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The "Nice Happy" Thread


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Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread


I was able to completely freak-out my co-workers in IT today. And all it took was to roll out a new machine to the test bench, with a BIG sign on it saying:


VISTA Test Machine.


Do Not Re-Image.


Heh. Sooooo hard not to laugh when they came to me with the fear in their eyes....

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Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread


Never having used Vista' date=' I don't get the joke. Would you explain it for the non- IT crowd ?[/quote']

Well, IT doesn't like change. The prospects of having to port people over to a new OS is always met with fear.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread


Lots of stuff to be happy about right now. I'm working on a couple of different craft projects right now. First one, my wife and I are creating some Girl Genius costumes -- she's going to be Agatha Clay/Heterodyne, I'm going to be Gilgamesh Wulfenbach. My costume is nearly done -- I'm working on creating Gil's electric staff, and it's coming along nicely. And I just learned today that Studio Fogio are supposed to be at Gencon, so we're going to wear them there. :thumbup:


And I got some more work on my second project finished last night. I'm very pleased about that. I should be able to finish it with a couple more days of work. My fingers are really, really sore though. :ouch:


And I got one of my major "outside" projects finished yesterday, too. Well, nearly finished. Still have some cleanup work to do, but that shouldn't take too long. I ran sprinkler lines to our container gardens out back, so now we won't have to water them by hand! :bounce:


And tonight my beautiful bunny wife and I are going to see Prince Caspian. w00t! :rockon:

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