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The "Nice Happy" Thread


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Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread


Cost Of Living Allowance ?

Cost Of Living Adjustment - it is to account for cost of living increases so that when you get a raise it is truly a raise.


For example, say the cost of living goes up 5% in a year. If you get a 3% raise you are actually losing money in terms of purchasing power. With the COLA and raise combined you would get 8%.

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Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread


Got my new appointment letter; rather than "Adjunct Professor" I am now "Lecturer". For those outside the US (or unfamiliar with academia in general), "lecturer" is almost always one step below any title that includes the word "professor" (I am aware that isn't necessarily the case elsewhere). The quirks of our particular institution means that lecturers are people you generally think will be around from one year to the next, while adjunct faculty are in effect guys you get for closed-end short-term gigs out of the slush pile. The difference doesn't mean anything in terms of job security ... I can still be dismissed without cause at any point in time. But it does mean my contract gets processed in the same batch as everyone else's, and that I get the same COLA's as everyone else. Previously, I was paid out of a different bin, my contracts were always sort of a catch-as-catch-can that happened any time between May and August, and any raises or adjustments were strictly on the basis of whatever spare change they found under seat cushions this year; and a couple of years here the real people have got COLA's while I haven't.


Would I be right is assuming that you previous had a temp 'contract' being renewed each year or semester, and now you gained 'permanence'?


Anyway, congrats.

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Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread


No, it's not permanence. I am still signing a contract every year. The difference is where I am in the budgeting process, really. There is the implication that I could in principle now get a multi-year contract, though my understanding is that in practice they haven't offered any of those in the last half-dozen years now.

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Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread


No' date=' it's not permanence. I am still signing a contract every year. The difference is where I am in the budgeting process, really. There is the implication that I could in principle now get a multi-year contract, though my understanding is that in practice they haven't offered any of those in the last half-dozen years now.[/quote']


Oh gee, what a bummer for you. Having to go through the "will I or won't be renewed this year" each year.

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Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread


That it is' date=' and I am profess gratitude daily for it. There are few things are demoralizing as looking for work.[/quote']


Ah na. You cannot profess, you aren't a professor yet. Best you can do is lecture :winkgrin:

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Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread


Thanks, everyone.


I'm hopeful the job market is improving for others as well. After my most recent lay-off, I was amazed at how much things have changed since last year. I spent most of 2009 and a good part of 2010 job-hunting, and it seemed completely hopeless. Fast-forward to March, 2011: I was job-hunting again, and saw immediate results -- three interviews in as many weeks. Last time around I didn't get that many interviews in over a year. (And this time around, they were all interviews for good jobs.) So good luck to everyone else here who's job hunting. The job market appears to be showing signs of life.

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Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread


Glad to hear that. I haven't had much luck in my job search yet.


I've got some fish on the line, but haven't managed to reel anything in yet. So far I'm finding that the internet is almost totally useless for finding jobs--every nibble I've gotten has been the result of a phone call. Every resume I've emailed and online application I've filled out has disappeared into the void. I shouldn't really be that surprised, given the quality of applications I got when I put openings online at Monster or wherever--at best I'm lost in the noise. But it's an awful lot of work for no return, and it's really discouraging.

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Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread


I've got some fish on the line' date=' but haven't managed to reel anything in yet. So far I'm finding that the internet is almost totally useless for finding jobs--every nibble I've gotten has been the result of a phone call. Every resume I've emailed and online application I've filled out has disappeared into the void. I shouldn't really be that surprised, given the quality of applications I got when I put openings online at Monster or wherever--at best I'm lost in the noise. But it's an awful lot of work for no return, and it's really discouraging.[/quote']

One trick for Monster is that, when you update your resume, something is triggered so that it is noticed by a lot of folks. When I was job hunting a few years ago, I got a lot of interest from S/W contracting companies right after updating my resume.

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