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The "Nice Happy" Thread


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Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread


The last physics lab session of the quarter ended about half an hour ago. That's 12 fewer hours a week that I have to stand/walk around and answer questions, offer advice, and try to clear up misunderstandings. Hopefully I won't be quite so tired any more.

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Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread


Despite the internet prohibition, I'm feeling a lot more comfortable in the corporate offices than I ever did at the old location. I get along with my co-workers a lot better, expectations are a lot clearer, and, though I'm busier, the general tone is a lot more relaxed.


Besides, keeping busy for 8 hours beats being bored out of my skull any day.

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Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread


I'm thinking she pretty much just did nothing and it took 27 years for the organization to work up to dumping her. I can think of quite a few organizations where it is similarly difficult to get fired.


I don't suppose you can get me a job with one of them?


Besides, keeping busy for 8 hours beats being bored out of my skull any day.


Having seen what the alternative can be, I'd much, much rather be bored.


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary explains that Lucius has always wanted a sinecure, preferably without being a cynosure.

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Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread


I do really wish I had more time for gaming.


But there's nothing like having every other aspect of my life just humming along, especially my "love life," to make even my beloved Hero System fade into relative insignificance.


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary keeps a lookout in both directions, nervous because things are going entirely TOO well....

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