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Champions U help!


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I need a villain. Someone who is a) good with robotics and B) could use some cash.



I got roped into running a Champions game (sometime in the near or far future) and I've decided to get it ready. My forte is making characters, but I have all these HERO books and darn it I want to use them!


my first adventure will be a robbery, be it bank, or technology, or even art, but the perp is going to (initially, anyway) appear to be none other than Dr. Destoryer.


Only it's not. It's a robot with enough power to give a team of 350 pt heroes a go for a bit but no where near the real thing.

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Re: Champions U help!


Sounds like a good spot to introduce a robotics engineer that recently lost his job. Or, a government scientist that his funding taken away..


Or, are you looking for characters already existing in Champions Universe?


Which, you probably are... But, I don't play in any CU games at the moment.



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Re: Champions U help!


Mirage is a fair choice for this. Faking a Doc Destroyer attak to get extra cash and screw with local heroes fits her MO.


Utility, though he wouldn't usually go out on his own.


Foxbat, who intends to show up and "defeat" his Faux-Destroyer-Bot after it smashes the heroes, not realizing that the battle damaged the Robot's AI, turning the Faux-Destroyer into ... The Fox Destroyer!

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Re: Champions U help!


Sounds like the initial beginning to...um...was it 'Deathstroke'? The adventure that came with one of the older versions.


Heck, maybe the robot of Dr. Destroyer is just an old distraction he had planned for some event a while back, but he forgot about the robot. Someone else found it and activated it, figured out how to control it, and is using it to commit crimes. Better yet, what if he had a bunch of 'em? And, after fighting a couple of different Destroyer-bots, the REAL Dr. D showed up to figure out what was going on? Except, of course, the PCs don't know it's the real one...

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Re: Champions U help!


Use Dr. D, but tone it down across the board.


The origin could be


(a) a fanboy's recreation of Dr D, sending it out because "it's so totally cool!"


(B) a Dr D creation, used to misdirect or cover for him when necessary - but out of control (?)


© a robotic creation of another villian, eager to benefit from the crime but wanting to displace blame

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Re: Champions U help!


How about having a Destrobot that was being examined become active and believe it actually is Dr. Destroyer? This would gain the interest of a few people, alerting UNTIL, Primus, maybe a few superhero groups, as well as Dr. D himself ... now the PCs are charged with defeating what they believe is Destroyer ...


Another idea is have some chump find an old suit of Dr. D's and start commiting crimes in it ... once again, the PCs believe it's Destroyer and maybe this chump, thinking the original is dead, wants to horn in on the rep ;)

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Re: Champions U help!


Engineer is good, but again she doesn't need the money.

And I am unsure of her motivation. Mr. Talos who simply wants to destroy heroes would be easily swayed to create the lookalike. I think I'll use him, that way the true mastermind behind the robbery and it's purpose can be concealed further! Muwhahahaha!

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