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How would you build a digital camera?


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Re: How would you build a digital camera?


True, but while Eidetic Memory (Visual Images only) captures the "photograph" capability, it doesn't really capture the "movie with sound" capability. And in reality, they're somewhat mutually exclusive...if you use the camera to make a movie, you have much less space to record images.


To me, it's starting to sound like a little multipower...which is kind of icky since I wanted to put it in a multipower (utility belt). :(

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Re: How would you build a digital camera?


Hate to play devil's advocate*, but surely the question is not HOW but WHY? After all, something that is freely available in every major supermarket in the western world should not be something you want to be forcing players to pay for. I do want to over-react, but isnt it threads like this - how to build X household object - that bring the HERO system and HERO GMs/players into disrepute?



*this is a lie ;)

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Re: How would you build a digital camera?


Is it freely available at the size of a pencil that will fit inside of a utility belt? :)


I agree in principal but a video camera can have as much impact on the game as handcuffs or a pistol. The fact that it only costs 2 points makes it fairly simple to deal with. I just happen to think that people tend to over-think power constructs.

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Re: How would you build a digital camera?


Is it freely available at the size of a pencil that will fit inside of a utility belt? :)


I agree in principal but a video camera can have as much impact on the game as handcuffs or a pistol. The fact that it only costs 2 points makes it fairly simple to deal with. I just happen to think that people tend to over-think power constructs.


True enough. Maybe we should propose a universal rule for HERO6 which says that commonly available equipment is free, and miniaturised super-versions of commonly available equipment is 2 points per item, sort of like SAS's Gadget power.


But what am I saying? Suggesting that handwaving like this should be written into the Tome of Heroic Detail?! I must go and pray to the Omnipotent FRED until my faith is restored...

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Re: How would you build a digital camera?


I very-much like how M&M 2E handles it. You purchase an equipment feat and each 1 point spent on the feat allow you to have 5 points of equipment. I could easily see using this as a equipment perk in Hero. Then we can get Derek to do his "everyday items" pdf and it would all make sense. :)

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Re: How would you build a digital camera?


The way my GM sees it, if the item can have major impact on the game and the character usually has it with them...you pay for it (superheroic campaign). I'm certainly okay with that...wouldn't be fair for Batman to get all his toys for free when Superman has to buy all his powers. ;)

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Re: How would you build a digital camera?


True, but while Eidetic Memory (Visual Images only) captures the "photograph" capability, it doesn't really capture the "movie with sound" capability. And in reality, they're somewhat mutually exclusive...if you use the camera to make a movie, you have much less space to record images.


To me, it's starting to sound like a little multipower...which is kind of icky since I wanted to put it in a multipower (utility belt). :(

So drop or widen the, "Visual Images Only," Limitation. There's nothing that says Eidetic Memory can't be used for a visual and audio scene. I don't think there's any reason to start thinking Multipower. As for movies requiring more space, I think that's really a common sense thing, and not something that has to be worried about with points. Come up with some guideline based upon the number of active points, the Int of a Computer, the size of the equipment and how efficient you think the technology is, or just gut feel. Whatever. It's feel and setting at that point.

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Re: How would you build a digital camera?


You could always put a Fuel Charge on it' date=' and then make a note that the "movie" function consumes 4 times more memory, or something like that.[/quote']

Huh. That's a good idea. You could probably use, "Requires Multiple Charges," (or whatever the exact name is) to indicate the more rapid consumption of fuel.

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Re: How would you build a digital camera?


Going with a Fuel Charge (which is a good idea to get the feel of Memory available) ... make it a Compound Power inside the Utility Belt MP. It's one piece of equipment that does:


Eidetic Memory (Visual Images Only: 5AP); OAF -1 AND (rather OR) Eidetic Memory (Visual And Audio Images) OAF -1. Tack on the total number of charges both options share and note than the Visual/Audio takes up more shares of "Fuel".


Wala - one item, one MP slot, set amount of Memory.

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Re: How would you build a digital camera?


I wouldn't try to define it so precisely myself. I would just rate the Fuel Charge for however much movie time you could store, at maximum. Then I would make a note with how much memory individual photos would eat. I don't think the build needs anymore limitations than having OAF, Fuel Charge and the Visual images only.

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Re: How would you build a digital camera?


Personally, I like the fact that Hero System can model even the most mundane items. You can use those same principles to model less than mundane items.


There is no need to build a Power Framework within a Power Framework. You simply have two slots in the Multipower. One Images vs. Sight (stills) and one Images vs. Sight and Hearing (movies). You can set some kind of limitation that they are mutually exclusive and that movies require more space.

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Re: How would you build a digital camera?


I read this thread and think about building an unmanned space probe. Now that's adding MegaScale to the roving viewpoint of the Clairsentience that is linked to the Eidetic Memory of the camera.

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Re: How would you build a digital camera?


I wouldn't try to define it so precisely myself. I would just rate the Fuel Charge for however much movie time you could store' date=' at maximum. Then I would make a note with how much memory individual photos would eat. I don't think the build needs anymore limitations than having OAF, Fuel Charge and the Visual images only.[/quote']

Well, they wanted Audio on the Movie portion of the camera, so I split it out. but it certainly doesn't have to be.

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Re: How would you build a digital camera?


Add in concentration, while you're taking photos. A linked Images for the flash. And a linked Flash for that matter. Limitation (Cant be used under water). Requires Skill Roll. etc. etc. Can no-one else seriously see how pointless this is?!


Says the man who writes argumentative threads proposing that the moon is made of cheese...

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Re: How would you build a digital camera?


Add in concentration' date=' while you're taking photos. A linked Images for the flash. And a linked Flash for that matter. Limitation (Cant be used under water). Requires Skill Roll. etc. etc. Can no-one else seriously see how pointless this is?! [/quote']

It is and it isn't. If they're building SuperTech Camera that is not easily identifed you may want to pay points to show that. If they just want the off the shelf item that can be easily identified and taken than yes - give it for free.


Says the man who writes argumentative threads proposing that the moon is made of cheese...

it's not?

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