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I think I broke Hero System.


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Re: I think I broke Hero System.


Okay' date=' I got it. Only this time, for [b']real!


[/b]Summon: 15 Point Character: Molecular Anomoly (3 points)

Molecular Anomaly:

2d6 Aid, Summon and Other Power, Simultaneously (+1/2), Some -1 Limitation (-1), Standard Effect (-0). Real Cost: 15


Adds 6 Points to the summon, which adds 4d6, which adds 12 points to the summon, which adds 8d6, which adds 24 points to the summon, which adds 16d6, which adds 48 points to the summon, which adds 32d6, which adds 96 points to the summon, etc.

Your "Molecular Anomaly" (hereafter "Molly") needs a sharply decreased fade rate. All summoned critters are Stunned and disoriented when they first appear, and need a full Phase to recover; note that Molly has a SPD of 2 (nothing spent on DEX nor SPD) so you'll be waiting a while. Further, the character will have to persuade Molly to use that Aid, or win a Skill vs. Skill Roll with EGO, taking up another Phase (at the character's SPD, but then Molly has to act on its next Phase).


Then there's getting rid of one Molly to allow the next, bigger one to be summoned---a character can only have present the max number of critters he can Summon, and your build allows only one. So, your character either has to persuade or coerce Molly to go home, or Dispel/Suppress his own Summon out of existance. And all that time, the Aided points are fading.


I'd have to sim it out to be sure, but I don't think your going to get ahead that way. ;)

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Re: I think I broke Hero System.


Basil - in your first example you forgot that 1 die is capped at 3points max and will never ever reach 30 points.


Actually, Basil also overstates the AP cost. Since Aid is already 0 END by default, 1d6 will only cost 25 AP, not 30 AP.


The problem still exists, however. You can only Aid those two powers to a maximum of the amount which can be rolled on the dice, so your Aid can raise itself and, say, your EB by 6 points. Having raised that Aid 6 points, it's now 31 (25 + 6) AP. Dividing that by 2.5 (the various advantages), that's 12.4 points or about 1 1/4d6, not enough to raise the limit.


Alternatively, it's 6 points/2.5 x 2 = +4.8 to the Aid maximum, with no increase to the dice. That will take longer to reach its potential maximum, but not that much longer. Once you've added 30 points, that has increased your MAX by 30/2.5 x 2 = 24 points. Added to the 6 point max from your 1d6 Aid and you have increased your EB (and your Aid) by 30 AP. Now you're maxed out.

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Re: I think I broke Hero System.


BTW' date=' the Two Powers Simultaneously Advantage should take a Limitation because one of the Powers is required to be this Aid.[/quote']


While this is not true by the book, it does highlight the fact that "can vary which powers are affected" should be segreagted from "increased number of powers affected". To be able to Aid (for example) any one fixed characteristic is no advantage. To be able to change that one statistic is a +1/4 advantage. To be able to select and vary any two statistics is a +1/2 advantage. But to be able to change a specific, invariable two statistics is also a +1/2 advantage, implying that there's no greater benefit to being able to Aid, say, Ego and Int than there is to be able to Aid any two characteristics.

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Re: I think I broke Hero System.


Then there's getting rid of one Molly to allow the next' date=' bigger one to be summoned---a character can only have present the max number of critters he can Summon, and your build allows only one. So, your character either has to persuade or coerce Molly to go home, or Dispel/Suppress his own Summon out of existance. And all that time, the Aided points are fading.[/quote']


Why don't we give Molly a Side Effect on her Aid that will kill her by the time she max'es it out? If we're going to be cheesy, be cheesy!

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