physical Vibrations  16- (Touch Group), Increased Arc Of Perception (360 Degrees), Range, Targeting

21	+7 with Missle Deflection
15	+3 with HTH Combat
1	AK: USA 8-
3	Combat Piloting 11-
2	Gambling (Sumo Slammers  CCG) 11-
1	PS: Fishing 8-
0	PS: Little League 11-
2	PS: Video Games 11-
1	Survival (Temperate/Subtropical) 8-
4	TF:  Hoverboard, SCUBA, Skateboarding, Two-Wheeled Motorized Ground Vehicles, Two-Wheeled Muscle-Powered Ground Vehicles
3	Tactics 11-

[b]Total Powers & Skill Cost:  320
Total Cost:  430

200+	Disadvantages[/b]
10	DNPC:  Grandpa Max and Gwen 8- (Normal; Useful Noncombat Position or Skills; Group DNPC: x2 DNPCs)
15	Distinctive Features:  Big armored alien with a face in his chest (Not Concealable; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses)
10	Hunted:  Kevin 11 8- (As Pow, Capture)
20	Hunted:  The Forever Knights  8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Capture)
15	Hunted:  Vilgax 8- (Mo Pow, Harshly Punish)
10	Physical Limitation:  Clumsy  (Frequently, Slightly Impairing)
5	Physical Limitation:  Limited Manipulation (Infrequently, Slightly Impairing)
10	Psychological Limitation:  Hates Bullies (Common, Moderate)
10	Psychological Limitation:  Trusting and Naive  (Common, Moderate)
15	Social Limitation:  Secret ID (Frequently, Major)
15	Unluck: 3d6
[b]Total Disadvantage Points:[/b]  135








"Time to Rock n Roll!"




Appearance: Cannon Bolt belongs to a species known as the Arburian Pelarota. He is a hulking white and black skinned alien of roughly humanoid form. At full height he stands just shy of 7', but he’s at least 4' wide at the shoulders. However, he looks even thicker due to his lack of a head and neck. Instead, all of his facial features are built into his chest. His large, black rimmed yellow eyes come out of his pectorals. His massive black lipped mouth full of sharp teeth sits where his abdomen should be. He has no visible ears, but he can definitely hear just fine. He also has no visible nose, just a thick black line running down his face.


Cannon Bolts limbs are thick and powerful. His arms are proportionately longer than his legs. His hands have three stubby fingers and an opposable thumb, each of which ends in a think black claw that appears suitable for digging. He has three similar claws on each foot.


In addition, Cannon Bolt has eight large, round yellow armored plates on his body. Each plate is rimmed with black, is highly reflective and extremely tough. He has one disk on each leg, one on each shoulder and one on each forearm. He also has two larger bands of armor covering all of his upper and lower back. When he wants to get around quickly, Cannon Bolt curls himself up into a big yellow ball. The plates interlock, protecting him from head to toe. It's not exactly clear how he navigates when he's curled up, since his eyes are completely covered by his thick armor. In his ball form, the normally slow and clumsy Cannon Bolt and can roll or bounce about with great speed and agility.


The Omnitrix projects from Cannon Bolts "forehead", which is the same place where his neck would be if he where human.

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Re: Ben 10 (again!)


I was wondering if you'd come back to this. :)


I was just waiting for Season 2 :)


I figured the first episode (Truth) would answer some questions about Max and Vilgax. It answered a few, but there's still some mystery.


I missed the new espiode' date=' what happen in it?[/quote']


There have been three new episodes so far and there will be another on tonight (6/1) at 7pm CST. The schedule is all messed up this season it seems, as they are no longer debuing new episodes on Saturday mornings (looks like Tuesdays and Wednesday nights mostly from here on out).


The basic outline for “The Big Tick†is that a giant alien parasite called “the Great One†crash lands in the middle of Yellowstone National Park, which is of course where Ben and the family are vacationing at the moment. Shortly before it crashes though, Ben tries to turn into XLR8. Instead he ends up with a new alien form that he eventually dubs Cannon Bolt. The alien form is bulky and clumsy and Ben falls over several times just trying to walk around. Ben initially can’t figure out what powers it has (he even does a bunch of hand signs ala Peter Parker in the first Spiderman movie). Eventually he falls over and curls up into a ball, which proves to be a pretty quick way of getting around. Ben zips off to the crash site. Ben happens to think this new form is pretty useless though, since he’s so clumsy and rolling around doesn’t seem so hot. While Ben never says it, it initially seems like there is nothing the new form can do that one of Ben’s other forms can’t do better.


I any event, the Great One has an entourage of three followers, each of whom come from planets that he has been too. In fact, just a week ago he was on the planet that Cannon Bolt’s species comes from. The followers explain that the Great One purified their home worlds. He does this by destroying the planet from within, sucking the life out of it and corrupting it into a living hell in the process. Now he is going to purify the earth. Ben tries to attack in his new form, but one of the followers bats him away into the forest. Ben transforms back and begrudges the watch for giving him such a stupid and usless alien form.


At about this time, we see the corruption that is spreading through Yellowstone. The trees become strange gray tentacles that attack the family and attempt to pull them into the ground. Ben manages to transform into Stinkfly, who over powers the tentacles and flies Max and Gwen to safety. Ben temporarily defeats the followers with a combination of Stinkfly’s powers and his own mad skillz. He then attempts to defeat the Great One, cycling through all of his forms in a short montage. But none of the aliens can put a scratch on the parasite. The followers eventually recover and capture the family. Gwen points out that Ben never tried his new form (and I point out he didn’t try Grey Matter!). Reluctantly, Ben tries the new useless form. He discovers that the yellow disks on his body make great shields and can be used to reflect enemy fire. In the ball form he is well completely armored and can ricochet off things, bouncing and rolling at high speeds to do incredible damage. He takes out the followers again, but he still can’t hurt the Great One. Eventually, Cannon Bolt leaps inside the beast and manages to destroy it from within. The followers now worship Cannon Bolt as the new Great One, but once he reverts to Ben they leave in disgust. Yellowstone quickly reverts to normal and the show ends with Ben cleaning alien puss off the RV.


so.... what is your website? i didn't see it posted and I like the writeups of yours that I've seen so far.


I’d post the link, but there’s really nothing there to look at yet. Hopefully I can get one of my buddies to help me with the web page when he gets back from his honeymoon in a week or two.

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Re: Ben 10 (again!)


I’d post the link, but there’s really nothing there to look at yet. Hopefully I can get one of my buddies to help me with the web page when he gets back from his honeymoon in a week or two.


well, in that case, allow me to offer my services. I can code up pages for you in asp.net 2.0 or (x)html with CSS and Javascript (and I don't mean one of those crummy pages that use tables for layout, my code is effecient). I have free time coming up and can easily build atleast one page per day starting right away and if you don't want a complex site then I could probably code it all this weekend (weekends for me start on fridays).


you provide the content and if you have some desired layouts or look and so forth I can make it work. otherwise I can just put simple formatting and ease of use features in if you don't care about how it looks. the only thing I can't provide for you right now is hosting, but that isn't hard to get.


anyway, so this doesn't get derailed, if you are interested, email me at Insaniac99@gmail.com


edit: just to be clear, I'm not expecting or wanting any payment, I just ask that I'm allowed to point others to your site if they want to see examples of work I've done (I've had one person who didn't like this idea so i though I'd mention it just in case)

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Re: Ben 10 (again!)


Some random thoughts about our new alien:


- He's only been in one episode, so obviously we don't know too much about him yet. Strangely, he's only the second alien race that was given a species name, the other one being Wildmutt (who is a Vulpamancer).


- His short limbs, powerful build, lack of a head and black claws makes me think he might be a subteranean species. He probably needs a claw attack. He might also end up with some tunneling and maybe a vibration sense of some kind. I'm hoping he does cause otherwise....


- I'm not sure how he sees where he's going when he's rolled into a ball, but he's able to function normally.

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Re: Ben 10 (again!)


Well, if a comment made by Grandpa Max was meant to be foreshadowing, he may well turn out to be Ben 100. In fact, one of the upcoming episodes is called "New Alien on the Watch". I'm not sure if that is refering to Cannon Bolt or if Ben unlocks a 12th form. Or it could be something entierly different...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Ben 10 (again!)


Some random thoughts about our new alien:


- He's only been in one episode, so obviously we don't know too much about him yet. Strangely, he's only the second alien race that was given a species name, the other one being Wildmutt (who is a Vulpamancer).


What is the species name?

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Re: Ben 10 (again!)


Some random thoughts about our new alien:


- He's only been in one episode, so obviously we don't know too much about him yet. Strangely, he's only the second alien race that was given a species name, the other one being Wildmutt (who is a Vulpamancer).


What is the species name?


I've seen the episode once or twice, but I can't quite make it out for certain. Vulpamancer was easy (although my brain instantly wondered why they'd be called 'fox wizards' ...). In the episode with the Galactic Enforcers, Fourarms' race is given a name as well, but I've only seen it once and wasn't paying attention.

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