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Complicate the Person Above


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Re: Complicate the Person Above


See, this was me, once again following one of dt's suggested "good ideas".


death tribble's venture into Florida amusement parks had just failed spectacularly after the incident with a party of school kids and the opening of he "Florida 'Gator Petting Zoo". He sold the whole thing, including Polan Rigelcy and his tank, to me for $57.40 in loose change and a one way bus ticket to Alaska.


One heck of a salesman is that death tribble

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Re: Complicate the Person Above


Death tribble's smoke of choice is an HP-33s calculator wrapped in dried Eastern White Pine needles, with a coil of magnesium ribbon to ensure it stays hot enough for the calculator to burn smoothly. He actually prefers the really old HP-65, but there are so few of those around any more that he saves them for really special occasions.

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Re: Complicate the Person Above


His tribble eyes sparkle, his lips - ruby blue - never speak a sound. He's... oh so gay, with his tribble demands, you can't run around. And his view of society screws up my mind like he`ll never know.


That's the tribble alright.





(Nice Elvis riff - I owe you rep!)

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Re: Complicate the Person Above


Narratio was once an aspiring musician. His biggest dream was to join a heavy metal band. He took music lessons and learned to play several instruments. Unfortunately, not many heavy metal bands offered to let him join when they found out his instruments of choice were the harmonica, tambourine, and ukulele.

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