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"I Can Kill You"


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Okay, had a thought for a character concept, and one element involved is the "ability to kill anybody." That is, the power to negate the Resurrection adder to Regen.


Ideas on how to construct it??


Paramaters: I'm mainly thinking in terms of an always on/no action needed effect, that is, when the character attacks someone, the adder is negated automatically, though for him only.


Or, alternatively, a way to automatically change himself to "fit" the negation condition for the adder.


My main ideas so far are a very stretched usage of Change Environment, or a bizarre variant of Shapeshift.

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Re: "I Can Kill You"


You could also simply dispel the resurrection as it occurs, if you want to add an element of skill (i.e. knowing when to cancel the resurrection.)


Or you could build a customized detect to detect the things that prevent resurrection, but that might not be what you're looking for.

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Re: "I Can Kill You"


You only need to negate/remove the Ressurection Adder at the point of death. If the character dies, he's dead; the adder isn't coming back. So...


I would buy it as a 7d6 standard effect (21) Suppress Healing with the Remove Adders Advantage and 0 END and Only To Remove Ressurection (-1?). Then just use it as a Multiple Power Attack with every attack made (and make sure you buy levels with it if you have levels for other attacks).

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Re: "I Can Kill You"


Very rarely do people come up with powers that you never heard of before. Kudos.The last one I thought of was Invisibility to Danger Sense...


What exactly is the SFX for this power?

I have a character with this ... they are perfectly invisible, the SFX are they remove all but a trace of physical presence from this dimension.



As for the question .. Transform? *ducks incoming fire*

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Re: "I Can Kill You"


The technical problem with using Drains, Dispels, etc., is that these Powers work against Active Points, and since you sum up Base Points and Adders before you apply Advantages, Resurrection can actually be worth far more than 20 Active Points. I don't recall the wording of Drains vs. Adders as accounting for this, but I could be wrong (don't have my book ATM).


:sigh: Another possibility is, of course, use of the Variable Special Effects Advantage (Naked even? Arg!) to try to meet the Resurrection condition. I hate suggesting that. :sick: ...but it might be appropriate depending on the character concept.

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Re: "I Can Kill You"


What exactly is the SFX for this power?


Not sure about this specific example, but how about a granted ability from some god of death that ensures the people you kill stay that way? Maybe some sort of attack that specifically destroys the soul or life-force of a creature.


If you want a little more sci-fi rubber science, the attack corrupts DNA in such a fashion that it can no longer replicate cells for healing.

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Re: "I Can Kill You"


:sigh: Another possibility is' date=' of course, use of the [i']Variable Special Effects[/i] Advantage (Naked even? Arg!) to try to meet the Resurrection condition. I hate suggesting that. :sick: ...but it might be appropriate depending on the character concept.

The biggest problem with that one is even that it may have nothing to do with mechanics, consider a Vampire Type: Death is Cut off head, cut out heart, burn both.


There's no SFX Attack you can do for that. It's strickly story time with it.


the only ways, I see, for this power is either a Transform to get rid of the Resurrection Adder (ick), Dispel for the Resurrection Adder (bought to 0END, Persistent, Uncontrolled) (less ick) and Story Time (hardest to really implement).


It's an absolute, which we all know HERO doesn't deal well with.


And, it can certainly short circuit certain story arcs. Especially Heroic Level ones where several sessions can be spent just finding out HOW to permanently kill the Bad Guy, then several more aquiring the Item In Question, and then finally doing the deed.


ooh... Maybe KS: How To Permanently Kill Everything 20- Now you know how it dies, everything else is up to you to accomplish.

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Re: "I Can Kill You"


See, I don't see it as necessarily having to be bought as an MPA for every attack.


I see it more as a scenario where the monster hunter riddles the vampire full of holes, knocking it deep into negative BODY, then walks up, makes an appropriate soliloquy or one-liner, and takes one carefully aimed shot to the head (or heart), blowing it out completely, inducing permanent death. That last shot is the dispel.


It's the cinematic way to do it, rather than being mechanically strict about when exactly is the point of death relative to when the vampire falls to negative body.

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Re: "I Can Kill You"


Just slap this effect on someone:


Stay Dead: Drain BODY 1d6+1 (standard effect: 4 points/2 BODY), Delayed Return Rate (points return at the rate of 5 per Minute; +1/4), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Uncontrolled (+1/2), Continuous (+1), Penetrating (x2; +1) (55 Active Points); Only vs Targets With Less than 0 BODY (-2); Real Cost: 18 points



Unless the target has gobs of Regeneration, it will outpace their ability to recover.

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Re: "I Can Kill You"


Just slap this effect on someone:


Stay Dead: Drain BODY 1d6+1 (standard effect: 4 points/2 BODY), Delayed Return Rate (points return at the rate of 5 per Minute; +1/4), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Uncontrolled (+1/2), Continuous (+1), Penetrating (x2; +1) (55 Active Points); Only vs Targets With Less than 0 BODY (-2); Real Cost: 18 points



Unless the target has gobs of Regeneration, it will outpace their ability to recover.

ouch. rep'd.

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Re: "I Can Kill You"


No thoughts on my Detect idea? :(


Oh sorry, didn't see it.... :D



Actually, the problem with using a detect for this is that it would require the character to perform whatever it is that would fulfill the death requirements, and there will be plenty of times he won't be capable of it. While this may be more realistic in terms of believability, it's not what the suggested power does.

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Re: "I Can Kill You"


The biggest problem with that one is even that it may have nothing to do with mechanics, consider a Vampire Type: Death is Cut off head, cut out heart, burn both.


There's no SFX Attack you can do for that. It's strickly story time with it.

That is absolutely true. It just struck me as one of the quick and dirty solutions that might cover a pretty broad selection of Resurrections (i.e. an, "80%," solution, perhaps, depending on the setting). Like I said, I really don't like it anyway. That doesn't even cover how the character knows which Special Effect to use with the Power (your KS idea could work, or an appropriate Analyze Skill--or set of Skills--which I would be more inclined toward myself).


In all likelyhood this should be done with a wide variety of Skills and Powers, rather than being built using one construct. Most, "do anything," character concepts seem to turn out working that way, and I am not sorry for it.

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Re: "I Can Kill You"


Thanks for the suggestions.


Mostly, I was musing a vaguely Rose Tattooish character, assassin empowered by Death.


My idea for how it would function, is that any attack that he delivers that kills the target, would have this effect also. No separate action needed. Also, no special additional action would be required; its just that when he shoots or stabs someone, they don't get back up.


I'm thinking perhaps the best way to do it would be Suppress vs Adder Xd6, Area Effect ( something sufficiently big that any conceivable personal weapon usage would fit in it ), 0 END, Continuous, Uncontrolled, Limited ( Only with regard to attacks made by the character ). Perhaps throw in Selective, to indicate that he doesn't *have* to kill you permanently, or alternatively, Always On if he must.

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Re: "I Can Kill You"


I have a character with this ... they are perfectly invisible, the SFX are they remove all but a trace of physical presence from this dimension.



As for the question .. Transform? *ducks incoming fire*


Transform is the obvious way to strip someone of the ability to Resurect, or any other ability, for that matter.


There is no such thing in the Hero system as Perfectly Invisible. There is always the possibility that some Unusual sense that you never thought of can pick you out. Did you buy invisible to the unusual sense: "Detect/Sense Invisible"?


By the rules, you cannot buy invisibility to the entire Unusual group, so you have to buy them off one at a time. Even after you've listed every single Unusual sense that you think could possibly exist (at 3cp each), there is still the possibility that the player next to you thought of one so different that the GM says he can sense you.

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Re: "I Can Kill You"


Transform is the obvious way to strip someone of the ability to Resurect, or any other ability, for that matter.


There is no such thing in the Hero system as Perfectly Invisible. There is always the possibility that some Unusual sense that you never thought of can pick you out. Did you buy invisible to the unusual sense: "Detect/Sense Invisible"?


By the rules, you cannot buy invisibility to the entire Unusual group, so you have to buy them off one at a time. Even after you've listed every single Unusual sense that you think could possibly exist (at 3cp each), there is still the possibility that the player next to you thought of one so different that the GM says he can sense you.

since we carried over from 4th ... we ruled that Invisible: Detect was allowed. Or rather that badly metagamed "Detect things that would detect me."


Mostly because this was, at the time, the characters only power. Like all absolutes they don't really exist in Hero - you just have to do what works for the game/story.

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