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Complicate the Person Above


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Re: Complicate the Person Above


Several noted physicists, upon seeing Marcus tap dance, have declared both him and the act of tap dancing to violate the first 2 laws of thermodynamics, Boyles law, the von Klitzing constant and possibly the molar-Planck constant, although they'd have to study that one. Anyway, because of this he was declared an anomalous data point which could be safely ignored.

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Re: Complicate the Person Above


But the janitors hated it, since they had to clean up the mess in the evening. And for that they cursed Narratio and his classmates. If they are ever struck with an ammonia-socked wet mop, they will be transformed into messy stinking hairballs themselves. Most of the class hasn't learned the specifics of the curse yet.

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Re: Complicate the Person Above


It was once suggested that the UN initiate a captive breeding program for the death tribble so as to save the species, of which he's the only known member... Obviously this failed due to certain logistical if not topological problems.

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Re: Complicate the Person Above


Trapping tribbles is easy. A Gillian Anderson poster on side of the cage, and a monitor and DVD player with more of her material. For a distant lure, a tape loop with a few soundbites of hers. If you're an attentive hunter you probably don't even need to spring-load the trap door.


Now, why you'd want to trap them is another question, because those traps like glue traps, single-use only.

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Re: Complicate the Person Above


I remember Cancer one confiding to me that his first love was a one legged Bulgarian horse blanket weaver who was tragically killed in a freak pogostick accident early in the summer of 1967. He told me that, even after all these years, he gets all tearful whenever he sees Clint Eastwoods spaghetti westerns on TV.

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