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Creating Fire


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I want to create a spell for a fantacy game that starts a fire. It is suppose to be a very minor spell, that only works on things that can be lit on fire (So if it helps think of it as a "If you applied a torch for as long as you cast the spell for it would have the same effect)

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Re: Creating Fire




Create Fire


Major Transform 1d6 (Air to Fire) (15 Active Points); Extra Time (Full Phase, -1/2), Incantations (-1/4), Gestures (-1/4). Total Cost: 7 points.



An effect of 1-3 creates a small fire that lights kindling, torches, etc. An effect of 4-6 creates a strong fire that lights thicker objects.

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Re: Creating Fire


While I agree with you.. the reasoning behind the RKA is that fire hurts, and CE doesn't allow for damage.


But, yes Change Environment is a very good alternative build.

But a RKA is instant and the concept of creating a fire isn't an Instant effect. For this reason, Transform is the only power that does it.

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Re: Creating Fire


But a RKA is instant and the concept of creating a fire isn't an Instant effect. For this reason' date=' Transform is the only power that does it.[/quote']



Change Environment is a Constant Power. And it can do damage at a rate of 1 pip for 5 pts.


So 10 active points for a CE 1 hex 1 pip damage. Apply appropriate limitations as desired.

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Re: Creating Fire


Change Environment is a Constant Power. And it can do damage at a rate of 1 pip for 5 pts.


So 10 active points for a CE 1 hex 1 pip damage. Apply appropriate limitations as desired.


And Change Environment has Adders to make it Long Lasting, or even Permanent with GM permission.


OTOH the UNTIL Superpowers Database builds this effect as a RKA 1 point, Continuous, Uncontrolled (stopped the way fires normally are), Sticky (only affects flammables; +1/4), 0 END. The writeup adds more Modifiers to customize it, but I don't want to transcribe all of Hero Games's IP. For what you want to do, though, those are the pertinent stats.

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Re: Creating Fire


But a RKA is instant and the concept of creating a fire isn't an Instant effect. For this reason' date=' Transform is the only power that does it.[/quote']

Hitting a flammable object should ignite it, I don't get hung up on "mechanics" here - you use your fire powers on some curtains expect a fire.


Change Environment is a Constant Power. And it can do damage at a rate of 1 pip for 5 pts.


So 10 active points for a CE 1 hex 1 pip damage. Apply appropriate limitations as desired.

I've gotta go reread CE, ddnt know it caused damage. In that case CE also works perfectly.


Call it an either/or choice.

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Re: Creating Fire


I'm with Ghost Angel here. It's a damn fire. Hit a flamable object with hot enough flame for a few seconds, and it should catch fire. Demanding anything more complicated than an ED EB or KA with a Fire SFX for this is the same kind of silliness that has people statting out spoons.

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Re: Creating Fire


1 Pip RKA vs ED; Object must be flammable; (appropriate Spell Advantages and Limitations for the Campaign At Hand)


Yup. Fire SFX should ignite flammable objects. CE also seems logical, not to inflict damage but just to ignite flammable objects. CE has the advantage that you don't have to target and hit the scroll that wizard is carrying.

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Re: Creating Fire


Well' date=' to get ridiculed a little, I do not like the RKA method for one reason, the power is not ment to be used as an attack power normaly, as imagined it is for starting camp fires, torches and the like.[/quote']

Then I'd use the CE Power. It's an equally valid construct IMO, I just choose RKA because that seems a logical choice to me.


But you say it's not to be used as an attack power normally. Which indicates it may be used as one in an emergency, or as a last ditch option. For which you'll want some abilityto do damage and a small fire spark of 1 Pip does that.


CE has a damage option to it as well. So there you are. It's HERO - choose the one you like. :)

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Re: Creating Fire


5th Edition Revised Page 137:

Although Change Environment and Transform have some similarities, there are important differences between them. Change Environment creates relatively subtle effects over a large area, and its changes are rarely permanent or long-lasting. Transform creates a drastic change in a very limited area, and its effects often last for a long time.
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Re: Creating Fire


5th Edition Revised Page 137:


Change Environment can have it's duration extended up to effects that are permanent, and the damage done by CE does not vanish when you turn the power off. It works for starting a bonfire.


Or, if you run a campaign where you can light a fire with a fire SFX attack, you can stick to anything that does a body or so of Fire damage.

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Re: Creating Fire


I don't have a problem with RKA as long as it is 1d6 Killing, Uncontrolled because Page 445 defines a Torch flame as doing 1 Pip on the edge to 1d6 K in its center. Mimicing the effect and giving it uncontrolled is fine for simulating a torch effect.


However, I do have a problem with Change Environment. Fire is not an environmental condition and while Change Environment may create a long lasting change that remains in effect even after ended it is going against the nature of Change Environment. For starters, a 1 Pip K is only simulating the effects of the edge of a torch, not a full fire. Yes, you can have Change Environment do damage, but to create the desired effect you are stepping beyond the intended purpose of CE.


When I made the choice to use Transformation, it was because it made the most sense logical. The spell was not meant to be an attack. It was meant to be a way for a spell caster to create a natural flame using magic. Transform Air to Fire is because without a fuel source present, the fire will die almost immediately.

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Re: Creating Fire


I don't have a problem with RKA as long as it is 1d6 Killing, Uncontrolled because Page 445 defines a Torch flame as doing 1 Pip on the edge to 1d6 K in its center. Mimicing the effect and giving it uncontrolled is fine for simulating a torch effect.


However, I do have a problem with Change Environment. Fire is not an environmental condition and while Change Environment may create a long lasting change that remains in effect even after ended it is going against the nature of Change Environment. For starters, a 1 Pip K is only simulating the effects of the edge of a torch, not a full fire. Yes, you can have Change Environment do damage, but to create the desired effect you are stepping beyond the intended purpose of CE.


When I made the choice to use Transformation, it was because it made the most sense logical. The spell was not meant to be an attack. It was meant to be a way for a spell caster to create a natural flame using magic. Transform Air to Fire is because without a fuel source present, the fire will die almost immediately.



I have no problem with your choice to use Tranformation. That's a perfectly valid construct.


For my own part, I am not going to write up a match as a Sticky 1 Pip RKA Uncontrolled Yadda Yadda linked to Images (for the light), Change Environment (for the heat) and several hundred Aids and Transformation attacks with very specific conditions for each (to cook food, boil water, temper metal, etc, etc). There comes a point as a GM where you have to apply common sense. "It's a match. You can start a fire with it."


In my campaigns, so long as you cause some fire or heat damage to something flamable, it probably catches fire. You can do that with anything that causes such damage, including Change Environment.


As to what Steve writes, I like his work. He constantly mentions the importance of using Common and Dramatic sense to interpret the rules.

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Re: Creating Fire


I don't see what's the problem with CE. It can do damage over an area, and the effects of damage do not disappear, but must be healed normally just as any other type of damage.


And Transforms have an obvious limitation that there must be an un-transform condition.

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Re: Creating Fire


Transform or RKA, the point difference is so minimal as to make no never mind. SFX should cover the rest. Myself, I let any power with a heat SFX start a reasonable fire. My wizard character routinely starts fires with a 1 pip fireball.

Remember, you aren't getting something for nothing. Someone has to go and gather wood, kindling, set up a stone ring or whatever.


Keith "Keep it Simple" Curtis

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Re: Creating Fire


I don't see what's the problem with CE. It can do damage over an area, and the effects of damage do not disappear, but must be healed normally just as any other type of damage.


And Transforms have an obvious limitation that there must be an un-transform condition.

That's why I use Transform Air to Fire instead of Transfer Kindling to Fire. Fire can be put out by throwing water on it, smothering it, etc. You can turn Fire back into Kindling.

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Re: Creating Fire


I'm with Ghost Angel here. It's a damn fire. Hit a flamable object with hot enough flame for a few seconds' date=' and it should catch fire. Demanding anything more complicated than an ED EB or KA with a Fire SFX for this is the same kind of silliness that has people statting out spoons.[/quote']


Spoon: 1d6 Transform Cereal Bowl to Empty Cereal Bowl, linked to Life Support: No Need To Eat, 1 Continuing Charge lasts 20 Minutes and OH GOD PLEASE MAKE IT STOP!!!!!!!!!!!

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