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Complicate the Person Above


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Re: Complicate the Person Above


Narratio wrote the music and lyrics for Dance Naked for Satan which was a satirical piece involving lots of nudity. The Pope banned the piece even before the first dress (or undress really) rehersal and sent the Inquisition after Narratio. To this day he finds the Monty Python skit 'No-one expects the Spanish Inquisition' too upsetting for words.

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Re: Complicate the Person Above


Death Tribble danced naked with Satan.

And the Pope.

Both were naked two.

To the theme song of "Dr. Who".

Who was also around dancing naked.

And all were covered in chocolate and jelly-beans.

But all four declined that it was some fertility charm supposed to bring utter sweetness to the world.

Which is true because Fertility Charm and her brother Utter Sweetness were nowhere near that scene ...

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Re: Complicate the Person Above


Tkdguy is an ancient master of Smell Fu - the Never Change Your Socks Martial Arts. Take a look at the picture: He is missing the guy by a mile and his opponent ist dropping like a fly. Either unconscious or dead. But sterile to 100%.


Yes, with Smell Fu you are even fighting the possible decendants of your enemy!


Never ask tkdguy to step out of his shoes when he is near you (like - in the same city) or you won't be able to tell your grandchildren about it!

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Re: Complicate the Person Above


Der Todestribbel moonlights as ... moonlight. He keeps London's streets nicely well-lit during blackouts but he charges the Queen so stiffly that she secretly had to sell Prince Charles to New Zealand which now goes by The Princedom of Dingdongeria (he had to change his name to Prince Dingdong for some outlandish reason that nobody wants to share). The downfall of the last reamains of the Empire is not necessarily Todestribbel's fault, but he does his share - thank you.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Re: Complicate the Person Above


Death Tribble is a prime reason to keep your tinfoil hat on. Otherwise, he can program the song that's stuck in your head.


One of the worst nights of my life was the time at the observatory when "Good Ship Lollipop"
the song stuck in my head. And I had no source of other music with which to expunge it.

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Re: Complicate the Person Above


Remember the Bruce Willis/Elijah Wood film "North"? It seems that tkdguy once met the man who walked the dog of the lady who sold newspapers to the boy who delivered pizza to the a man who once walked onto the set of that movie for a crowd scene that was later thrown away.


Amazing eh?

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