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The "Nice Happy" Thread


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Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread


I found my cat! He came back at 12:30 last night while I was out calling for him' date=' skittish but unharmed. I was worried he'd avoid me, but he slept on my feet all night. ^ v ^[/quote']


Wild cheers of celebration!!

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Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread


Ditto what the others said, Alice. Have you and Josh considered fixing the screen door yourselves? Replacing screening is pretty simple. If you want to be dicks about it, you can tell your landlord, "Next Sunday, I'm going to fix the screen door I told you about. It's going to cost you $40 for labor, and $14.85 for materials. I'll just deduct that off of next month's rent cheque, OK?" Make sure you present him with an itemized bill.


See if it isn't fixed by the time you get home from work the next day. ;)

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Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread


I found my cat! He came back at 12:30 last night while I was out calling for him' date=' skittish but unharmed. I was worried he'd avoid me, but he slept on my feet all night. ^ v ^[/quote']


The prodigal son has returned!


Happy for you!

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Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread


Ditto what the others said, Alice. Have you and Josh considered fixing the screen door yourselves? Replacing screening is pretty simple. If you want to be dicks about it, you can tell your landlord, "Next Sunday, I'm going to fix the screen door I told you about. It's going to cost you $40 for labor, and $14.85 for materials. I'll just deduct that off of next month's rent cheque, OK?" Make sure you present him with an itemized bill.


See if it isn't fixed by the time you get home from work the next day. ;)

It's not a door; it's a window screen. And the cats, themselves, were the ones who broke it in the first place. They got pissed at a visiting cat, and tried to dive out the window to scare her away.


This is also how we lost Jeff. Different screen, though.

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Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread


I found my cat! He came back at 12:30 last night while I was out calling for him' date=' skittish but unharmed. I was worried he'd avoid me, but he slept on my feet all night. ^ v ^[/quote']


Yay, glad it finally worked out for the best. :thumbup::celebrate

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Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread


I woke up this morning with five kittens purring and bedded down at shoulder/face level between me & my wife.


Now, this happened about 5:15 AM, but that's close enough to my usual alarm clock time it isn't a serious issue.


My wife is happy that they have learned that I am the one who gets up at that time, so they don't lobby her to wake up and provide breakfast at that unearthly hour.

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Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread


Awwww. ^ v ^


There are very few ways more pleasant to be woken up than by a purring kitten, asleep on or very near you. This morning, Risu curled up right next to Josh, pinning him in bed. I hit his snooze for him, and finally turned it off the third time I had to do it for him.


But he was smiling when he got out of bed.

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Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread


Herc definitely isn't a lap cat. The closest he'll come is curling up on the end of the recliner so I can't get up without moving him, nor can I reach him for pettins or to pick him up. He sleeps at the foot of our bed.


Risu is a lot less shy. She'll plunk down on our laps, or climb onto our chests and hang on until we hug her.


She does this to strangers, too. We make sure to warn people when they visit.

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