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"Neat" Pictures

Dr. Anomaly

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Re: "Neat" Pictures


How is it porn if it isn't illustrated?


Welcome to the "Fifty Shades of Gray" debate.


Libraries have been fighting both sides of this argument regarding romance books and erotica for decades. Every time it calms down, something comes along to stoke the flames all over again.

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Re: "Neat" Pictures


Meanwhile, the battle libraries always lose is the one about budgets.


(Pardon me while I rail at the $30,000/year institutional price for Astronomy & Astrophysics.)


The main university library here is closed on weekends and even the weekday hours are pretty abbreviated. The public libraries were on budgetary life support a few years back--they're doing better now, at least in the sense that no one is talking about shuttering them for good, but they're still not getting the support they ought to be.


I seriously don't know what I'd do without the public libraries here--there is no way I can afford the number of books my kid goes through in a week.

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Re: "Neat" Pictures


And the left is angry because he supports the Mormon position that homosexuality is sinful. He's stuck between a rock and a hard place.


It wasn't Card's views on homosexuality that turned me off of his writing, it was him going flaming, batshiat, pants on head crazy after 9/11. I had been enjoying the Alvin Maker books (even with all of the religion), but I didn't feel like supporting someone who considered me a traitor for being anti-war.

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Re: "Neat" Pictures


Yep' date=' recently a parent thought it was pr0n since a group of pre-pubescents were running around naked, including the girl Petra.


It's worse than that. Either it was one of the students, or their parent, who flat out lied about the contents of Ender's Game.




According to the incident report, a teacher had been reading pornographic material from the Internet to the students in class. One of the stories was about prostitutes having their faces covered with ejaculation.


The teacher was cleared of all criminal charges when somebody finally got around to, you know, reading the book(s) in question and finding out what a complete load of crap this really was.



And if I was that teacher, I'd be nailing somebody to the f*****g wall for defamation.

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Guest Celt

Re: "Neat" Pictures


Having read some selections from Fifty Shades of Gray, the biggest problem with it is it's bad writing, bad romance, bad porn, just bad. Libraries should buy good porn.

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