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The "Nice Happy" Thread


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Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread


Saw Aimee Mann in concert last night. Wow . . . one of the most talented songwriters ever, just glorious songs. Plus, it was at the amphitheater at the zoo, and we actually got a break in the rain for one night. Perfect evening, great music, and now I'll just spend the day cycling through all her songs.

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Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread


Mmmmm. Leftovers for lunch, but it's leftover shredded pork in szechuan garlic sauce from the restaurant we went to Sunday. The folks whose offices are next door to the microwave are envious.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread


The new intern blows away all the previous interns we've ever had! Of course, this is not hard. The difficulty now is in wrapping my head around the idea that an intern can do useful work, rather than having to be occupied with harmless diversions.

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Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread


Paul Westerberg's new album came out on Tuesday. Distribution method? Download from Amazon.com. Cost? $0.49. Possibly my favorite musician in the history of the world, and he released an album for $0.49 for the hell of it. And it's really, really good.

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Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread


The CFO let everyone in the office out at noon. When I asked about the hours I'd be losing, he said to fill it out for the full time, with a disclaimer that I wasn't here during that time, but was getting paid for it, anyway.


So I got the rest of the stuff put together for my sister's care package. I bought the stationery she requested, as well as the knitting magazines my little sister suggested. Then I burned a CD with pictures (her husband's suggestion) and music (my own little brainstorm).


And it all fit in the box! Yay! Now I get to find out how much it costs to send a box that heavy to Afghanistan. Hrm.

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Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread


Paul Westerberg's new album came out on Tuesday. Distribution method? Download from Amazon.com. Cost? $0.49. Possibly my favorite musician in the history of the world' date=' and he released an album for $0.49 for the hell of it. And it's really, really good.[/quote']

Paul Westerberg, did he do Dyslexic Heart?

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Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread


And it all fit in the box! Yay! Now I get to find out how much it costs to send a box that heavy to Afghanistan. Hrm.


It cost me $30 to send a large four-pound box to Seattle via priority mail. Raise shields before looking at the price tag.

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Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread


Paul Westerberg' date=' did he do Dyslexic Heart?[/quote']


Yup. Best-known as the frontman for The Replacements, the greatest band ever. His solo stuff has wandered between good to great with occasional moments of absolute crap, but his latest is firmly in the "great" category. And it's only $0.49, so everybody should buy it.

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