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Chainmail Bikini Effects


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Re: Chainmail Bikini Effects


I missed this comment the first time around, I guess.


Yes, I could see abilities like these on Shampoo's character sheet. They are meant to represent abilities women can have to take advantage of male chauvinism.


"She's only a woman! How is she beating us?" :D

I had an ex who consistently tried to take advantage of the distractions available from her rather hypnotic cleavage. Actually worked rather well on a lot of the guys she sparred with, and she was always kinda annoyed that I could ignore her doing it.


Maybe Combat levels, with RSR, opposed Seduction/Charm roll vs Ego roll and Only vs. Appropriate Orientation?

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Re: Chainmail Bikini Effects


I think there is a sort of rule for female superhumans:

The less they wear, the more dangerous they are.


I recently made a character (never got to play her) called "Violet Flower" - a Star Saphire homage and also embodment of the "the less she wears, the more dangerous she get's"-trope.

Her first apperance costume would be rather modest:




As she gained powers it would get skimpier, more towards a modern Carrol Ferris look (note that the amount of skin she shows actually got less):





And then I had the idea for a sort of martial artist/superspeed mode. Or perhaps a time-limited powerup. It forgoes the normal powers (blast, energy constructs) for Martial Arts abilities: high OCV, DCV, SPD. Movement via Teleporation. Her outfit would change from her normal, to a really skimpy (and fragile looking) Samba Dancer outfit. Something around this without the back&head decoration:


She would have called that move, transformation or fighting style the "Lightstep Dance".


Basically: Chainmail Bikini² as Powerup/Alternate Form.

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Re: Chainmail Bikini Effects


All this time and nobody made a 'Woad Rage' joke? I'm disappointed.


but now YOU went there. Well done. *golf clap* :P


Seriously, on the woad topic... while I'm not sure quite which one they used, it's pretty clear to most of the pagan reenactor types who've been trying to figure out the "twue" Battle Woad recipe that one of the many DMT bearing plants and or fungi native to N. Europe was a major contributor. Possibly a natural MAOI as well, which would put the concoction into Ayahuasca territory, effects wise. No reason to think the Picts didn't understand Amanita Muscaria just as well as the other indigenous people of Europe like the Suomi.

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