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Slowly Buying Up CSLs


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I find most of the questions I ask about the rules are already in the rules. So, if there's a simple explanation with a page number, I'd appreciate it. Otherwise, any suggestions are welcome.


Is ther any reason you can't buy up CSLs one or two points at a time? e.g. Buying a 2pt level, then later adding 1pt to get a 3pt level, then a couple of points for a 5pt level.


Just curious.

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Re: Slowly Buying Up CSLs


Dunno about book legal but that is one of the ways we have done it in our campaigns for years, assuming each new level subsumes the previous...


a 2 pt level in martial strike becomes

a 3 pt level in martial arts which becomes

a 5 pt level in HtH which then becomes

an 8 pt level in all combat.


To me that is a great way of showing someone training up.


We use the same thing for speed - for someone trying to train up his reation time (this trick works really well for martial artists and speedsters) -

the Character buys speed with an 8- activation roll.

Then puts a point or so and buys up the roll each adventure up until the activation is bought off- shows them, in play, working to get faster. Mechanically we just roll at post 12 each turn.

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Re: Slowly Buying Up CSLs


I kind of figure that if you have an idea that would be simple, clean, easy to understand, balanced, and appropriate for the character, but not quite legal by the book . . .


then the book is wrong.


Obviously, it's the GM's call, but book is there to make you happy, not the other way around. Also remember that no one is perfect, and also that no two people or groups are going to have exactly the same take on things.


For instance, an EGO entagle, only to form barriers, is not legal, by the book, but it PERFECTLY reflects a power that a character of mine in another system has. I could probably find some kludged-up build that would work, but the fact is, the right build requires that I bend the rules.


Of course, most of this is irrelevant to your actual situation at this point.



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Re: Slowly Buying Up CSLs


I allow this all the time. In fact I usually require it. I don't even allow you to buy an Overall Skill Level unless you have a General (8pt) Skill Level and at least a 5-point CSL (you combine the two into an Overall Skill Level, and can put the remaining points into other SLs and/or CSLs with the possible addition of some Experience)--or an Overall CSL and at least a 5-point SL. I'm cruel that way, and my players hate me for making them incorporate Experience expenditures into the story. :eg:

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Re: Slowly Buying Up CSLs


It's what I call Organic Character Evolution; your character grows in ways that were already there, and doesn't suddenly develop an ability that there was no previous reason to expect. Martial Artists often develop weapon skills and occasionally develop chi powers, but they rarely develop mystical abilities. They almost never, as a rule, decide to strap on a Power Armor.

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Re: Slowly Buying Up CSLs


Ohh and my character is currently working on the same thing:


5 CSL's with Combat Shooting

are going to morph into

5 CSL's with all ranged (or all Martial Arts have not decided if I am going to buy him a Kung Fu package) then become

5 All Combat CSL's then Become

5 Overall Skill levels

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Re: Slowly Buying Up CSLs


I actually recall Steve saying that is NOT technically legal -- a 2 point level and a 3 point level are two different things, after all.


That said, I do the same thing in my games and have for a long time.


One day I must compile a list of all the things I disagree with Steve on...

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Re: Slowly Buying Up CSLs


I actually recall Steve saying that is NOT technically legal -- a 2 point level and a 3 point level are two different things, after all.


That said, I do the same thing in my games and have for a long time.

I don't think he is usually in the habit of ruling over how you let characters develop and spend Experience. That is usually left out of the system very purposefully. He might have given a recommendation, but I'd be surprised if it were anything else.

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Re: Slowly Buying Up CSLs


The term "legal" is confusing here. Is there anything in the rulebook that says you can't completely re-write your character between game sessions?

The books pretty clear on how much things cost, but I don't recall a section that says you can't completely revise your character periodically. Sure, it'd be a headache for the GM and he might have explicit ways in which points can be spent and it might be a campaign nightmare, but I don't think book-legal enters into the question.


Personally I allow skill levels to progress in this manner. It makes sense.


Keith "Common sense, 11-" Curtis

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Re: Slowly Buying Up CSLs


I "re-write" nearly all my characters.


When I create a new character, I tend to make him or her as a basic model or a prototype of what I want them to be. Usually about 1/3rd into the campaign, I will have a better idea of what the character should be, and thats where the first re-write comes in. I usually make them more efficient and slightly more powerful within their point levels. When the campaign starts getting serious (2/3rds or so into the storyline) I do the "final re-write" which makes the character even more efficient and way more powerful than he was before. I feel this mimicks the growth patterns of many fictional characters.


Take Luke Skywalker for example.


1st draft Luke is a mere farmboy with potential. He's a good pilot and decent in a fight and The Force is with him, but he's no superhuman.


2cnd draft Luke is quite a bit more experienced and powerful. He's begun to explore his force abilities somewhat and can now do some things beyond the ken of normal humans.


Luke Skywalker, final draft is hyper competant and in tune with the force...a being to be reckoned with. Even the uber-powerful Darth Vader cannot defeat him...


Thats how I like my characters to grow as the campaign progresses (provided the campaign is long enough to allow for such growth)

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Re: Slowly Buying Up CSLs


One way I've successfully introduced new character points (not just skill levels, but other stuff too) is by buying it with an activation roll, which gradually improves then is removed with increasing XP.


Example a 10pt skill level (or, for example +1 speed) costs 10 points

BUT at:


8- it costs 3,

9- it costs 4, (same cost at 10-)

11- it costs 5,

12- or 13- it costs 6,

14- it costs 7, and

15- it costs 8.


You can roll each use (for skills) or each turn (for speed) or whatever - so long as you always use the same period.


Basically - it is a developing skill/power you can sometimes find a use for and sometimes not. There's nothing wrong with buying up skill levels from 2 to 10 ('legal' or not), but I don't think that is how skills necessarily should develop - although that will depend a lot on the character.

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