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Paper Burns!


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OK I have a dilemma figuring out the best way to represent what my player wants to see in his character.


His power is based on a character that can do anything using paper. He saw it in a movie somwhere. He can throw business cards and make them darts. Throw up a wall of paper and harden it to become a forcewall, make a paper airplane and climb on it and fly. You get the picture. So we built it all into a multipower. Now the question we have is, we are looking to put some sort of limitation on it where by if the construct is hit by fire, it will burn. I thought about doing some sort of suppression of the power for fire based attacks only, but I am not sure how to design or judicate this. Any thoughts?

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Re: Paper Burns!


There's a good short story I read with a character in it who could do just that sort of thing. Can't remember the title or author though. :( Read it in a collection called "Sorcerors" or "Wizards". Main character could do origami/paper magic like that, and fought against a guy called The General who had lots of medals - put a medal on something and it animated under his control.


I'd just call it a limited power - "Burns" - how quickly it goes up depending on the nature of the fire - six-foot paper airplane lit by a match might take a turn to completely go up, if hit by actual fire attack (30AP+) probably gone all at once. Attacks useless against fire-based forcefields, etc. I'd call it at least a 1/2 Limit. Work out some rough guidelines you and player can agree on it generally being adjudicated, then see how much of a limit you feel it's worth.

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Re: Paper Burns!


brain hurting... too much work... can't think...


... but is there a Limitation that is effectively a Vulnerabity for powers?


Force Wall: Vulnerabilty 1.5 Effect from Fire


Something like that?


Hmmm... don't think so... but it seems to me something like that would work.


Maybe -1/2 Hit By Fire acts as Dispel. So, translate any fire damage that hits your paper glider or whatever as active points of Dispel... probably at x2 effect.


Heck... make it clean and flexible and just put -1/2 Not vs. Fire on it... and run with the SFX when the situation arises. This is my preferred style, but is not as granular or mechanical as some people like.

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Re: Paper Burns!


Mr Surbrook? Line one.


I think if you go to Surbrooks' stuff (link in the heroic links section) He has a write up of a character from Read Or Die who does the same. Don't know if he used a limitation to fire, but you could check.


That would be The Paper.



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Re: Paper Burns!


The anime is rather fickle in that respect. Water seems to be the biggest foe, wet paper just doesn't seem to work. However they (the sisters) have made paper boats that were water tight. I think that if a paper master has time she can make a fire proof or water proof barrier, but if the fire has already started, or the paper is already wet, then they are out of luck.

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Re: Paper Burns!


There's a good short story I read with a character in it who could do just that sort of thing. Can't remember the title or author though. :( Read it in a collection called "Sorcerors" or "Wizards". Main character could do origami/paper magic like that' date=' and fought against a guy called The General who had lots of medals - put a medal on something and it animated under his control.[/quote']


The story I'm referring to is "The Power of the Press" by Richard Kearns.

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Re: Paper Burns!


I only have the Read or Die OVA. As I state in the write-up, Yomiko's paper seems far more resistant than power should be, but does stop bullets and explosions, but also burns. The effect varies depending on the situation.

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Re: Paper Burns!


Personally I would apply Physical Manifestation (-1/4) [5ER page 302] to the powers, because paper isn't that tough and it isn't just fire that can destroy it. For the more specific vulnerability to fire, you might want to look at Restrainable [5ER page 306], which at the -1/4 level can be used to represent obvious or well known vulnerabilities to certain phenomena (cyberware being affected by electromagnetic fields is given as an example).

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Re: Paper Burns!


Personally I would apply Physical Manifestation (-1/4) [5ER page 302] to the powers' date=' because paper isn't that tough and it isn't just fire that can destroy it. For the more specific vulnerability to fire, you might want to look at Restrainable [5ER page 306'], which at the -1/4 level can be used to represent obvious or well known vulnerabilities to certain phenomena (cyberware being affected by electromagnetic fields is given as an example).


Hmm... I may need to apply that to The Paper... although her power over paper does seem to vary from scene to scene... I mean at one point she uses a roll of paper money to block shots from a lightsaber.

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Re: Paper Burns!


Hmm... I may need to apply that to The Paper... although her power over paper does seem to vary from scene to scene... I mean at one point she uses a roll of paper money to block shots from a lightsaber.


Well looking at The Paper I probably wouldn't apply these Limitations to her VPP as a whole because it could include Instant powers on which they would probably be inappropriate (unless the GM allows attacking a Focus / Physical Manifestation as a defensive action, and I suspect most wouldn't). However they would probably apply to any Constant or Persistent power which relies on some kind of paper construct for its ongoing effect (like the paper aeroplane).

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Re: Paper Burns!


Well looking at The Paper I probably wouldn't apply these Limitations to her VPP as a whole because it could include Instant powers on which they would probably be inappropriate (unless the GM allows attacking a Focus / Physical Manifestation as a defensive action' date=' and I suspect most wouldn't). However they would probably apply to any Constant or Persistent power which relies on some kind of paper construct for its ongoing effect (like the paper aeroplane).[/quote']


Point. I need to mention said Limitation in the flavor text, however.

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Re: Paper Burns!


That is the one with the woman trapped in the fountain, the trees animated by medals and so forth, right? If so, I read that years ago in an SF magazine.

Great story.


That's the one. I read it as part of a collection, with big-name authors like Theodore Sturgeon, Jack Vance, Ursula K. Le Guin, etc. in it, but that story is the one that stood out to me.

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Re: Paper Burns!


I only have the Read or Die OVA. As I state in the write-up' date=' Yomiko's paper seems far more resistant than power should be, but does stop bullets and explosions, but also burns. The effect varies depending on the situation.[/quote']

The sisters are not as powerful as Yomiko, they are more like parts of a whole. Each seems to specialize in certain aspects of paper powers. Maggie is good with golems, Anita can cut anything with paper, and Michelle does stuff with paper bow & arrows. Yomiko is just plain good all the way around.


R.O.D. the TV is kind of neat in that it is not a remake of the OVA or another approach of the same story. It is set in the same universe and follows the OVA taking place about 5 years later.

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Re: Paper Burns!


The sisters are not as powerful as Yomiko, they are more like parts of a whole. Each seems to specialize in certain aspects of paper powers. Maggie is good with golems, Anita can cut anything with paper, and Michelle does stuff with paper bow & arrows. Yomiko is just plain good all the way around.


R.O.D. the TV is kind of neat in that it is not a remake of the OVA or another approach of the same story. It is set in the same universe and follows the OVA taking place about 5 years later.



There's one dude in the TV series who works for the Chinese and is a paper master who's essentially as powerful as all 3 sisters combined.

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Re: Paper Burns!


Yomiko's not blocking a lightsabre, she's blocking an electrically charged sword. Considering taht she can stop a bullet with a business card, or embed one in concrete, I'd say blocking a sword with banknotes is entirely consistent with her abilities.

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Re: Paper Burns!


Yomiko's not blocking a lightsabre' date=' she's blocking an electrically charged sword. Considering taht she can stop a bullet with a business card, or embed one in concrete, I'd say blocking a sword with banknotes is entirely consistent with her abilities.[/quote']


Yeah, I know. Actually, it's a sword made of electricity, hence my "lightsaber" comment.

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