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Flaming Arrows, And Swords Of opportunity How?


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Just Checking That I am doing something right. So how do you 'legally' build these simple spells, ( My mind has gone blank INT 8- Activation )


Flaming Weapon:

The Caster Holds a Metal Weapon In His Hand, He Gestures and Incants his spell, thus Invoking The ManaFlow, and Burning Up a Lot Of his Mana ( END Reserve for Spells ). He checks His Skill

If Successful, The Weapon gains an aura of Mystical Flame. This lasts as long as the Caster Desires, Or Until he turns it off, Or Is Stunned, Or Disarmed.


When He Fights, He does his Normal Weapon Damage when He Hits ( This can of course vary from weapon to weapon ).

If and Only If He Hits, The 'Flame' also Adds Killing Damage vs ED. The STUN from the Hits is considered Coordinated ( But there are two separate ammounts of BODY )

( Please I don't want to use EB, nor link this power to any specific weapon )

At The Moment I have


Flaming Weapon

1 D6 RKA E

No Range -1/2

Focus OIF Metal Weapon Of Opportunity -1/2

Costs Mana Only To Activate +1/4

Increased Mana Cost x 10 -2

Continous +1

Variable Target +1/4

RSR Fire Magic Skill -1/2

Gestures -1/4

Incant -1/4

Limited Power : 1/2 Value against all Water Magic Effects or Aligned Targets -1/2 ( that's a Lim Specific to my setting )

Limited Power ( loses about a 1/4 )- Must Hit with HTH Attack -1/4


I'm not sure If I can use the last Limitation, but I feel there should be some sort of break there compared to a 'Magical Fire and Forget Continous FIre Spell'

Have I got this right?


Secondly The magical Flaming Arrow Spell


Caster Incants Gestures Butns Mana and Fires off a Now Flaming Arrow

If It hits it does normal damage for the type of arrow and Bow used, but also adds 1D6 Killing Damage vs rED

Caster Must Recast the spell for each Shot thus fired.


Fire Arrow:

1 D6 RKA E

Focus OIF Arrow Of Opportunity, Expendable, Easy Replace, -1/2

Limited Power, !/2 Value vs WATER Effects -1/2

Increased Mana Cost x 10 -4

Gestures -1/4

Incant -1/4

Must Hit Target -1/4 ???????


Same question For this one, Is this limited because you also must 'Shoot' the target ( and thus use a Bow - be at 1/2 DCV etc etc ) ?

I don't want to link this spell to some sort of magical Bow.....





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Re: Flaming Arrows, And Swords Of opportunity How?


Might I suggest "Useable By Other" so that he can cast it on the weapons of others and not just himself?


And, this one would be more up to GM discretion, but if you put "Uncontrolled" on it as well as Continous, your player could then just cast the spell on the weapon and at that time declare how much END (or in this case, mana... which I'm assuming is an END reserve) he wants to sink into it, and it will burn until the END he has put into it is used up. That would allow it to burn even if he was stunned/ KO'ed, etc. So, if you want it to shut off then, and require his control to remain in effect, then just ignore that.


As the character powers up, he might want to add "Penetrating" to the power, as that's commonly used to simulate Flame sfx.


Not sure about the HTH limitation. I get that you're wanting to differentiate between a change weapon spell and a FnF spell, but I think the focus already does that, and if the caster places this spell on the blade of a well-trained warrior, having to make a successful HTH attack is hardly a limitation. But hey, it's your game, so if you're cool with that, run with it. :)

You could probably use the "Spell" limitation on each as well.

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Re: Flaming Arrows, And Swords Of opportunity How?


1) so that you don't get to add your strength to it.

2) so that there are no issues about impact/STR at all.


You could have STR does not add - but it's the same limitation, so the points cost is the same. It's a fairly commonly used construct.


cheers, Mark

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Re: Flaming Arrows, And Swords Of opportunity How?


You know, now that I think about it, you MIGHT also be able to justify something along the lines of "Requires Seperate Attack Roll Each Phase (-1/4)" instead of your first limitation. The "Continuous" advantage would normally allow for the power to continue to affect the enemy every phase after you hit them once for as long as you keep the power in effect, no additional attack rolls needed. So, unless you want the flaming weapon to set the enemy on fire and let them continue to burn each phase, this limitation could appropriately represent the limitation placed on the continuity of the power.


The limitation "Linked (to approrpriate available HKA or RKA)" would probably be allowable as well, since you cant use the spell as an attack independently of the weapons you're casting it on.


Man... if my archer player sees this he's gonna be steamed that all I gave him on his "Flame Arrow" spell was just a naked "Penetrating" modifier to be applied to his arrows. Tee hee. :)


Just for thought.

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Re: Flaming Arrows, And Swords Of opportunity How?


The continuous advantage means that it continues to burn the target (splashy fire) after each hit - it's not needed if all the player wants to do is make the sword burn while he is attacking - since it's "on" as long as he pays END for each attack - the fact that the sword is burning in between blows is just a special effect unless he buys damage shield.


cheers, Mark

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Re: Flaming Arrows, And Swords Of opportunity How?


You know, now that I think about it, you MIGHT also be able to justify something along the lines of "Requires Seperate Attack Roll Each Phase (-1/4)" instead of your first limitation. The "Continuous" advantage would normally allow for the power to continue to affect the enemy every phase after you hit them once for as long as you keep the power in effect, no additional attack rolls needed. So, unless you want the flaming weapon to set the enemy on fire and let them continue to burn each phase, this limitation could appropriately represent the limitation placed on the continuity of the power.

I used the suggestion From Fantasy Hero pg 258 : Variable Target.

For 'Repeated Use Instant Spells'

Continous +1, + Variable Target + 1/4

This allows Power to be 'targetted' anew while still remaining on.

As I described, I did not want a spell that would 'Set Fire' to Only One Target, Which is what you get from the continous and/ Or Uncontrolled

So If the PC was attacking Only 1 creature ( for instance ) THis Spell is Of Lesser Value than One that's continous, as he has to 'Hit' over and Over again.


So I think I'll Stick with the suggestion you made:

"Requires Seperate Attack Roll Each Phase (-1/4)" , as that seems OK

The limitation "Linked (to approrpriate available HKA or RKA)" would probably be allowable as well, since you cant use the spell as an attack independently of the weapons you're casting it on.

I'm not sure how to link this to a 'Power' The guy 'does not have'. And I wanted it to work the same if the guy Picked up a Razor or A Metal Awl Pike

WIthout paying for Linked To up to 2D6 HKA

Man... if my archer player sees this he's gonna be steamed that all I gave him on his "Flame Arrow" spell was just a naked "Penetrating" modifier to be applied to his arrows. Tee hee. :)


Just for thought.

Ah but the "people" who can get this spell in the campaign are Only Mages ( Unusual ) Aligned to Fire Element ( More Unusual ). Who may or may not be warriors / Archers, and it's supposed to be distinctly different from something a PC could get by purchasing High Quality Penetrating Arrows and a Throbmoanium Bow :) ( Someone 'famous' - made that up - I had to use it )

- Plus they've had to make about a 30 Pt Investment in various Magic Stuff (skills, Mana Reserve, Spells ) to have a spell like this.


Of course in the actual course of the game it will be usual for the PCs to encounter groups of warriors with a Backup Mage (s) - So limitations vs Opposite Elemental Type apply


Might I suggest "Useable By Other" so that he can cast it on the weapons of others and not just himself?

Ah a Common Advantage of The Void ( Spirit ) Magic user, Not common For Fire Mages, but this game has lots of spells bought with

Usable By Other Simultaneously .....

Of course the mundane recipients are usually going to have to burn some STUN in lieu of Mana ( which they don't have )



Why build the HKA sword as a non ranged RKA?

If you don't want to be able to add strength then take that limitation instead.

Apart from what the others said : "It's easier to build A HKA that doesn't get added STR this way"

It's Not a Magic Sword, Its a Spell the Caster can cast on any Sword / Metal Weapon he is holding, Flaming Magic Swords would be easier I Just link The Flame to the HKA


Perhaps a Similar Example would be "Mystic Brass Knuckles Of Electro Shock"

A Spell that must be cast on the Mages own Gloves or Fists.

Every Time he Hits a target in HTH he gets his (3D6N ) Hand Damage AND the target recieves an Electric Shock ( Say 3D6 EB ) - where the spell only has to be cast once and lasts as long as he likes...


As Distinct from the "Extremely Rare" Loganic Claw Spell

+4D6 HKA AP Penetrating Costs Mana ( END ) only to start

Where Mystical Adamantium Claws ( I like Throbmoanium better ) Sprout from the backs of your hands, and any target you have a high enough running speed to catch is really going to have a bad day .



All these Spell 'Must Have' : Gestures, Incant, RSR Magic Skill, Costs Mana (END)

So there is a 'need' to design spells that work longer after one casting....

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Re: Flaming Arrows, And Swords Of opportunity How?


I think you could still justify Linked, without defining one specific "power" (or, more accurately in this case, Equipment) and in the "Linked To" field, just define it as "linked to targeted weapon" (so that the Fire Mage can set any equipped weapon on fire) as the spell's sfx would indicate it is moot w/out the targeted weapon being used as well. Or, if you feel that the "Focus" lim already covers that aspect of the power, and adding Linked would be double dipping, which I can see the more I chew on this, then skip that.


With UBO, wouldn't the caster still be the one paying the END cost for the spell to maintain the flame on the weapon? I mean, the fighter would be the one benefitting from having a flaming sword, but I would think that the initial caster would still have to be the one maintaining the spell. And, actually, w/ CEOTA +1/4 on the power already, if the mage casts the spell on a weapon, that's it. No further END need be pumped into the power to keep the weapon burning, unless the Mage player shuts the power off or gets KO'ed.


You might want to discuss duration limits w/ the player if its something that has a drastic impact on effectiveness and game balance. CEOTA on a Continous attack power has some unbalancing potential, and used to be illegal, iirc.

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Re: Flaming Arrows, And Swords Of opportunity How?


You don't need any of this "Requires An Attack Roll Each Phase" stuff (although it is a viable alternative way to do it). Fantasy Hero has already anticipated your need. Check out page 257, under "Lingering Instant Spells." What you want is the Lingering Advantage - you cast the spell, then the effect "lingers" for however long you paid for. If you want to use it in any particular Phase, it's a Zero Phase action to activate the power and requires a new Attack Roll to hit. You pay END when you cast the spell, and then every Phase that you activate it, but not the Phases in between.

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Re: Flaming Arrows, And Swords Of opportunity How?


In a similar vein, if the damage added is the same type (physical or energy) as the weapon you're wielding normally is, and your GM allows it, then you could treat the power as a "partially limited power" for any weapon of that damage type. This borders on abusable, though.

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Re: Flaming Arrows, And Swords Of opportunity How?


You don't need any of this "Requires An Attack Roll Each Phase" stuff (although it is a viable alternative way to do it). Fantasy Hero has already anticipated your need. Check out page 257' date=' under "Lingering Instant Spells." What you want is the Lingering Advantage - you cast the spell, then the effect "lingers" for however long you paid for. If you want to use it in any particular Phase, it's a Zero Phase action to activate the power and requires a new Attack Roll to hit. You pay END when you cast the spell, and then every Phase that you activate it, but not the Phases in between.[/quote']

yeh I saw that, and it almost sounds like what I want, except for the:

"....pays END whenever he activates or use it ..........."


In this 'System' I am using for my setting. Most Spells ( from the 'Standard School lists' ) are bought thus:


IIF Expendable Spell Component.

Charges ( To represent castings Per Day )

Costs END (Mana) ( usually Only to activate )

Costs x5 END or higher

Gestures, Incant, RSR

Visible to Sight & Noisy To Magic Users

Limited - 1/2 Value against Opposing Element


If they have 'Continuing Charges' they usually only get 1 to 3 'Charges' per day.

Non Continuing Charges about 6 - 10 Charges per day


I will try and see if the 'Lingering' advantage fits this, but I'm not sure it will, having it count as an Attack Action would work for this spell but not for some of the utility spells.......

And I was trying to simplify things by making most spells designed the same, because the more cheaper ones can be bought in a Fixed Multipower that represents : "The Standard Spells You got stuck with at Mage School"


With UBO, wouldn't the caster still be the one paying the END cost for the spell to maintain the flame on the weapon? I mean, the fighter would be the one benefitting from having a flaming sword, but I would think that the initial caster would still have to be the one maintaining the spell. And, actually, w/ CEOTA +1/4 on the power already, if the mage casts the spell on a weapon, that's it. No further END need be pumped into the power to keep the weapon burning, unless the Mage player shuts the power off or gets KO'ed.

The Typical Spell In this game requires a big Burst of Mana (END) to activate then none as long as it runs. ( I have time limits and etc )

UBO and UBO simultaneously say : "The Recipient Controls The Power and Pays The END to use it......"

What I'm allowing is this:

A Spell which Normally costs 20 Mana to start up might have UBO and if so.

A Spell with UBO (4People) would normally Cost 20 Mana Per Person Or 80 Mana in total.

I'm letting the Mage divide this up amongst the recipients as he sees fit; but he has to Pay at least his share or 20 Mana.

As his 'friends' are not likely to even have a Mana Stat, they count as being at Zero Mana, at which point they have to use Stun in lieu of Mana.

So the mage confers a 'magical bonus' on you that lasts 5 Minutes, but that unaccustomed Mana being chanelled through your body hurts like hell....

And It is likely to actually "Stun" the recipient..

That was the effect I wanted... Of course I had to also rule that recipient must be willing...

This is to build in this setting group spells.. Stealth, Climbing, Morale Boosting etc

With the Flame Weapon though, I'm not allowing UBO, partly because of the special effects of Fire Magic ---- A really really sloww cumulative transform into a fire elemental ---

and because the 'Fire Mages' don't specialise in 'helpful group' spells in their basic spells



Thanks for all the help..... I will see how it works tomorrow....

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