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Dust Raven

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Three traveling salesmen were driving down a country road one day when their car broke down. They walked a few miles to a local farmhouse and knocked on the door. The farmer opened the door and said, "What is this, some kind of a joke?"

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Two ditch diggers (Joe and Fred) are at work, digging away in the hot sun and grousing about the work. 


"Hey," says Joe.  "Why is it the supervisor is just standing up there, not doing anything, while we're doing all the work?"

Fred shrugs.  "I dunno.  I'll go ask him."  So he climbs out of the ditch, walks up to the supervisor, and asks him, "How come you're just standing there while we're doing all the work?"

The supervisor smiles and says, "Intelligence."


Fred looks confused.  "What do you mean by that?"


The supervisor holds his hand directly in front of a nearby fence post.  "I'll show you.  I want you to punch my hand, as hard as you can."  And as soon as Fred takes a swing, the supervisor pulls his hand away, causing Fred to punch the fence post, hurting his hand.  The supervisor chuckles and says, "Intelligence.  I have it; you don't"


So Fred climbs back down into the ditch.  Joe asks him, "What did he say?  Why is he up there, and we're down here?"


"Intelligence," says Fred. 


"What do you mean by that?" asks Joe.


"I'll show you."  And Fred puts his hand directly in front of his own face.  "I want you to punch my hand, as hard as you can..."

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  • 2 weeks later...

A Polish farmer is ploughing his field when he hits an obstruction in the soil - a dirty old lamp. He picks it up and rubs it to clean it off, and a genie appears in a puff of smoke.


"Thank goodness you found my lamp I was getting bored," says the Genie. "I will grant you any three wishes you desire."


The farmer thinks and thinks and finally says: "I want the Mongols to invade Poland... and then go home."


The genie looks confused, but he shrugs, and snaps his fingers, and the Mongols invade. They rampage through the country, looting and pillaging... and then they go home.


"OK," says the genie, "that was your first wish. What else do you want?"


"I want the Mongols to invade Poland again... and then go home."


The genie sighs. "Fine, it's your wish, I guess." He snaps his fingers again, and the Mongols return. They set the farmhouse on fire, and steal the chickens, and then they go home.


"And what is your final wish?" asks the genie.


"I want the Mongols to invade Poland again, and then go home," says the farmer without hesitation.


So the Mongols invade once again, and steal everything that isn't nailed down. They steal the farmer's old wife, and his plough, and rough him up a bit, and then they leave.


As they are both standing in the smoking, ransacked ruins of the farmhouse, the genie says: "OK, I have to know. What the hell was that about? You could have wished for anything in the whole world, and you had the Mongols invade your own country three times, and totally destroy it. Why?!"


The farmer looks very pleased with himself. "Well, you see, in order to invade us three times and go home, they had to go through Russia six times!"



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