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Dust Raven

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A blind man walks into a pub and finds himself a seat at the bar, he orders a pint and the barman brings it to him.

He says to the barman “Do you want to hear a good dumb blonde joke?”

The barman says “Look mate, I know you can't see, but I'm six foot seven, and I'm an ex pro wrestler and I'm blonde. The guy sat to your left is my mate John who's an ex heavyweight boxer and he's blonde. The guy on your right just got out of prison for beating four guys half to death and he's blonde. Also sat at the table just behind you are two special forces guys on leave and both of them are blonde. So do you still want to tell your dumb blonde joke?”

And he says “Nah, not if I'm going to have to explain it five times.”

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1 hour ago, Pariah said:

I was driving down the street the other day when I saw my ex walking nearby.


It's amazing how the phrase "I'd hit that" can have vastly different meanings at different points in one's life.


I dated a girl (Jennifer) back in college.  She dumped me, rather harshly... and then began dating my friend (who was my roommate while I was dating her).  Then she dumped him, same way.  (Refused to talk to him or even acknowledge his presence, wouldn't even say they were done, just pretended he didn't exist.)  About a year later, they started dating again (guess he was a glutton for punishment) but then after a while she dumped him again.  


A few months after *that* he told me, "Oh, by the way, I ran into Jennifer the other day."


I replied, "Let me guess.  You had to drive over the curb and through a hedge, but you got her anyway."


Strangely, he didn't find it nearly as amusing as I did.

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A guy shows up for work on Monday with a black eye.  His co-worker asks what happened.


"Well, I was in church yesterday, sitting in the pew behind the pastor's wife.  She is a big woman, and when we stood up, I noticed that her skirt was wedged into her cheeks.  Well, I didn't want her to be embarrassed by that, so I pulled the skirt out, and she turned around an slugged me.  I guess I learned my lesson."


The following Monday, the guy comes into work with his other eye black and blue.  He co-worker asks what happened this time.


"I was sitting behind the pastor's wife in church, and when we stood up, her skirt was hanging free and clear.  Well, I knew she didn't like it that way, so I tucked it back in between her cheeks, and she slugged me again!"

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