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Complicate the Person Above


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Re: Complicate the Person Above


I'm pretty sure that the last time I saw Marcus he was at a protest march outside Stockholm airport. He was waving a "Save the Gay Wales" banner and talking to a smallish plain clothes police office. I was on my way to a Rudyard Kipling Poetry reading and so couldn't stop to chat.

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Re: Complicate the Person Above


Oh yes, those were the days! Of course death tribble was a patent clerk at the time and he ended up misfiling the paperwork. That's why Japan was only officially discovered by the Americans in the 1850's. The tribble still gets calls asking about some of the more obscure wordings on the patent that was issued.

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Re: Complicate the Person Above


Has anybody apart from me ever seen death tribble renact the Battle of Roarkes Drift? Quite amazing the way he plays all the parts. The sturdy Welsh infantry and the fierce Zulu warriors. Why, to see him charging over a hill while impersonating a 2,000 man Zulu army is something to remember.

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Re: Complicate the Person Above


In 1974, Narratio invented the holiday we now know of as "Christmas" from whole cloth. It was quite a bit of work, fabricating evidence back hundreds of years and altering peoples' memories to make them think we'd always had Christmas. But I think you'll agree that, in the end, it was a practical joke well-played.

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Re: Complicate the Person Above


I have a picture of death tribble standing next to what I believe to be the last known Dodo. The picture had arrived inside an Xmas card telling me how he didn't have Turkey for Xmas that year but had found a reasonable substitute.


I later asked him what the now extinct brd tasted like. He thought for a while for a while and then said 'Chickenish'.

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Re: Complicate the Person Above


What the death tribble neglects to mention is that he was already down there arranging a long term lease when Marcus clanked down, planted a flag in the middle of the meeting and then zoomed straight back up. The death tribble was devastated when the negotiations were cancelled. He's stayed away from ocean floor property ever since.

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Re: Complicate the Person Above


Oh yeah, now you have to mention this? You had the map as I recall. You told me it would be a really great idea to invade Morrocco and I, silly me, agreed. So there we were, the two of us and 6 pack of Lucozade heading off in a small boat. I drove, you navigated. It took us three months to stop circling the Isle of White as I recall.


Hah! A year I spent trying to explain to bunch of Portugeuse functionaries that they were really Morrocans I was taking over the country. What a disaster! All because the death tribble can't actually read maps.

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