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Dust Raven

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Re: Jokes


Well' date=' I tried to find a way to get multiple element puns into the same post, but then realized that would only compound the problem....[/quote']


What, you think you're some kind of Einsteinium, do you? What will it take to Curium you of this disease? And before you reply in anger, I suggest you to bite your Tungsten.

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Re: Jokes


An oldie but, well, not necessarily a goodie, but at least it's a joke and not a pun.


A glue salesman's car breaks down in a terrible rainstorm, and he trudges through the rain to a nearby farmhouse to phone for a tow truck. However, he's told that due to the weather, they can't get a truck to him until the next morning. The farmer tells the salesman he can stay the night, but that he has to stay away from the farmer's beautiful 17 year old daughter. And to make sure the salesman keeps his distance, the farmer scatters several dozen eggs across the floor of the girl's bedroom. "If I see any of these eggs broken when I check them the next morning," he says, "I'll know you were in here, and I'll go get my shotgun and blow your **** off."


The salesman goes to bed, but the daughter is so beautiful that he can't resist at least peeking in her room. So he tiptoes down the hall and cracks open her door. She's sitting on her bed in a flimsy nightgown, smiling at him and motioning him in. He can't resist, so he tries to sneak over to her bed without breaking any eggs. In his eagerness, however, he manages to break more than a few.


After an hour or two of mindless passion, the salesman is catching his breath when he notices the broken eggs. Realizing what will happen when the farmer gets up the next day, he thinks quick, then sneaks back to his room for his glue samples. After cleaning up the egg whites and yolk on the floor, he spends the rest of the night gluing the broken egg shells back together before sneaking back to his room.


That morning, the farmer "wakes" the salesman and goes to check on his daughter. Seeing all the eggs still scattered across the floor (and after making a quick count to ensure that none are missing), the farmer compliments the salesman on his restraint and offers to have his wife cook the salesman some breakfast before the tow truck arrives. The farmer then collects the eggs and takes them downstairs.


The salesman is sitting at the kitchen table, across from the farmer, when the wife takes one of the egg cartons just brought down and selects a few eggs. She cracks the first one open, to discover nothing at all inside. The salesman tries to maintain a nonchalant appearance, but inside he's terrified.


The wife cracks another one, and this too has nothing inside the shell. The salesman is starting to sweat, and it's taking all his control to keep from shaking in fear.


After the third egg is cracked open, also completely empty, the wife turns to her husband. "Honey," she says angrily, "that dang rooster is shooting blanks again!"

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  • 3 weeks later...

Re: Jokes


The manager of a large office noticed a new man one day and told him to come into his office. “What is your name?” was the first thing the manager asked the new guy.


“John,” the new guy replied.


The manager scowled, “Look, I don’t know what kind of a mamby-pamby place you worked at before, but I don’t call anyone by their first name. It breeds familiarity and that leads to a breakdown in authority. I refer to my employees by their last name only – Smith, Jones, Baker – that’s all. I am to be referred to only as Mr. Robertson. Now that we got that straight, what is your last name?”


The new guy sighed and said, “Darling. My name is John Darling.”


“Okay, John, the next thing I want to tell you is…”

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Re: Jokes


Coming into the bar and ordering a double, the man leaned over and confided to the bartender, “I’m in such a bad, BAD mood!”


“Oh yeah? What happened?” asked the bartender politely.



“See, I met this beautiful woman at lunch, and she invited me back to her home. We stripped off our clothes and jumped into bed and we were just about to make love when her stupid husband came in the front door. So I had to jump out of the bedroom window and hang from the ledge by my fingernails!”



“Gee, that’s tough!” commiserated the bartender.



“Right, but that’s not what really got me aggravated,” the customer went on.



“When her husband came into the room he said, ‘Hey great! You’re naked already! Hold up.’ Then, he went to the window and coughed up some spit and spit it right out the window, right on to me!”



“Yeech!” the bartender shook his head. “No wonder you’re in a lousy mood.”



“Yeah, but I haven’t told you what really, really got to me. Next the husband said ‘Toilet still broken Honey?’ Then the jerk took a leak right out the bedroom window! Right onto my head!”



“Well, that sure would put a damper on anyone’s day! You must have felt like a real peon.”



“Well sure, but I haven’t told you what really, really, REALLY got to me. Next, I had to listen to them grunting and groaning up there, with the sun beating down on me, hanging on for dear life. It was terrible.



“Damn, that really is a drag!” says the



“But you wanna know what REALLY, REALLY, REALLY got to me? When I finally looked down and saw that my feet were only SIX inches off the ground!”

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Re: Jokes


How is being a wanted terrorist like being a Sockeye salmon?































Life is great until the SEALs show up.




I didn't come up with it, but wish I did.

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  • 2 weeks later...

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