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Repulsive Odor

Old Man

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Re: Repulsive Odor


Decide what effect you want for someone recoiling from the odor' date=' and buy the Power that creates that effect. The odor is just SFX. :)[/quote']


I realize that but what Power does that but has no effect if you can't smell it?


I know there would be the Limitation: -1/4 Does not work on beings incapable of smell, Does not work on inanimate objects, Does not work vs. Wearing Respirator/Gas Mask. But what would you use for the base Power? Tk Doesn't match, E-Blast with no BODY doesn't do Knockback....

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Re: Repulsive Odor


That reeks! CE: -2 to all int based and dex based, OCV and DCV, radius (your choice) Long lasting? (that smell will Never come out!) Multiple effects (+5? 10?) personal Immunity ("it's not suposed to smell like roses") center it on your self, lose ranged and you should be close...I'm thinking recoiling is a "voluntary" reaction to the awesome smell.....Do a Pres attack, and add dice for demonstating your power, rep strong (it does really reek after all) maybe mildly violent action, and most will step back in awe of the amazing smell you've discovered...:)

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Re: Repulsive Odor


I realize that but what Power does that but has no effect if you can't smell it?


I know there would be the Limitation: -1/4 Does not work on beings incapable of smell, Does not work on inanimate objects, Does not work vs. Wearing Respirator/Gas Mask. But what would you use for the base Power? Tk Doesn't match, E-Blast with no BODY doesn't do Knockback....

You choose the power depending up the effect you want. I chose presence attack because the effect I want is for people to want to be away from the person. Only someone strong-willed can endure being next to the person. You might decide there are some combat restriction, for that you can use Pinecone's change environment version. It's really up to deciding how people will react and then buying the appropriate power.

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Re: Repulsive Odor


I like all 4 suggestions. A PRE attack, an Area effect, the NND and the Flash against sense of smell. My preference is for the Area effect.


Once again proving why this play system works when other more strightjacketed systems (V&V anybody?) fail.

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Re: Repulsive Odor


I like all 4 suggestions. A PRE attack, an Area effect, the NND and the Flash against sense of smell. My preference is for the Area effect.


Once again proving why this play system works when other more strightjacketed systems (V&V anybody?) fail.


Apart from the fact you hace 3-4 builds for the same thing, requiring 4 different defence systems. Thats called a "mess".

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Re: Repulsive Odor


Apart from the fact you hace 3-4 builds for the same thing' date=' requiring 4 different defence systems. Thats called a "mess".[/quote']


Actually as long as they are internally consistent - and all of these suggestions are - then that's fine. Each will work slightly differently, but each will work with the core system and produce the specified effect.


Sounds good to me.


cheers, Mark

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Re: Repulsive Odor


So the exact same sfx description, note the word exact, can be defined by at least 3 different game mechanics.


A strong smell is a strong smell, odious and hard to resist, but to let aplayer come up with the way the world works is flawed, all players see it differently


and all GMs are players.




total mess.

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Re: Repulsive Odor


So the exact same sfx description, note the word exact, can be defined by at least 3 different game mechanics.


A strong smell is a strong smell, odious and hard to resist, but to let aplayer come up with the way the world works is flawed, all players see it differently


and all GMs are players.




total mess.


Lightning Bolt:


- Energy Blast


- Area Effect - Line EB or RKA

- Armor Piercing EB or RKA

- Penetrating EB or RKA

- Area Effect - Line AP EB or RKA

- Area Effect - Line Penetrating EB or RKA


Different effects, different builds. If you consider that a mess, then Hero's probably not the game of choice.

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Re: Repulsive Odor


So the exact same sfx description, note the word exact, can be defined by at least 3 different game mechanics.


A strong smell is a strong smell, odious and hard to resist, but to let aplayer come up with the way the world works is flawed, all players see it differently


and all GMs are players.




total mess.


but it wouldn't be the same SFX because it would have differen effects. The only part of the SFX that is the same is a foul odor.


I suppose you could say the same thing about a pheramone attack? Where the SFX is always the same in that they are smells, but the result of the smell is different?


What if I want a foul odor that is so terrible that people actually want to smell it just to make sure? You know, like the "wow this smells bad. Does it really smell that bad? let me check, yep it smells that bad" kinda thing.


Or maybe the smell is so bad that it forces people to stay away from you.

If you build it as an area of effect then it's presence causes a decrease ina bilities perhapse from nausea. But maybe you'r rather that the smell actually force people back and make them unable to smell something else, that would be the flash defense with knockback.


If you'd rather people with high determination be able to get through the smell, then make it a prsence attack.


I don't see how this is a mess. Each effect is just a different way of coming up with "the rest" of the sfx. none of these have the exact same SFX. It might seem that way because each of them causes the player effected to recoil.


I don't have a problem with it.


Just like I don't have a problem with all pheramones working the same way.

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Re: Repulsive Odor


So the exact same sfx description, note the word exact, can be defined by at least 3 different game mechanics.


A strong smell is a strong smell, odious and hard to resist, but to let aplayer come up with the way the world works is flawed, all players see it differently


and all GMs are players.




total mess.


Nah. You're falling into the common trap of confusing SFX and powers. How the power *works* is defined by the power write up. The SFX is simply an brief description of "how the power appears" - in this case : Repulsive Odor.


Shucks, even in the real world, the SFX described can have different effects: when out with my younger brother and a friend we came across a bunch of cows that had gotten bloat, fallen down a steep bank and died. They smelled pretty nasty, being as how they were several days dead and swollen up like giant hide balloons.


Of course I couldn't resist shooting one to see what would happen. What happened is that it sort of blew up, sending liquified guts and cow shit spraying, but oh my god, the smell! To borrow a quote, I pray whatever gods there be never to set such a stench athwart my nose again.


The effect was: I stood, gaping in awe at the stench, my friend Lance expressed certain choice comments about my choice of target and fled, retching and my younger brother just threw up. Is that three different effects, or three different levels of presensce attack?


Shrug. It's really up to the GM. As a GM I would have no problem with two horrible stenches which had two different effects.


cheers, Mark

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Re: Repulsive Odor


Hmm...anyone want to finish my breakfast? I've lost my appetite. :sick:


I will! It's almost lunchtime here and I forgot to bring mine =P it's sitting on the counter at home waiting for me to come home and get it.


Send that breakfast over my way!

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Re: Repulsive Odor


Lightning Bolt:


- Energy Blast


- Area Effect - Line EB or RKA

- Armor Piercing EB or RKA

- Penetrating EB or RKA

- Area Effect - Line AP EB or RKA

- Area Effect - Line Penetrating EB or RKA


Different effects, different builds. If you consider that a mess, then Hero's probably not the game of choice.


Err it was the same effect we were discussing, your base power in your above examples are both attack powers, adding AAL AP or Pen does not change that.


Now if you had str usable at range (defined as lightning, hey its about sfx after all ) or flash does body and Knockback or transform (object to object struck by lightning) that would be the "mess" i was refering to.

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