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Amaze the Natives Kit


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this is an item that I originally intended for the Star Hero book, but forgot about, but is covered under the permissions given for it


Amaze the Natives Kit: +2 with a group of similar Skills (10 Active Points); Custom Modifier (effective in low tech cultures only; -1/2), OIF (-1/2)


works with Bribery, Diplomacy, Trading, This kit is contained in a shoulder bag and canister that can be re-used when empty, the canister being sealed for carrying water.


The kit contains a wide variety of simple trade goods and good will offering items including, microchip voice recorders, synthetic gems, small tools, candy, body heat sensitive fabric dye, small steel blades, simple but effective medical preperations, and other inexpensive but impressive goods to be used for trade or good will offerings.


Weight: 10kg

Price: 200 cr

Traveller Tech Level-12, but I dont see why you couldnt find a lower tech version easily enough, with variation in the items found in the kit

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Re: Amaze the Natives Kit


Heh. And you can add an activation roll, with side effect if it fails :"Transform: Amaze the Natives kit to Enrage the Natives kit".


I'll leave the specifics up to you, but I'd recommend a penalty to Bribery, Diplomacy, and Trading of, oh, about -4. :-)

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Re: Amaze the Natives Kit


No, you assemble and modify and pseudo-age some of the stuff from previous tourists' "Amaze the Natives" kits, and create an "Amaze the Tourists with Evidence of an Earlier Advanced Civilization" kit. Then with feigned reluctance and for a high price, sell them the map to where you claim the stuff can be found. The map, of course, actually leads to a dangerously volcanic region of your homeworld..


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary notes that you wouldn't want them to survive to warn the other tourists, would you?

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Guest Schwarzwald

Re: Amaze the Natives Kit


Don't forget to take a camera. Convince the natives you've stolen their souls.


(WARNING: Do not try in cultures that have developed lawyers. If you claim pictures are actually stolen souls and you do it to a lawyer, the natives will know you're lying. Lawyers, of course, have no souls to steal.)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Re: Amaze the Natives Kit


Don't forget to take a camera. Convince the natives you've stolen their souls.


(WARNING: Do not try in cultures that have developed lawyers. If you claim pictures are actually stolen souls and you do it to a lawyer, the natives will know you're lying. Lawyers, of course, have no souls to steal.)


Not true at all. But a lawyer will nail you for likeness/copyright infringement and you will wind up having to pay penalties of up to 300 lbs of cowrie shells (or native equivalent) for that snapshot.

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Re: Amaze the Natives Kit


Amaze the natives kit II: (AKA Carbine)


Weight: 3.1kg

Price: 210 cr


OK, it's 10 cr more expensive than the first kit, but it's only Tech Level-5, it's a third the weight and it *also* works on natives who are not easily impressed. :D


cheers, Mark

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