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Re: Ben 10


Upgrade is turning out to be pretty challenging ot build. The versatility of his upgrade powers makes him a modified gadget pool style VPP user, but he also has several neat and expensive abilites in his base form. I'm trying to keep him around a relativly balanced point cost, but he's potentialy one of the most expensive forms so far.


As for a crossover, I don't think it will happen, though I'd love to see it! They may all air on Cartoon Network, but Teen Titans and JLU are both owned by DC. So those shows can technically cross over. Ben 10 seems to be set in it's own world, though admitedly a world that seems to react farily well to the sudden appearance of super heroes and aliens. As far as I know, DC has nothign to do with the Ben 10 universe, though Man of Action consists of four guys that have written for DC in the past, so who knows :)

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Re: Ben 10


YES!! That what I was trying to say.

Upgrade is more of a...... Cosmic pool than a gadget pool

of cource you have to remember, not all chacters can be the same cost, try and make batman and ya be pulling out your hair with the equipment cost the lair cost, agents, contacts...ect

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Re: Ben 10


Also' date=' the Ben 10 tv.com site is pretty good. I've pulled a few quotes off it and some of the "Look Hard" trivia facts are things I hadn't really noticed.


That's because we're all watching the tapes, over and over...


I mean, Oh? Really? do tell! although, one caveat: they are all user-submitted, and occasionally the mod lets an error creep in. It's irritating.


Are you going to rate the villains as well?


RE: Crossovers - In an interview, one of the CN people mentioned that Ben 10 was going to be in the CN universe (newly forming) - that there was the Marvel universe, the DC universe, and now, the CN universe. (hmm. :) )

I hope that person with the vision wasn't one of the ones who just left.

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Re: Ben 10


Hell if Static Shock can cross universes' date=' then as long as WB is the ultimate parent company, let the crossovers begin! BTW, I still love this show.[/quote']


Quite true. Static Shock and the DCU were different setting in the beginning, though Milestone comics was a DC imprint. Similarly, Ben 10 is (I believe) owned by Cartoon Network, who are in turn owned by AOL Time Warner, so yeah it's entierly possible that it could happen somewhere down the line. So far, no direct indication of that though.


YES!! That what I was trying to say.

Upgrade is more of a...... Cosmic pool than a gadget pool

of cource you have to remember, not all chacters can be the same cost, try and make batman and ya be pulling out your hair with the equipment cost the lair cost, agents, contacts...ect


Well, I'm not saying it's an actual "gadget" pool like a utility belt or a such, just that it's kinda a gadget pool style setup, since it's based on technology and requires a Focus of some kind.


Since I'm working on Upgrade, I'll probably post him next, so you can see how I did the VPP. It does currently have the Cosmic advantage, but is not a exactly a Cosmic Power VPP, since he is limited to imaginative upgrades performed though technology.

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Re: Ben 10


(rereading stats) huh...

Ben will too hit girls. Just not if he wildly outclasses them, as he would then be the bully and that would set up a tragic cognitive disconnect...


The Cartoon Network superhero universe...er, hasn't been born yet. With Sam Register gone, there may be a problem. I was going off the information in this January 06 Wizard interview. However, Sam stepped down since that was written.

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Re: Ben 10


Honestly that disadvantage and Ben's "Fear of Clowns" are kind of place holders for now. They are character traits that we have seen from him briefly, but which may not end up being core parts of his persona.


That's why I put them both down as Moderate intensity. It's not a crippling flaw and is something he can get past pretty easily if he needs to. But a situation that will give him pause and is a good oportunity for role playing.


He may have completly conquered his fear of clowns, as Gwen was unable to frighten him at the end of "Last Laugh". But I reserve judgement until I see him fight Zombozo or some other super clown again ;)


Similarly, he's only fought a few girls: Joey/Rojo, the girls in Joey's biker gang and Frightwig.


Lets look at the Joey and gang fight: Ben goes Fourarms in response to a bunch of bikers, all of them wareing helmets. While they had powerful energy blasters, he was not under the impression that he was fighting super powered opponents. He was, however, under the impression that he was fighting men! As soon as found out the bikers were all women, he stoped fighting and stammered something along the lines of "I don't wanna hurt ya", at which point Joey shoots him in the back.


Later, Gwen hits him in the arm. Ben hits her back, saying that it's ok cause he's not in hero mode. But those seemed to be playful (if painful) tags in the arm. I know plenty of guys that were raised not to hit girls that would still give a charlie horse or noogie to an annoying sister.


I'll have to rewatch the episode, but he did seem to try to take it to Rojo when he was Heatblast (he blew her up), XLR8 (laid into her with a flurry of kicks) and Upgrade (never uleashed the positronic blast, but did toss her around and hit her with exercise equipment). But at that point, he was fighting an obvious superhuman that was bent on his distruction.


Still, during that final fight, after he uses Upgrade to revert Rojo back into Joey he doesn't finish her off because she's all "I'm just a girl!". She knows his reluctance to fight girls and he lets his guard down. Again, Joey almost shoot him with a blaster. Fortunatly, Gwen is there to flying kick Joey into la la land. In the next episode (Last Laugh), he does fight Frightwig, but she's also an obvious supervillian with powers of her own, so he takes it to her.


Now that I've said all that, I think we probably agree here more then I initially realized. Perhaps I should just reword that one to "Heroes don't hit girls".


Oh well, work in progress and all that. I'll probably change it all when I post Upgrade in a day or three.


Thanks for the comments by the way. Everyone. I want these writups to be the best that I can make them and it really does help to get different points of view :)

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Re: Ben 10


Minor corrections on the speedy lizard. He has three fingers not two. They are spaced triangularly around the arm end or that's what it looked like to me. He also has used that big tail to attack on at least one occassion. Big old twist and thwack on someone.

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Re: Ben 10


You are correct about his fingers. At the time when I wrote that, I really hadn't seen very much of him and the only pic I had of him showed his hand in a closed position at an angle that only displayed two digits. Personally, I'm still trying to figure out if the balls/wheeels on his feet are supposed to be attached or if he just grips them with his toes and/or friction control power.


As for the tail, he used it to whack Rojo good in the "Alliance". I immediatly gave him a +3d6 HA, with Double Knockback :) That same episode convinced me to increase his defenses somewhat. He took a pretty good beating at her hands.


I'll be posting Upgrrade tonight and making quite a few little changes to the previously posted character sheets as well.

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Re: Ben 10




Val Char Points Total Roll Notes

25 STR 15 25 14- HTH Damage 5d6 END [2]

14 DEX 12 14 12- OCV 5 DCV 5

18 CON 16 18 13-

15 BODY 10 15 12-

8 INT -2 8 11- PER Roll 11-

10 EGO 0 10 11- ECV: 3

20 PRE 10 20 13- PRE Attack: 4d6

10 COM 0 10 11-



5 PD 0 5/15 5/15 PD (0/10 rPD)

4 ED 0 4/10 4/10 ED (0/6 rED)

4 SPD 16 4 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12

9 REC 0 9

36 END 0 36

37 STUN 0 37

6" Running 0 6"

0" Swimming -2 0"

5" Leaping 0 5" Total Characteristics Cost: 75


Cost Powers END


24 Living Machine: Armor (10 PD/6 ED) 0


45 Ensnarement: Entangle 4d6, 4 DEF (Stops Sight Group), Entangle And Character Both Take Damage (+1/4), Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4), Area Of Effect (8" Any Area; +1) (125 Active Points); Feedback (character takes all damage done to break out of Entangle by victim or anyone else; -1), No Range (-1/2), Cannot Form Barriers (-1/4)


Notes: So far, the biggest target Upgrade has used this power on was a large pickup truck, which he was able to cover completely inside and out. However, he may be able to merge with even larger objects. 5


55 Metamorphic Bio Machine: Multipower, 55-point reserve


1u 1) Mold To Surfaces: Clinging (normal STR) (10 Active Points); Cannot Resist Knockback (-1/4)


Notes: Upgrade has only used this power once; to hang from a celing and get the drop on Rojo. 0


4u 2) Semi-Solid Form: (Total: 45 Active Cost, 45 Real Cost) Physical Damage Reduction, Resistant, 50% plus Energy Damage Reduction, Resistant, 25% 0


3u 3) Liquid Metal Form: Desolidification (affected by corrosives and electricity), Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4) (50 Active Points); Cannot Pass Through Solid Objects (-1/2) 2


2u 4) Assume The Merged Form: Shape Shift (Sight, Hearing, Touch and Radio Groups, any shape), Instant Change, Costs END Only To Change Shape (+1/4) (55 Active Points); Only To Assume General Features Of Ensnared Technology (-1), Linked (Ensnarement; -1/2) 4


30 Positronic Bio Circuitry: Elemental Control, 60-point powers


24 1) Positronic Energy Blast: EB 8d6, LOS (+1/2) (60 Active Points); Beam (-1/4) 6


15 2) Short Circut: Dispel 5d6, Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4), Cumulative (60 points; +3/4), all Technology powers simultaneously (+2) (60 Active Points); No Range (-1/2), Linked (Ensnarement; -1/2) 3


13 3) Merge With Tehnology: Mind Control 8d6 (Machine class of minds), Telepathic (+1/4), Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4) (60 Active Points); No Range (-1/2), Linked (Ensnarement; -1/2), Does Not Provide Mental Awareness (-1/4) 2


87 Upgrade Technology: Variable Power Pool, 50 base + 37 control cost, Cosmic (+2) (125 Active Points); Linked (Ensnarement; -1/2), Powers Must Be Derived from Ensnared Technology (-1/4), Limited Class Of Powers Available Slightly Limited (Technology; -1/4)



9 +3 with Positronic attacks

2 Gambling (Sumo Slammers CCG) 11-

1 PS: Fishing 8-

2 PS: Video Games 11-

1 Survival (Temperate/Subtropical) 8-

5 TF: Hoverboard, SCUBA, Skateboarding, Two-Wheeled Motorized Ground Vehicles, Two-Wheeled Muscle-Powered Ground Vehicles

1 Tactics 8-

1 AK: USA 8-


Total Powers & Skills Cost: 325


Total Cost: 400


200+ Disadvantages

15 DNPC: Grandpa Max and Gwen 8- (Normal; Group DNPC: x2 DNPCs)

15 Distinctive Features: Large Organic Metal Alien (Not Concealable; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses)

10 Hunted: Kevin 8- (As Pow, Capture)

20 Hunted: The Organization 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Capture)

15 Hunted: Vilgax the Space PIrrate 8- (Mo Pow, Harshly Punish)

5 Physical Limitation: Only Sees In Shades of Green (Infrequently, Slightly Impairing)

10 Psychological Limitation: Hates Bullies (Common, Moderate)

10 Psychological Limitation: Trusting and Naive (Common, Moderate)

15 Social Limitation: Secret ID (Frequently, Major)

15 Susceptibility: EMP, 3d6 damage Instant (Uncommon)

10 Vulnerability: 2 x BODY Acids and Mental-corrosives (Uncommon)

20 Vulnerability: 2 x STUN Electricity (Common)


Total Disadvantages Points: 160


Quote: "Ugh! Do not touch the electrical guy when you're made of living metal."


"Now this won't hurt a bit... I lied."


Appearance: Upgrade is large, smooth looking humanoid composed of viscous liquid metal and bio circuitry. He has no visible joints and seems to bend, twist and squeeze his body in any manner he needs. While he does walk and run normally, when he moves rapidly he seems to almost flow in the direction he wishes to go. His disproportionately long arms end in large hands, each of which has three fingers and an opposable thumb. His legs look rather short and stubby by comparison, especially given the fact that his feet are little more then toeless nubs. Upgrades coloration is patterned after Ben’s favorite t-shirt. The inner portion of Upgrades arms and hands, as well as the front of the body and legs, are white. The back of his legs, the outer portion of his arms, his head and his shoulders are black. The black portion of his body is highlighted with a pattern of green circuitry. While Upgrade does not have conventional ears and has no visible nose or mouth, he can clearly hear and speak just fine. In the center of his face is a single ring of green circuitry. This ring allows Upgrade to see, though only in shades of green. The ring also flashes yellow when he speaks, sometimes changing shape to indicate emotion or facial expressions. Unlike all the other alien forms Upgrade shares Ben's voice, though it sounds distorted as if Ben were speaking through an intercom. The Omnitrix is visible from the center of Upgrades chest.


When upgrade merges with a piece of technology, he flows over it, covering it entirely with his liquid metal body and bio circuitry. As such, all objects he merges with assume his general color pattern, have a ring of circuitry for an eye/mouth and have the Omnitrix sticking out of them somewhere. While Upgraded is merged with a device he will often makes significant changes to its structure. These changes never interfere with the basic abilities of the device. Most often, Upgrade removes any features that he no longer needs. For example, while merged with a motorcycle, Upgrade might remove the handlebars, seat cushion and windshield. However, these changes are not permanent and when he disengages from a given object, it resumes its previous form.

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Re: Ben 10


Minor nitpick, but I think that it's not white for Upgrade's inner portions, but a light grey. But I haven't been able to see most episodes of Ben 10 yet...


Still, love what you've done to Upgrade. Can you drop a copy of the HD file in my PM? I'd like to make a few changes to it to make it a stand-alone emergency character.

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Re: Ben 10


I'll send you a copy of him after I finish my final update. He displyas a few interesting new tricks in the last episode that will probably bump him up another 20-30 pts.


And he is white, but many times they color him grey if it's dark out or if he's in shadow. They do the same thing with most of the characters that have white on them, including Ben.

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Re: Ben 10


Ok, now that it's aired, here's some things that we have learned from the season finale:


- Granpa Max is still a mystery. He's just a mystery with gobs know how and advanced/alien tech now.


- Vilgax is now HUGE and physically very powerful. He looks to be as tall or taller then Fourarms, is posessed of massive strength, a large amount of knockback resistance and lots of leaping. His armor is so tough that Diamondhead actully shattered his previously "indestructable" arm blades trying to damage him. This is to say nothing of his vast resources, army of followers, and vehicles. Definitly master villian level. This is all presuming that he lived ;)


- The Omnitrix can be turned off. Vilgax knows how, Ben still probably does not. I'll probably write that up as a Dispel on Vilgax's character sheet for now.


- When the Omnitrix gets super charged, Ben is able to change from one alien form to another. But, it was totally random. I'm pretty sure that this was just a temporary thing and that, at the beginning of the next season, it will go back to status quo. These random shifts in form were not accompanied with the notrmal bright flash of green light.


- Heatblast is MUCH tougher then I give him credit for. He got tossed through five or six buildings an, while he took some stun, he was definitly ok. Heatblast demonstrated a fariety of nexw tricks: melting the concrete to make an entangle, throwing "blades" of fire, making flaming melee attacks.


- Diamondhead also has some new tricks up his sleve: he grew a large crystal formation to lift a criminal off the ground. Not sure how to do this one yet. Maybe some tuype of Tk with Physical Manifestation.


- Upgrade merged with Gwen's computer two different ways. The first time, he was in the computer (Desol) and seemed to appear on the screen. The computer however, looked normal until his face showed up on the screen. After that he melded with it normaly (Entangle/ Shapeshift/VPP combo). While merged with it, he was able to read files on it (possibly Telepathy or maybe just some basic computer skills). Later, he demonstrated that he is perhaps a great deal stronger then I give him credit for, as he tackled Vligax with a move through. He also demonstrated the ability to glide.


- XLR8 is also a lot tougher then I previously gave him credit for. He attempted a massive move through on Vilgax which did NO knockback. While he definitly hurt himself, he was up and fighting very quickly, so I'll need to up his defenses and REC a bit more. They also seemed to imply that XLR8s fingers are supposed to be sharp claws, as he attempted ato stab Vilgax with them.


EDIT: just noticed that the XLR8 part of my post got cut off last time. weird.

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Re: Ben 10


They have been taping season 3 since February '06, so there are 39 episodes paid for so far.


The Cartoon Network site says Max used to be in the Army - one can surmise some sort of Special Ops. And there are little hints that other members of the family know more than they are letting on to the youngest generation.


About the crystal formation that blew out the tires of the getaway vehicle - wouldn't that be based off the shield ability the other d-head alien demonstrated in Hunted? At the time I thought Diamondhead had tunneled underground and was sticking up a hand (sounds stupid now) but perhaps he can grow a crystal line out from his body. Kind of like a spider plant with its offspring.

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Re: Ben 10


About the crystal formation that blew out the tires of the getaway vehicle - wouldn't that be based off the shield ability the other d-head alien demonstrated in Hunted? At the time I thought Diamondhead had tunneled underground and was sticking up a hand (sounds stupid now) but perhaps he can grow a crystal line out from his body. Kind of like a spider plant with its offspring.


Heh. I thought the same thing at first. "Cool, he stuck his hand through the road."


So far I've been operating under the idea that for Diamondhead to grow and morph his crystal formations, they need to be a part of him at the time. He hasn't demonstrated the ability to, say, fire a volley of crystal shards and have them change shape in flight or anything. So yeah, I'm kind of assuming he can grow crystal "roots" or "shoots" of some kind and then morph them while they are some distance away from him (but still attached)


As for him blowing out the tires, I may be able to link that directly to the Crystal Shield power. Previously I had that written up as strictly defensive, but Secrets[\i] shows that I may need to change that.

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Re: Ben 10


Upgrade can use Gliding by stretching and flattening his body, although it may have Limited Movement like a parachute.


And since nobody has mentioned it...


Ghostfreak pulls open his chest and displays the horrors that lurk within. We're not quite sure what those horrors are yet, but they include multiple black and white striped tentacles. It was sufficiently ghastly to scare an evil soul-sucking clown into submission.


This would seem to be a joking reference to Beetlejuice.

"Can you be scary?"

"Can I be scary? What do you think of this?"

-Tentacles emerge from his face while his back is to the camera, terrifying the Maitlands.


And when the same stunt was used in the later Beetlejuice cartoon, the tentacles had black and white stripes.


I guess the deciding factor will be if he ever does it again.

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  • 1 year later...

Re: Ben 10


I have a thing to say: i you wonder about ghostfreak, my pal and i seen in a later episode(next season i guess) that ghosfreak escapes the watch(he then said some nerdy stuff) and took of that ''skin'': he has an upside-down weird skull,gray skin(little darker than grey matter) and creepy long claws. It also becomes clear that he did a mistake taking of that skin: he can't go out on sunlight ''naked''.

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Re: Ben 10


Actually, this is an old thread. I started a new one during Season 2, which can be found here:




That said, I haven't updated everything from seasons 2-4. I've got most of it on my hard drive, I've just been too busy (or lazy) to put it up on the forums.


Oddly, I was just working on the writeup for Ditto, Ben's newest alien form (and by new, I mean we got to see him as of last night).

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