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Need a really good Martial Artist Build


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Any one have a really good Marshal Artist build? I need her to have very low to no armor, and no force field but have a good defence. Main attack to be Ninja Cat Claws, killing attack. I need her really tweaked out and with say 20 extra experience. I can do the disadvantages.


Any help would be greatly approached, As a PDF, TXT, or Hero Designer 2 file



Msg me for my email.


THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!

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Re: Need a really good Marshal Artist Build


Wait, are you looking for a martial art, or a character build construct for a Marshal/Law Enforcer? I don't mean to sound like a picky *** over grammar, but my answer would've been to construct a martial art, using "Cat Claws" as the HKA, and include dodges, blocks and evades with a grapple or two. Greywind interpreted your question very differently, which is where I'm getting a bit baffled.


Can you clarify the question?

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Re: Need a really good Marshal Artist Build


Thia, I tend to be rather literal when it comes to the words people use. He asked for a "marshal" when the rest of his request indicated that he wanted a "martial artist", so I gave him both. It comes from a keen interest in reading and language and it annoys me when people don't use the proper word.

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Re: Need a really good Marshal Artist Build


If you want "good" defenses without armor or force fields, it sounds like you want some flavor of Combat Luck, which gives you "armor" based on the "just missed me" effect or dodging ability. A high DCV will help too. Of course there is only so far you can reasonably go with dodging damage and it won't help against area effect attacks. You might also look at Damage Reduction bought as a blow-slipping ability (same special effect as combat luck really, just a different mechanic).


You might also consider a high SPD so she can block and use Missile Deflection a lot. If you can't afford the SPD, you can buy "Super Blocking Ability" built as +20 PD/ED Armor, only works if total defenses aren't exceeded (-½).


Does she have any other abilities? If she has any mental powers you can buy +5 PD/ED, not vs. opponents with Mental Def, defined as a subconscious Mind Control "pull your punch". Or even +5 PD/ED, Req. Seduction roll, "I'm too beautiful to hit".


Hope this helps.


"The rich scare me. They can already evade taxes." - Grim Reaper

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Re: Need a really good Marshal Artist Build



I want a female MA, whose primary weapon is cat claws. For protection has light to no armor (no force field at all). Also no mental abilities (thank you Ockham's Spoon adding that question).


Can any one help me put together a VERY tough MA? My attempts have been fairly weak. I would have thought that class would have been tougher, I need this character VERY tough for the points.

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Re: Need a really good Marshal Artist Build




Is the aim:


1. Have a character they are really not going to be able to hit/hurt much?


2. Have a character that can hit/hurt them a lot/


3. Both of the above?


Here's a nasty little chap called Red Fist.


Basically a 350 point MA with three features I probably would not let a PC have:


1. A very nasty attack: 3d6 HA NND (Does BODY) - basically he can punch htrough anything but energy barriers - his fists (or cat claws) literally disintegrate matter. Some sort of CHI power, perhaps. If this is too myuch, you can spend the 35 points on +8 DC and +1 level with MA, and then he can do a base 11d6 attack + MA damage bomus (up to 15d6)


2. A very impressive defence: +20/20 pd/ed on 14- defined as 'rolling with the punch' - not invulnerability by a long chalk but will prevent most hits being a one-shot.


3. Unhittable - when you want him to be: forgetting the MA bomuses he has a base DCV of 10 from his 30 DEX and 6 combat levels, for a martial dodge DCV of 21 - obviously if you want to you can assign all his levels to OCV and they can at least hit him then...


He could quite easily take down a team, which is why you need to play him - he should act rationally and intelligently but make the odd explaoitable mistake (unless you WANT him to take down the team....)


Really a very simple build (took less than 5 minutes to produce), but very effective. You might want to put in a few special defences to round him out. Didn't even bother with skills, but there's scope (he is a combat monster - he could loose a few points and not miss them) Don't know if it is the kind of thing you are looking for?



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Re: Need a really good Marshal Artist Build


Buy 60pts worth of Combat Luck - that'll make her tough. Of course, she's still "normal" and can be killed easily by surprise or when asleep. So load up on Danger Sense and either Lightsleep or Life Support: Doesn't Sleep.


Next, give her loads of martial arts damage classes. Specify they use Cat's Claws, but don't buy them as a Power - it's a special effect, and is never taken away from her. Don't forget to add in some ranged attack, like shuriken.


Then make sure she's got loads of movement. Superleap is good, but don't forget limited Flying - Only when able to bounce off stuff.


She'll need a sense that no one can block or cloud with images - try N-Ray Vision, not tied to any sense group. It'll cost a lot, but it'll be worth it to always "see" and never be flashed.


Use the rest of your points for defenses against every possible attack: 1pt of invisible Armor & FF (for those nasty NNDs), Power Def, Mental Def. Season with Life Support, and you are good to go!

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Re: Need a really good Marshal Artist Build


Slight re-design - now has 30 points allocated for skills (in addition to martial arts) of your choice and a slightly reduced cat claw attack (now only a 4d6 NND Does BODY when STR added in).


Oh, and one touch I quite liked - made the CS levels cost END, so (s)he probably doesn't have them on max that much.

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Re: Need a really good Marshal Artist Build



I want a female MA, whose primary weapon is cat claws. For protection has light to no armor (no force field at all). Also no mental abilities (thank you Ockham's Spoon adding that question).


Can any one help me put together a VERY tough MA? My attempts have been fairly weak. I would have thought that class would have been tougher, I need this character VERY tough for the points.


Can you give us campaign details? Number of points, Active Point limit, Genre (Heroic, Street Level, Supers). [sean assumed supers. I don't normally do supers but I have a boatload of Heroic level characters].


What are campaign limits for SPD, Dex, Str etc.... I can build an Iron Fist level martial artist or a Karate Kid (LSH) level martial artist and both are bad monkeys but Iron Fist doesn't hold a candle to KK... see what I mean.

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Re: Need a really good Marshal Artist Build


Hey Sean,


The 4D6 No normal defence is a tough attack. I never thought about doing that. WOW

Was your thought to use the combat levels as the main defence for her?


This is VERY close to what I wanted, I have to just figure out the full spread sheet. THANK YOU!!!!!!


Do you have Hero Designer?

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Re: Need a really good Marshal Artist Build


I started to build this character and see that the "Does Body" is considered a broken power. My characters are usually very clean without any unbalanced or broken abilities.


How does the average player View a NND that does body. DO you think it is acceptable because the high probability that some one might have a Force field? Is this powered too broken to use?


If you do think that is a totally broken power then should I use the NND as her primary MA attack (stun only) to stun them, then HTH Killing attack as the high damage to finish off the fight?

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Re: Need a really good Marshal Artist Build


NND means any number of things, primarily that if you have the defense, you take no damage from it. NND does Body isn't all that broken - what Sean's build suggests (if'n I read it right) is that any sort of Force Barrier stops this cold - hence, lots of people will have defense, but almost no normals will at all. That makes the attack extremely lethal.


Without being able to give you raw numbers, I'd build a Martial Art for her that goes something like this:


- 4d6 NND (Force Barriers)

- Dodge (abort +4 DCV)

- Block (abort +2 OCV)

- Lacerate (must follow Block, 4d6 Strike, AP? - I don't know if you can fit all that on a martial manuever)

- Cat's Grapple (Joint lock)

- Go for the Juggular (2d6 NND(2))

- Twists Like a Cat (+X STR to Escape Only)


See if that helps. Sorry I don't have UMA open to give you the costs, but that should at least cover some basics.

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Re: Need a really good Martial Artist Build


Just a note after the fact... Armor is a Power, and inherently invisble so..


you could easily buy a lot of the Armor Power defined as "Knows how to roll with the punches" and the character could still not have any "armor" on.


NND + Does Body = Very Evil Effect, talk it over with the GM before using it.

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