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Dust Raven

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There once was a very rich man. Unfortunately he got cancer. He spent a fortune trying to find a cure but unfortunately it was not to be. Near his final days, he ended up in the hospital as the family was called in to say goodbye.

The old gent asked for two things. One was he wanted to die in his own bed, not in the hospital. Of course that could be arranged.

The second was that he wanted as much money as could be put into cash to be put into giant bags to put over his bed. So as he passed away, he could grab a couple on the way up to heaven. As soon as he said this, his wife asked everyone to leave and the entire staff of the hospital could hear them screaming at each other for over an hour.

When it all calmed down, the wife said “Fine, we will do what he said, he won’t listen to reason!” So, the dying wish was fulfilled. So much cash was put in the attic that they had to re-enforce the ceiling over the bed.

One night, the man passed away. And, his adult children quickly rushed upstairs to check on the cash. But the mother didn’t move. After several hours, her children came down and told him that father had not managed to grab even a single penny from the horde.

The mother just sighed and said, “I know. I told the fool to put it in the basement.”

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A duck was standing at the side of the road, waiting for an opportunity to cross. Just as he was about to go, he was stopped by a chicken. The chicken said, "Don't do it, man. You'll never hear the end of it."

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