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Turakian Age Arabia?

teh bunneh

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I don't have my book in front of me or I'd just look it up, but can someone quick tell me if there is an Fantasy Arabia-equivalent in the Turakian age? Vast deserts, bejeweled cities, nomadic tribes on camels, flying carpets, forty thieves, Djinn and Ifrits granting wishes and causing trouble, etc?





(And a page ref so I can look it up when I get home?) :hat in hand:

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Re: Turakian Age Arabia?


Hey! Steve got *bleep*ed!


Anyway, are there any Arabian-themed RPGs out there? Except GURPS Arabian Nights.


Al-Qadim has alreday been mentioned, thre was also an Arabian Nights book for Rolemaster (it was similar to ICE's Campaign Classics line, but published after the split with Hero so it did not include Hero stats, only Rolemaster ones).


What's cool about it? it was written by James L. Cambias, of Star Hero fame.



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Re: Turakian Age Arabia?


To be honest, I feel like an "Arabian" setting in Fantasy HERO would be more in line with the Valdorian Age. Djinni, sword-swinging mercenaries and adventurers, thieves, and long lost forgotten tombs filled with traps... Sounds like the Valdorian Age to me. I don't have my copy of The Valdorian Age here at work, but I bet there's a country with an Arabian aesthetic to it in there somewhere.

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Re: Turakian Age Arabia?


To be honest' date=' I feel like an "Arabian" setting in Fantasy HERO would be more in line with the Valdorian Age. Djinni, sword-swinging mercenaries and adventurers, thieves, and long lost forgotten tombs filled with traps... Sounds like the Valdorian Age to me. I don't have my copy of [i']The Valdorian Age[/i] here at work, but I bet there's a country with an Arabian aesthetic to it in there somewhere.


Good point. Anyone know if there's a fantasy near-east area in the Valdorian Age?

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Re: Turakian Age Arabia?


The Indusharan cultural analog would be Hindu India -- or at least' date=' that's what I had in mind when I wrote it. Each GM's free to change and interpret as he sees fit. ;)[/quote']


Sounds about right to me, though I think more specifically 'Mughal India' when I look at it, with the widowed young queen in the one country being another Razia or Nur Mahal.

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Re: Turakian Age Arabia?


To be honest' date=' I feel like an "Arabian" setting in Fantasy HERO would be more in line with the Valdorian Age. Djinni, sword-swinging mercenaries and adventurers, thieves, and long lost forgotten tombs filled with traps... Sounds like the Valdorian Age to me. I don't have my copy of [i']The Valdorian Age[/i] here at work, but I bet there's a country with an Arabian aesthetic to it in there somewhere.


Not really. You've got yer quasi-greek, quasi-roman/medieval, quasi-scythian, quasi-viking, quasi-italianate, plus generic pirate, barbarian and rogue and a couple that are hard to quantify - but nothing that says "arabic" apart from the deserty-wandering people who are kind of vaguely cryto-bedouin.


cheers, Mark

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Re: Turakian Age Arabia?


The Dahganir tribesmen of the Harge****e Devastation (yes, I know I'll be 'bleeped'…:)) are the nearest you will get to Arabs in the Turakian Age - they are pseudo-Bedouin types.


[The Harge****e Empire of Vashkhor always struck me as a Persian-Turkish hybrid]


Valdorian Age has a classic 'Hollywood Saracen' kingdom in the shape of Tharestan. I say 'Hollywood Saracen' because the titles of the nobles (Emir, Pasha) are of Turkic and Persian derivation respectively - there is very little, if any, fantasy Arab stuff which is just an Arab analogue rather than 'Arab plus the cultures/mercenaries of the Arab Empire'.

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Re: Turakian Age Arabia?


i always consider the ha*****empire of vashkor (the middle and the south) a kind of arabic land and the rivality between the high faith and the harger****e faith sound like christian (chretienne) and islam rivality

hope i am clear

english not my first language


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