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Ben 10


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Ben 10 is a new show on cartoon network that debued this morning. It's about the three month summer vacation of ten year old Ben Tennyson, his brainy cousin Gwen and their strange and mysterious Grandpa Max.


On the first night of their road trip, Ben sees a shooting star. This shooting star turns out to be an alien artifact known as the Omnitrix. The device crashes to earth and attaches itself to Ben's arm. After finding out that he cannot get it off, Ben discovers that he is able to use it to assume the form of ten different alien heroes. Ben intends to use his newfond powers for good. Or, at least untilvacation ends ;)


What Ben doesn't know is that the Omnitirx only crashed to earth after the space ship that was carying it was shot out of the sky. The alien that atacked that vessal wants the Omnitrix. Badly.


They showed back to back episodes today. Oddly, they showed episodes 1 and 3.


My kids and I were rather taken by this show, so I intend to have a little fun with it by turning Ben 10 into a Champions character.


I'll try to update this thread every Saturday after they show new episodes. For now, here's a rough outline of Ben.

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Re: Ben 10


Benjamin "Ben 10" Tennyson


Val Char Points Total Roll Notes

6 STR -4 6 10- HTH Damage 1d6 END [1]

14 DEX 12 14 12- OCV 5 DCV 5

8 CON -4 8 11-

8 BODY -4 8 11-

8 INT -2 8 11- PER Roll 11-

10 EGO 0 10 11- ECV: 3

5 PRE -5 5 10- PRE Attack: 1d6

12 COM 1 12 11-



2 PD 1 2 2 PD (0 rPD)

2 ED 0 2 2 ED (0 rED)

3 SPD 6 3 Phases: 4, 8, 12

3 REC 0 3

16 END 0 16

15 STUN 0 15

5" Running -2 5"

2" Swimming 0 2"

1" Leaping 0 1" Total Characteristics Cost: -1


Cost Powers END


57 The Omnitrix (aka the watch): Multiform (400 Character Points in the most expensive form) (x10 Number Of Forms), 1 Recoverable Continuing Charge lasting 10 Minutes (+0) (100 Active Points); Gestures (Requires both hands; Must turn dials and press buttons; -1/2), Extra Time (Full Phase, Only to Activate, -1/4) [1 rc]


Notes: The Omnitrix does not take the Focus Limitation, as it appears to be bonded to Ben in a somewhat permenant manner. While the Omnitirx normally transforms Ben for 10 minutes, it has on occasion transformed him for slightly shorter or much longer periods of time. It's unclear at this time how long the Omnitrix actually needs to recharge, as the time seems to vary somewhat. It is suggested that the watch remain powered down for at least 10 minutes. Ben has never been able to take the same form twice in a row (though he has tried). It's unclear if this is an actual limitation on the Omnitirx or merely a coincidence.


14 Blinding Flash of Transformation: Sight Group Flash 4d6, Trigger (Activating the Trigger is an Action that takes no time, Trigger requires a Turn or more to reset; Activating the Omnitrx; +1/4), Personal Immunity (+1/4), Explosion (+1/2), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (50 Active Points); No Conscious Control (-2), No Range (-1/2) 0


Notes: Whenever Ben activates the Omnitrix, there is a bright explosion of green light. It sufficiently bright that Gwen and Max have to cover their eyes and look away. There is a similar red flash of light when Ben transforms back to normal, but it is apparently not as bright.


29 Omnitrix Safeguards: EB 8d6, Trigger (Activating the Trigger is an Action that takes no time, Trigger requires a Turn or more to reset; If Anyone Other then Warer Tampers With Omnitrix; +1/4), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Double Knockback (+3/4) (100 Active Points); No Conscious Control (-2), No Range (-1/2) 0


Notes: This security measure was seen when Kevin attempted to remove the Omnitrix from Ben's wrist. The Omnitrix suddenly glowed as if it were recharged, and then unleashed a large blast of green energy that sent Kevin flying. This feat is doubly impressive since Kevin was imbued with the power of Fourarms at the time.


7 Whoa! Cool!: +15 PRE (15 Active Points); Only to Defend Against Fear based Presence Effects (-1)


Notes: While Ben might freak out a bit the first time he sees an alien, monster or superior physical threat, he doesn't run, cower or back down.


15 Better to be Lucky then Good: Luck 3d6


Notes: I figure this is half the reason he's made it this far



3 Just Some Kid: Anonymity



6 Combat Luck (3 PD/3 ED)



10 I can dodge harpoons, laser beams and giant hamsters!: +2 with DCV

2 Gambling (Sumo Slammers CCG) 11-

1 PS: Fishing 8-

2 PS: Video Games 11-

1 Survival (Temperate/Subtropical) 8-

5 TF: Hoverboard, SCUBA, Skateboarding, Two-Wheeled Motorized Ground Vehicles, Two-Wheeled Muscle-Powered Ground Vehicles

1 Tactics 8-

1 AK: USA 8-

Total Powers & Skills Cost: 154


Total Cost: 153


200+ Disadvantages

10 Accidental Change: Sometimes gets stuck with the wrong form! 11- (Uncommon)

15 DNPC: Grandpa Max and Gwen 8- (Normal; Group DNPC: x2 DNPCs)

10 Hunted: Kevin 8- (As Pow, Capture)

15 Hunted: The Organization 8- (As Pow, NCI, Capture)

15 Hunted: Vilgax the Space PIrrate 8- (Mo Pow, Harshly Punish)

10 Psychological Limitation: Hates Bullies (Common, Moderate)

10 Psychological Limitation: Trusting and Naive (Common, Moderate)

10 Social Limitation: Minor (Frequently, Minor)

15 Social Limitation: Secret ID (Frequently, Major)


Total Disadvantages Points: 110


Background/History: Ben Tennyson was once an ordinary ten-year-old boy. While on a camping trip with his Grandpa Max and his cousin Gwen, he saw a shooting star. Running off into the woods to investigate, Ben discovered that the shooting star was actually an alien artifact that looked like some kind of wristwatch. When he approached the object, it animated and attached itself to his arm. After freaking out and yelling a bit, he tried to pull and pry it off, but to no avail.


Ben soon discovered that the device had several buttons and a dial with ten settings. Thinking that the right combination might allow him to remove the device, Ben started tinkering around. In the process, he discovered that the device allowed him to turn into an alien. And not just one alien, but ten different ones, each with cool new powers. He promptly decided to use his newfound powers to become a hero, at least until summer vacation ends.


What Ben doesn't know is that the device is called the Omnitirx. It's apparently a one of a kind prototype and it transforms him by injecting him with alien DNA. The Omnitrix crashed to earth when Vilgax the space pirate destroyed the vessel that was carrying it. Vilgax wants the Omnitrix badly and will stop at nothing to get it back from Ben. However, for now he must rely on his minions to retrieve the device, as he was grievously wounded in his last attempt to capture it.


Personality/Motivation: A generally kindhearted and brave boy, Ben wanted to help people even before he got powers. Now that he can actually make a difference, he's just as happy as could be. However, he's still learning to use his powers in a responsible manner. He's only recently learned that being a hero should be it's own reward, and that he shouldn’t expect fame, fortune or favors as a result of his heroic efforts. A thank you from time to time would be nice though!


Ben's a pretty typical ten year old American male. He has a bit of a mischievous streak, especially towards his "geeky" cousin Gwen. He's used the Omnitrix to play pranks on her and others on occasion. He's also used the device for personal gain, such as using Grey Matter's small size to look for the hidden prize in a boxes of cereal or using XLR8's speed to do chores. He once hung a pair of children by their underwear, but they were bullies that totally had it coming.


Quote: "Look, if I can figure this thing out, maybe I can help people. I mean, really help them, not just, you know, make things worse."


"Time to go hero!"


Powers/Tactics: Ben can use the Omnitrix to assume the forms of ten different alien heroes, each with separate strengths, powers and weaknesses. While Ben's appearance and voice change, he retains all his memories and personality.


Normally, Ben can only remain in a given form for ten minutes at a time.


So far, Ben has not figured out how to change from one alien form to another, nor can he end a transformation prematurely. The Omnitirix flashes red and beeps loudly to alert him when it's "battery" is running low. He often ends up reverting to his human form at inconvenient time, such as while flying back to the camper or running at top speed across the surface of a lake. Luckily, he's mange not to hurt himself... so far.


It's unclear exactly how long the Omnitrix takes to recharge or even how it recharges.


It's also not clear at this point if the Omnitrix is sentient or if it is merely programmed with protocols that Ben doesn't comprehend. Frequently it has changed Ben into an alien form he didn't select, but which ultimately proved to still be useful. Other times it has cut his transformations short or extended them for hours. It's even defended itself from direct attack on one occasion. The Omnitrix seems to have a mind of its own sometimes, and that mind seems determined to turn Ben into a true hero. Ben just thinks the watch is prone to malfunction, not realizing that it malfunctions most often when he is using it in an inappropriate manner.


Ben and others have been unable to remove the Omnitirx. The alien mercenary Hoverboard has explained that the device is bound to Ben on a genetic level. It likely cannot be removed without extensive surgery. At least, not while Ben is still alive.


Appearance: Ben is a Caucasian male with short brown hair and bright green eyes. He wares a strange looking "watch" on his left wrist. He dresses in lose green pants, a black and white shirt and wares black and white gym shoes. He's a bit short for a ten-year-old boy.





Ben keeps a cardboard box full of trophies taken from the various foes he has defeated. In the episode "Lucky Girl", we saw that the box was getting quite full. However, like a typical super hero, he doesn't actually use any of these confiscated items. This option allows Ben to have access to those items should he need them, so long as he can get to the RV where he keeps them stored.


+75 Ben's Box of Souvenirs: Variable Power Pool (Gadget Pool), 60 base + 15 control cost, (90 Active Points); (All Powers Must Take At Least a -1/2 Worth Of This Limitation; -1/2), VPP Powers Can Be Changed Only In The RV (-1/2)


Notes: To date, Ben has never been shown to use any of the trophies he's collected. Gwen, however, did use the Luck Charm for a short while.


0 1) Hoverboard: Flight 12", Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (36 Active Points); OAF (-1) Real Cost: 18


Notes: This item was a gift from the alien mercenary/bounty hunter of the same name. When not in use, it folds down to a more convenient size.


0 2) Dr. Animo's Transmodulator: Summon 150-point Giant, Mutated Animals, Loyal (+1/2), Expanded Class of Beings (+1/2) (60 Active Points); OAF (-1), Requires Normal Animal Subject (-1/2) Real Cost: 24


Notes: This was Ben's first trophy. It's not clear if the Transmodulator works anymore, since Stinkly was kinda rough with it


0 3) Luck Charm: (Total: 60 Active Cost, 40 Real Cost) Luck 4d6 (20 Active Points); IAF (-1/2) (Real Cost: 13) plus +4 Overall (40 Active Points); IAF (-1/2) (Real Cost: 27) Real Cost: 40


Notes: Gwen destroyed this item and the other four Charms of Bazell. It is included here merely as an example power.

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Re: Ben 10


Ok...lets try this again...If it shows up twice....:ugly:




They showed back to back episodes today. Oddly, they showed episodes 1 and 3.


I caught the origin episode and one entitled (as I recall) 'Washington B.C.'

late last night during a rebroadcast of the Friday night lineup. Not sure if

that episode ('Washington B.C.') is the second episode or not....


My kids and I were rather taken by this show, so I intend to have a little fun with it by turning Ben 10 into a Champions character.


I'll try to update this thread every Saturday after they show new episodes. For now, here's a rough outline of Ben.


I like the show quite a bit myself...I especially enjoyed at least one sly

reference to popular culture with the sea captain character being named

Shaw...As in Robert Shaw who played Quint, the shark hunter, in the movie



I look forward to both more episodes and your updates. :thumbup:

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Re: Ben 10


I saw the final part of Ben 10's origin, and Washington B.C. last night.


Ben, on vacation, is traveling around with his grandfather and cousin in a camping vehicle, some kind of Winnebago. This gives the show a retro Shazam feel. Ben is also not sure how to operate the Omitrix at first, or exactly what it's powers are, so it also has a bit of The Greatest American Hero vibe going too. Plus, it appears Ben has some growing and learning to do this vacation, so there's often a moral involved, and what more there are hints that Grandpa may have been a hero himself at some point.


Overall, the show is pretty good. It's not Teen Titans, but it may be at least as good as Juniper Lee.

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Re: Ben 10


They showed Washington BC last night? Washington BC is episode 2. I'm kinda ticked that I missed that :( Which alien forms did he use in that one?


I personally think Grandpa Max might be some kind of retired government agent, but he could well be a retired superhero too.


Also, here's an interview with some of the creators:



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Re: Ben 10


I'm just glad Grandpa Max has a decent survival instinct.


Were Ben and the girl not cousins and Ben not still in elementary school, their dynamic would be downright scary how close they would be to a classic "couple-in-denial". As it is, it looks like it will simply develop into a very close but G-rated friendship. (Well, maybe PG -- but just for the language they use).


This is a concept that cries out for meta-plot of the sort that a Satruday Morning cartoon series cannot deliver.


What I am curious about is what would happen is another Omnitrix gets to Earth, which gives its user access to a different saet of ten forms, and it falls into the hands of another child (boy or girl) who does not share Ben Tennyson's sense of right and wrong -- who uses it to fulfill their desires, which spiral into ever darker goals.

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Re: Ben 10


They showed Washington BC last night? Washington BC is episode 2. I'm kinda ticked that I missed that :( Which alien forms did he use in that one?




Four Arms

Gray Matter (but not to actualy fight anyone)


Ben also demonstrated some mad skills of his own in Washington, B.C.

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Re: Ben 10



I like the show quite a bit myself...I especially enjoyed at least one sly

reference to popular culture with the sea captain character being named

Shaw...As in Robert Shaw who played Quint, the shark hunter, in the movie



I look forward to both more episodes and your updates. :thumbup:


Holy guacamole! I enjoy an inside joke or reference as much as the next guy, bit I would never have made that connection. Nice catch!

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Re: Ben 10


...I personally think Grandpa Max might be some kind of retired government agent' date=' but he could well be a retired superhero too....[/quote']


I agree. My kids and I were talking about this over lunch yesterday after watching the show. In Episode #1 Grandpa Max explains to Ben how to use a backfire to stop a fire and also identifies the HEatblast form as "an alien". The kids say "what?" and Max stutters out, "well of course he is, look at him" Plus the guy drives that winnebago like a pro and eats exotic foods from around the world. Max is definitely more than a normal old grandpa.


Also it might be that the Omnitrix recognized Max's DNA in Ben and that was why it chose him as a suitable host...OK that might be reaching, but who knows.


In any event a cool show so far.

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Re: Ben 10


Some Trivia:


In something that is not at all unusual in animation, Ben Tennyson is played by an adult woman. Tara Strong is one of the more prominent American voice actors -- she's familair as Raven in Teen Titans, Omi in Xiaolin Showdown, Bubbles in The Powerpuff Girls and Timmy Turner in The Fairly Oddparents.


Grandpa Max is played by Paul Eiding, best known as the voice of Roy Campbell in the Metal Gear Solid video game series.


One of the prinicipal writers on Ben 10 is Joe Kelly, a Marvel and DC veteran whose credits include Green Lantern: Legacy -- The Last Will and Testament of Hal Jordan and 2004's Space Ghost mini-series (an attempt to reutrn the much-satirized character to his space-opera roots).

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Re: Ben 10


Just wanted to point out that Upgrade is seen in the commercials for it; apparently he's some sort of technological metamorph (note that he turned himself into a Hummer in the very ad, which was a clip of a later episode.) I actually like this one; once you've gotten a write-up for him, I'll be stealing it for when I need a "disposable" hero quicklike.

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Re: Ben 10


Yeah, I have a basic idea of what all of them can do from the website and from here:




But I still want to see them in action.


I'm sure a lot of the actual HERO system stuff will come down to me going "well, this would make sense". For example, Fourarms has four eyes, so that say enhanced vision to me. Similarly, Ripjaw hasn't actully used the anglerfish like lure on his head to produce light, but my writeup for him will probably assume he can...

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Re: Ben 10


Haven't seen the cartoon, but I went to check out the website. I have to say, this sounds very cool. Heatblast has a very nice visual design. And it gets major kudos from me for not falling into the 'we can't let grandpa know' trap.


How much of a geek am I?: I immediately thought of my druid from WoW while reading the descriptions. :o

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Re: Ben 10


What I am curious about is what would happen is another Omnitrix gets to Earth, which gives its user access to a different saet of ten forms, and it falls into the hands of another child (boy or girl) who does not share Ben Tennyson's sense of right and wrong -- who uses it to fulfill their desires, which spiral into ever darker goals.


Hmmm...Well, given that there is a sort of anime feel to the show (at least slightly...older, wise figure with potentially mysterious past guiding young hero with a smart mouthed female friend...etc....) it could follow that

a 'Gyver-esque' nemesis could show up. If not in the series,

at least in a game setting....:D



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Re: Ben 10


Ok, from what I have seen of episodes 1-3


Forearms: extra limbs, Super strength(threw a wooly mamoth), high levels of PD (probably resistant), extra reach and KB resistance based on permenant large size, lots of leaping. Has 4 eyes (+perception for sight?).


Stinkfly: Fast, agile Flight. Low level super strength, can project goo from mouth or eyes for entagle, EB or Swinging. 2 arms, 4 legs, and allegedly sharp stinger in tail. also has 4 eyes that acn apparently rotate independently (I'm thinking 360 for sight group).


Diamondhead: Virtually invulnerable (lots of Hardened PD/ED, possibly DR), can grow crystal projections of various shape and size, which cut things quite effortlessly (HKA Damage shield and probably an AP,HKA). He also grew cleats (Knockback Resistance, Cost end). Is able to reflect energy beams (Missle Deflection, only vs Energy)


Heatblast: Immune to fire and heat (limited armor, 75% DR). Fairly strong (crushes a car door like it was nothing) and probably decent PD due to stone like skin. Has fire for hair and constantly radiats enough heat to ignite flamables on contact (was burning the campers seat while he was sitting in it). Demonstrated ability to project various fre/heat attacks, including beams of cutting flame (AP or Penetrating RKA/EB). His big "fireball" attack riquires him to gesture with both hands. Also learns how to absorb fires by episode 2 (Dispell) and uses a colum of flame to safely transport himself and two others out of a burning building (not sure what travel power to use fo r this yet. Maybe gliding or TP).


XLR8: Despite allegedly not being very strong, was able to carry three people while running at super speed. Fast Flight, only in contact with surface (top speed between 300 and 500 MPH and has demonstrated ability to run on water). Has a tail, but it's only used for balance. Hands have limited manipulation (only 2 fingers). Uses Autofire Kicks and a super speed Change Environment to rapidly clean up campsight. Costume has a face shield that he puts dwon while running (Self contained breathing and Flash defense?). Also can run in a circle to create a whirlwind/vortex/vacume effect.


Ripjaw: like most of the forms, seems fairly strong, whirling around an anchor and chain with ease. Can breath air or water. Has legs for moving around on land, but changes them into a fish like tail so he can swim faster. Has claws and a powerful bite attack. Can leap out of the water like a dolphin. The lure on his head does shed a little light actully (Images, only for light). Has large eyes that may have enchanced vision.


Grey Matter: Haven't actully seen any evidence of an intelligence boost, as all he did was open boxes of cereal. Seems to get around by hopping like a tree frog and may be able to cling to walls. Is not a shrinker, as he is always 5" tall (+8 DCV, Concealment and Stealth). Has large, frog like eyes (+ perception, nightvision, microscopic?)


Wildmutt: Blind, but with enough hightened sense to compensate. Targeting for Hearing (possible Sonar), Tracking for smell. Very high dex, leaping, running and swinging (brachiating). May have clinging or atleast a very good climb skill. Definitly has acrobatics and probably some stealth. Haven't seen him use the quils, but he has used his teeth and claws.


Ghostfreak: Has not been shown yet.


Upgrade: has not been show yet

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Re: Ben 10




Val Char Points Total Roll Notes

50 STR 40 50 19- HTH Damage 10d6 END [5]

10 DEX 0 10 11- OCV 3 DCV 3

35 CON 50 35 16-

25 BODY 30 25 14-

8 INT -2 8 11- PER Roll 11-/15-

10 EGO 0 10 11- ECV: 3

25 PRE 15 25 14- PRE Attack: 5d6

8 COM -1 8 11-



20 PD 10 20 20 PD (20 rPD)

20 ED 13 20 20 ED (20 rED)

4 SPD 20 4 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12

17 REC 0 17

70 END 0 70

68 STUN 0 68

6" Running 0 12"

2" Swimming 0 2"

10" Leaping 0 30" Total Characteristics Cost: 175


Cost Powers END


6 Four Armed Combatant: +2 SPD (20 Active Points); Activation Roll 11- (-1), Only to Punch (-1), Costs Endurance (-1/2) 2


4 Four Eyes, too: +4 PER with Normal Sight 0


41 Four Armed Fury: Multipower, 62-point reserve, (62 Active Points); all slots Restrainable (-1/2)


2u 1) Four Handed Thunderclap: Hearing Group Flash 8d6, Hole In The Middle (+1/4), Does Knockback (+1/4), Explosion (-1 DC/3"; +1) (60 Active Points); No Range (-1/2), Extra Time (Full Phase, -1/2), Restrainable (-1/2)

Notes: We haven't actully seen Fourarms use this stunt yet, but it's part of his Wiki profile. 6


3u 2) Ring The Bell: EB 10d6, Side Effects (Side Effect only affects the environment near the character; May Cause Considerable Damage to Environment; +0), Only Does Knockdown, Not Knockback (+0), Indirect (Always from Below; +1/4) (62 Active Points); Extra Time (Full Phase, -1/2), Restrainable (-1/2), Only Affects Targets on the Ground (-1/4) 6


3u 3) Mighty Throw: EB 10d6, Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4) (62 Active Points); OIF (Object of Opportunity; -1/2), Restrainable (-1/2), Range Based On STR (-1/4)


6 Heavy: Knockback Resistance -3" 0


33 Jump Good!: Leaping +20" (30" forward, 15" upward) (Accurate), Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4) (33 Active Points) 1


12 Long Legs: Running +6" (12" total) 1


6 Not Just a Clever Name: Extra Limbs (2), Inherent (+1/4) (6 Active Points) 0


4 Reach: Stretching 1", Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (7 Active Points); Always Direct (-1/4), no Noncombat Stretching (-1/4), No Velocity Damage (-1/4) 0


12 This is Easy!: Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4) (12 Active Points) applied to STR


20 Tough Red Hide: Damage Resistance (20 PD/20 ED) 0



9 Ambidexterity (no Off Hand penalty)



15 Four Armed Fighting: +5 with Punch, Grab and Disarm

15 Fancy Four Armed Fighting: +5 with Four Armed Fury

2 Gambling (Sumo Slammers CCG) 11-

1 PS: Fishing 8-

2 PS: Video Games 11-

1 Survival (Temperate/Subtropical) 8-

5 TF: Hoverboard, SCUBA, Skateboarding, Two-Wheeled Motorized Ground Vehicles, Two-Wheeled Muscle-Powered Ground Vehicles

1 Tactics 8-

1 AK: USA 8-

Total Powers & Skills Cost: 204


Total Cost: 379


200+ Disadvantages

15 DNPC: Grandpa Max and Gwen 8- (Normal; Group DNPC: x2 DNPCs)

15 Distinctive Features: Big red four armed alien (Not Concealable; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses)

5 Enraged: In combat (Uncommon), go 8-, recover 14-

10 Hunted: Kevin 8- (As Pow, Capture)

20 Hunted: The Organization 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Capture)

15 Hunted: Vilgax the Space PIrrate 8- (Mo Pow, Harshly Punish)

5 Physical Limitation: Large (12' tall. -2 DCV and others are +2 on their PER Rolls to percieve him) (Infrequently, Slightly Impairing)

10 Psychological Limitation: Hates Bullies (Common, Moderate)

10 Psychological Limitation: Overconfident (Common, Moderate)

10 Psychological Limitation: Trusting and Naive (Common, Moderate)

15 Social Limitation: Secret ID (Frequently, Major)

10 Unluck: 2d6


Total Disadvantages Points: 140


Quotes: "You are going down, Peanut!"


"You want to be king, get ready to be crowned!"


Appearance: Fourarms is a 12-foot tall alien with bright, smooth red skin. He has four massively muscular arms, one set of which is located directly under the other and he gets around on two long, powerful legs. Each of his hands has three fingers and an opposable thumb, while each foot has only two toes. Fourarms has two large yellow eyes, with a smaller pair located directly underneath them. He has no body hair at all, not even eyebrows, but does have a thick black line running from the back of his neck to where his nose should be. He has another similar black rectangular marking on his chin. Though he has no visible ears, he can definitely hear. Fourarms’ costume is modeled after Ben's t-shirt. The top is a tight whit shirt with only one pair of short sleeves, which leaves Fourarms second pair of arms completely bare. A black stripe runs up the center of both the front and back of the shirt. Black rings surround the collar and the ends of the sleeves. These circles are connected by a black stripe that runs up the length of Fourarms shoulder. Fourarms wares two pairs of black fingerless gloves. His tights are also solid black and leave his feet bare. The Omnitrix is visible from the shoulder of his top-left arm.

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Re: Ben 10


Really fun show!


Does anyone else think that it seems Grandpa Max knows an awful lot more than he's letting on? It seemed pretty clear to me when he recognized Heatblast as an alien instantly (not a monster, and he corrected his granddaughter when she called him one). There've been lots of other little tidbits along the same lines, just not as overt. Any theories?

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