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"Neat" Pictures

Dr. Anomaly

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Re: "Neat" Pictures


It's an early eighteenth century folk song celebrating, as tkdguy points out, Prince Eugene's taking of Belgrade in 1717, and his defeat of a large Turkish relief army in the process. As was often the case in Danubian warfare, victory in the campaign depended on good pioneering.


Which is why, unlike many patriotic war songs, this one begins with the hero building a bridge. A translation of the full lyrics can be found at one of the links in my original posting. Here's a baroque print:



The website I lifted this from has more detail, although it took forever to load, just FYI.

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Re: "Neat" Pictures


Assault Pioneer;

Military Pioneers


"Prinz Eugen der edle Ritter/

wollt dem Kaiser wied'rum kriegen

Stadt und Festung Belgerad!

Er ließ schlagen eine Brukken,

daß man kunt hinüberrucken

mit der Armee vor die Stadt.....



Fun fact on Prinz Eugen: he was so popular, that during WW1, five different countries had ships named for him. HMS Prince Eugene (UK), KMS Prinz Eugen (Germany), RIS Eugenio de Savoi (Italy), ANS Prinz Savoi (Austria-Hungary), CS Eugen (Russia).

In World War 2, this number was reduced to three (UK, Germany, Italy) due to the lack of Austrian seacoast and the unpopularity of nobles in Russia.

Post war, the US 'acquired' the German Prinz Eugen, and it was re-designated USS Prince Eugen until sunk at Bikini Atoll.

So, six countries have had ships named for Prince Eugen, five at the same time.

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Re: "Neat" Pictures


Do you know where this was? The water and rocks remind me of ROttnest Island off the coast of Australia' date=' near Perth.[/quote']


Unfortunately, no. I did find two different sites that had this picture by doing a Google Image search on "Top 25 Inventions of 2011" (taken from the image's URL). But neither of those (nor the page I originally got it from) have any info.


I'm at work, otherwise I'd try that image search website where you can give it an image to find the same way Google can find words.

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