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A Thread for Random Videos

Super Squirrel

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Re: A Thread for Random Videos


CANKIRI, Turkey - (Video) Like a cheap prop in a low-budget Godzilla movie, a building primed with explosives, rolled over onto its roof, instead of collapsing in a heap of rubble.


The attempted demolition nearly became a tragedy when the 82-foot tall building rolled over, but refused to play dead, stopping just short of nearby, occupied apartments.


Demolition experts had primed explosives to make the 81-year-old former flour factory collapse into itself, to make way for a shopping center.


Instead, once explosive charges were detonated, the building, largely intact, broke free of its foundation, fell onto its side and then rolled over, stopping in a cloud of debris and dust, bottom side up.


Amazingly, there were no casualties.





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Re: A Thread for Random Videos


Video: The Guild - Do You Want To Date My Avatar


Damn, Vork raps! Zaboo had to be editted with cut scenes but Vork looked like he nailed it.


Oh, and the Guild chicks are awesome. Best self-promotional campaign I've ever seen. Good luck to them all.

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Re: A Thread for Random Videos


Slow Loris Tickling:




It seems unnecessarily cruel to ever stopping petting a slow loris.


The slow loris is, I've heard, the only poisonous primate known to exist...


"Slow lorises can produce a toxin which they mix with their saliva and use as protection against enemies. Mothers will lick this toxin onto their offspring before leaving them to search for food. The toxin is produced by glands on the insides of their elbows - the brachial region. The lorises suck it into their mouths and deliver it when they bite or lick."
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