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Valdorian Age at 1/2 Price -- should I buy it?


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Re: Valdorian Age at 1/2 Price -- should I buy it?


What does it have going for it that makes it worth buying at 13.95?


What cool rules, magic systems, or concepts are in the book?


The magic system is interesting and "differnt", and the campaign city is very detailed. I personally would have liked to have seen about 100 additonal pages with more information about the world outside of the city, but you can't have everything. All in all, even though the obvious target was the Conan-style swords & sorcery, to me it feels more like Thieves World - and sets up well for that type of campaign.

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Re: Valdorian Age at 1/2 Price -- should I buy it?


I'd pick it up myself at half price, if I hadn't already bought it at full price at my FLGS.


The magic system is very cool. It appears to do a very good job of reproducing the feel of swords and sorcery.

I will probably run a short campaign of VA in the (not-too-near) future, just to be able to try out the sorcery system.


At half price, it is in my opinion quite the steal.

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Re: Valdorian Age at 1/2 Price -- should I buy it?


I found the rules on Sorcery and character creation to be some of the best parts of the book. And I enjoyed how Elweir was set up, providing lots of fodder for adventuring.


At half-price, it's a steal.


I enjoyed it so much I have picked up four more copies for my gaming group, to give out as Christmas presents. :D

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Re: Valdorian Age at 1/2 Price -- should I buy it?


I bought it at full price, and then I saw it on sale for half price, so I bought it again. Not because it's that good but because I lost the first copy. I like VA much more than TA, which is both too generic and too sprawling.

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Re: Valdorian Age at 1/2 Price -- should I buy it?


I don't like it as much as TA, but it's got loads of story ideas for lost civilizations, pirate islands, and stuff like that. And the Sorcery rules are really interesting.



I'm psyched. Next weekend I'll be meeting with two people that will hopefully become part of a Valdorian Age campaign.

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Re: Valdorian Age at 1/2 Price -- should I buy it?


Um....didnt you do the maps for Elweir?

Yes, and it was while doing this that I realized stairs could be a vital part of a city map for one as hilly as Tallon (or Elweir).

Also, reading the city description in detail was necessary for doing the Elweir maps. Allen's excellent writing prompted all kinds of creative juices.


Keith "Metaphor mixer" Curtis

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Re: Valdorian Age at 1/2 Price -- should I buy it?


Yes, and it was while doing this that I realized stairs could be a vital part of a city map for one as hilly as Tallon (or Elweir).

Also, reading the city description in detail was necessary for doing the Elweir maps. Allen's excellent writing prompted all kinds of creative juices.


Keith "Metaphor mixer" Curtis

Tallon needs a Canals.

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Guest bblackmoor

Re: Valdorian Age at 1/2 Price -- should I buy it?


You should buy it because it's a well-written fantasy game setting, including city and environs, complete with short-term and long-term plot hooks for each quarter of the city and the major inhabitants thereof.


(Just ignore the house rules the author uses for chargen.)

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Guest bblackmoor

Re: Valdorian Age at 1/2 Price -- should I buy it?


Yes, and it was while doing this that I realized stairs could be a vital part of a city map for one as hilly as Tallon (or Elweir).

Also, reading the city description in detail was necessary for doing the Elweir maps. Allen's excellent writing prompted all kinds of creative juices.


The maps in Valdorian Age among the best I have seen in any RPG supplement anywhere, ever.

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Re: Valdorian Age at 1/2 Price -- should I buy it?


And just so we have all viewpoints represented, I'm completely indifferent to the chargen rules. They're a suggestion and I can see what they're for, but I don't use such a system in my own S&S style games - I just start players off with less points, which has much the same effect.


As for the Valdorian age, I was happy with it even at full price, though I agree that Elweir itself is a bit bleh.


cheers, Mark

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