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The "Nice Happy" Thread


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Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread


Last week it was -18C with wind chill at -26C, mountains of snow everywhere. This week it's been +1C, the wind is gone and the snow has turned to mud. The roof ice has added to the mud and the mud has just become muddy. You know those films from WW2 showing the German army with 3 foot deep mud roads? We got that.


But it's so much better than the ice and snow. :)

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Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread


The new house is partially painted now. Just the living room and one guest room. The rest is being finished near the end of the week.


Dat's a nice lookin' room!

We had red walls in both of the last places Jen and I lived in. One in our kitchen in the last rental and then her house (which was briefly 'ours') has a red wall in the guest bathroom. I like them.

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Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread


Dat's a nice lookin' room!

We had red walls in both of the last places Jen and I lived in. One in our kitchen in the last rental and then her house (which was briefly 'ours') has a red wall in the guest bathroom. I like them.


Thanks. This red is in the living room. Classic Red in the guest room. Those were the first colors done because apparently red is harder. All the painting should be done by Tuesday, flooring on Wed & Thur, we move in the next Tuesday. Wee!

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Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread


happy thought, happy thought... looking for a happy thought...


my cats still seem to like my

my hubby still loves me

my daughter thinks it's fricking cool that I tell people the reason I don't play CoH is because "I have better things to do"

I have a good job with great pay and benefits, and likely to get a promotion soon

we're not homeless, destitute or living on welfare

I'm alive, in good health and still able to be physically active..


sorry.. sometime when I get depressed it helps if I stop and count my blessings....

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