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"Neat" Pictures

Dr. Anomaly

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Re: "Neat" Pictures


I think this is damn clever.





it is way, way cool, though I'm not sure how the touch controls would work -- unless the iPad is used just as a glorified screen and the game controls are joystick/buttons. either way, that is one of the kewlest accessories for the iPad I've seen to date.


Anyone gonna take that to work for their cubical? ?


Now just combine that with Marvel's iPad app to read comics -- makes a handy stand.

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Re: "Neat" Pictures


it is way, way cool, though I'm not sure how the touch controls would work -- unless the iPad is used just as a glorified screen and the game controls are joystick/buttons. either way, that is one of the kewlest accessories for the iPad I've seen to date.


Anyone gonna take that to work for their cubical? ?


Now just combine that with Marvel's iPad app to read comics -- makes a handy stand.


Too bad it's not for real.

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Re: "Neat" Pictures


This is a link to a discussion board showing someone's model of a TSR classic:


Against the Giants


Wonderful, beautiful and he should have rewards beyond knowing. But really?


If I go to that kind of effort, my Heroes are going to be battling giants every single game so I can get some real use out of those bits.


I would imagine that this would be the first step in a long line of setting pieces. This is not something you would do for a game, but some way you could use your building hobby in another fashion. It would also require a LOT of storage space as you build houses, castles, keeps, dungeon walls/doors/traps/etc.


I've just never quite given a game that kind of attention. I wish I could.

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Re: "Neat" Pictures


I've never seen the planet Mercury with the naked eye' date=' even though I am told that it is possible. :([/quote']


All of the planets out to Saturn are visible, it's just that it's not easy to tell them from the stars unless you know what you're looking for.


Except Earth. It's pretty easy to tell from a star.

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Re: "Neat" Pictures


I think I've seen all the planets, although I can't confirm seeing Neptune for sure.


One night long ago, I was looking through my telescope towards where Neptune was in the sky at the time. I knew Neptune would look very dim in my telescope, so I was looking at several faint objects, trying to determine which one was the planet itself. Then an airplane flew right across my line of sight, its lights blinding me for a moment or two!


True story.

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Re: "Neat" Pictures


I had that something like that happen once while guiding with the 107" telescope at McDonald Observatory in Texas. I was guiding on a cluster star with V = 9.7. I had a satellite, about V = 6, pass within 10 arc seconds of the aperture. Would've bollixed the whole observation if it'd actually passed over the aperture, which was about 0.5 by 1.5 arc seconds.

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