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The "Nice Happy" Thread


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Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread


Went to a 1940s WWII Ball over the weekend. Had lots of fun. They had a lot of old planes from the 30s, 40s, and 50s on display, including a bomber that flew in the Pacific theater during the war. They also had a bunch of WWII-era jeeps, and a tank (which was pretty freakin' sweet).


There was a Frank Sinatra impersonator there (he was pretty good), and the Anders Sisters who sang along with a swing band. Lots of classic swing and jazz music. We got up and danced a few times (although we couldn't be too strenuous, since BunnySue is 5 months along now). Lots of people in costume; some really great outfits. I saw a TON of ink there -- I didn't think ladies in the 1940s had nearly that many tatoos! ;) Lot of people in uniform, too; I think they were letting current and former servicemen and women in for free.


Unfortunately, I forgot my camera, so I only got a few pictures from my crappy cellphone camera. :(


Still, it was a great time. We're going to have to go do it again next year (and hopefully remember the camera this time!). :thumbup:

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Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread


Went to a 1940s WWII Ball over the weekend. Had lots of fun. They had a lot of old planes from the 30s, 40s, and 50s on display, including a bomber that flew in the Pacific theater during the war. They also had a bunch of WWII-era jeeps, and a tank (which was pretty freakin' sweet).


There was a Frank Sinatra impersonator there (he was pretty good), and the Anders Sisters who sang along with a swing band. Lots of classic swing and jazz music. We got up and danced a few times (although we couldn't be too strenuous, since BunnySue is 5 months along now). Lots of people in costume; some really great outfits. I saw a TON of ink there -- I didn't think ladies in the 1940s had nearly that many tatoos! ;) Lot of people in uniform, too; I think they were letting current and former servicemen and women in for free.


Unfortunately, I forgot my camera, so I only got a few pictures from my crappy cellphone camera. :(


Still, it was a great time. We're going to have to go do it again next year (and hopefully remember the camera this time!). :thumbup:


That sounds like something I'd enjoy! :thumbup:

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Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread


Just had an echocardiography, from the receiving end. Last fall, during status exercises learning to use the stethoscope, We found that I had a heart murmur. Turns out it's just one of the three leafs of the aortic valve that's a tad smaller than the others. Plus, the supervising physician was one of our instructors -- a very nice, calming sort of gent.

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Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread


I ate lunch outside on the patio of our new office this afternoon. The weatherman said it was supposed to get up into the mid-high 90s today, which sounded good to me because it's friggin' freezing in my new cube (pretty much the same as my old cube, as it turns out).


It was warm, but there was a bit of a breeze and some clouds rolled in to cover the sun. It felt really nice. I felt like I was de-frosting. Just as I was finishing my lunch, it started to rain. A few drops fell on me as I gathered up my trash.


It was a nice break.

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Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread


My fat cat Stripes loves me. Every night when I go to take my meds, she comes up purring and bumping and demands petting. She gets on my desk and flops down. That's where she wants to be petted. I like petting her, but I wish she's flop on the bed instead.

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Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread


I've been looking to buy a pipe to put under my driveway for drainage. Found one yesterday in a cowboy dump site. (Not happy about finding a bunch of trash in the middle of the BLM. The chevy engine is going to take more work to get out of the gully)

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Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread


The News of the World publishes its last edition tomorrow. This wretched sinkhole of evil was brought down by hacking the mobile telephones not of celebrities but of murder victims and the relatives of soldiers killed in Afghanistan and Iraq. The public turned against it in force. Advertisers pulled their accounts including Ford. Now Murdoch is coming in to take charge. All this as he is trying to take over satillite broadcaster BSkyB.

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Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread


The News of the World publishes its last edition tomorrow. This wretched sinkhole of evil was brought down by hacking the mobile telephones not of celebrities but of murder victims and the relatives of soldiers killed in Afghanistan and Iraq. The public turned against it in force. Advertisers pulled their accounts including Ford. Now Murdoch is coming in to take charge. All this as he is trying to take over satillite broadcaster BSkyB.


I hope he fails to take BSkyB. and like you happy NotW has published their last edition.

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Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread


Managed to revisit the slot canyon from the end of last month. Made around 400 photos (a lot of exposure blending will be needed, so really 150 maybe. :) )

So much editing to be done.

I think we'll have another go at it in October, since we slogged thru a lot of water that got left by the recent rains. We did see the water had been in the 10-15' range in most of the slot.

October, the weather cools off and it will be drier.


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