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First Character of My Creation.. What do You All think of It??


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Hello All.. Let Me give you alittle background of My Character. Her name is Impulse. She is a 25 year old skill based super. What she does basically is she can travel though electrical lines and go into computers and pretty much and electrical device that has an outlet to it. She also can go into outlets in walls and such. Here is the right up for her




Debra Wesson



















Total Characteristic Cost: 166




+10 Recovery While Connected to electrical Source

Regen 2 Bod per Hour , Regrow Limbs (Connected to Electrical Source)

10/14 Armour

4/6 Damage Resistance

6D6 Energy Blast / Damage Sheild persistance 0 END Not below 25% END

15 Inch Flight. Requiries Electric Lines Enter and Leave at Opening


Total Power Cost: 124




MA: Jujutso Full Package

Computer Programming 13 or less

Cryptology 13 or less

Secruity Systems 13 or less

Metorolgy 13 or less


SL +2 Comp. Prog., Cryptology and Security Systems

Eiditic Memory

Speed Reading x10

$300,000 per year


Total Skill Cost: 67




Suscep to Extreme Heat >150 F 3D6

Suscep to Extreme Cold <-30F 3D6

Suscep to Water Common per/turn 1D6

Vuln Fire/Heat Common x2

Vuln Ice/Cold Common x2

Watched by CIA More Powerfull NCI 8 or less

Psy Lim. Ignorant of Social ranks Fequency Slight

Psy Lim. Overly Protect of Children Strong


Total Disadvantages Cost : 150

With 7 Exp


Her Origin is.. Well She was born to very normal Upper Class Parents. They and She is the heir to the Wesson Oil Company. When They discovered she had the ability to travel though the eletrical lines she was immediatly sent away to a "home" in which she ran away from at age 15. She Has Money In which she has access to but does not spend much of it. she is willing to help People If she determines the Cause is the "Right" thing to do.

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Re: First Character of My Creation.. What do You All think of It??


I would go with a Teleport limited to along electrical lines. The Endurance seems a bit high, particularly given her high Recovery. Otherwise, I think its a pretty neat character.


Edit: If your GM allows, I think the Flight (or Teleport if you take my suggestion) and EB would make a good Elemental Control.

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Re: First Character of My Creation.. What do You All think of It??


I take it this is for a very low powered Champions campaign? She's very lightly defended for most supers even in a 250 point game, although her high CON mitigates that somewhat.


It might be more efficient to buy some of her Powers with Reduced END Cost rather than a 100 END. Even most bricks don't have 100 END.


Welcome to the Hero boards. :bounce:

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