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CSL silliness.


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Re: CSL silliness.


You mean that... CSLs are actually better than DEX!?!?!??! :D:D:D:D:D:D Did you finally look up that rule, Gary? ;)


You are overlooking a critical rule about using CSLs to add damage. They only add DCs in Heroic campaigns, where the character isn't buying the attack with points. So CSLs become cheaper than... nothing. In Superheroic games, they can be used to add damage (not DC) to attacks, but the attack still cannot do more than the damage it could roll normally so it doesn't truly double the damage.


I said absolutely nothing about CSLs vs Dex in this thread. So where did you pull that?


As far as the rest, it has been adequetly summarized in this thread.

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Re: CSL silliness.


One interesting way of doing this (point efficient as well) is with ranged Martial Arts for your TK MP. You can get some very impressive effects. :)

Agreed. Martial Arts DCs on Normal Attacks are pretty inexpensive. Not to mention costing 0 End and (IIRC) being able to exceed the double damage rule!


[EDIT: Minor reformatting for readability.]

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Re: CSL silliness.


I said absolutely nothing about CSLs vs Dex in this thread. So where did you pull that?

It was in a different thead, very long ago, where you refused to acknlowledge this particular aspet of CSLs as a balancing point between them and DEX. I was just poking fun at that :).


As far as the rest, it has been adequetly summarized in this thread.


Well, I've seen comparisons to Standard Effect and such, but nothing acknowleging that in a superheoric campaign, CSLs can't increase damage above the max of the attack it's adding to. Maybe I missed something thouogh. It is a long thread already...

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Re: CSL silliness.


I have to correct this because I see all over the place:


"irregardless" is NOT (repeat NOT) a word.


The word is REGARDLESS.


yes, I know some dictionaries are adding the incorrect word - that's just proof that a language doesn't alway grow intelligently.


anyway, back to the cheese that is this thread. have a nice day.


Thank you Prof. Ghost-Angel!


Its interesting how so many incorrect terms become a part of our normal speach. I remember when I used to get yelled at by the teacher for saying "ain't", but its such a commonly used term, you never really stop using it.


Then again, I always got better grades in Spanish than I did in English.


"How did you get an F in English? Bobby, you speak English"


Hank Hill.

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Re: CSL silliness.


It was in a different thead, very long ago, where you refused to acknlowledge this particular aspet of CSLs as a balancing point between them and DEX. I was just poking fun at that :).




Well, I've seen comparisons to Standard Effect and such, but nothing acknowleging that in a superheoric campaign, CSLs can't increase damage above the max of the attack it's adding to. Maybe I missed something thouogh. It is a long thread already...



I reread my original post to you. After rereading, it sounds harsh and snappy. I hope you didn't take it that way, it wasn't my intent. :)


Anyway, I'm merely mentioning that +2 CSL > +1 DC 0 End. However, +3 Dex (for the exact same 6 net points), is also > +1 DC 0 End.

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Re: CSL silliness.


Well' date=' I've seen comparisons to Standard Effect and such, but nothing acknowleging that in a superheoric campaign, CSLs can't increase damage above the max of the attack it's adding to. Maybe I missed something thouogh. It is a long thread already...[/quote']

I think the counter-argument was that for large attacks, the standard deviation of the rolls will be very small, so almost all rolled damage will be close to average (or about half maximum). Therefore, you have about half the maximum damage to play with using CSLs and still get an adequate payoff....


EDIT: And this becomes even more obvious if you use the Standard Effect Rule.

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Re: CSL silliness.


And this becomes even more obvious if you use the Standard Effect Rule.

Huh. I just had an interesting thought regarding the Standard Effect Rule. When you can't have an effect "above the maximum roll on the dice" (either for an attack or an Effect roll for Adjustment Powers, for example), should dice bought at Standard Effect still be treated as having a maximum of 6, or, since you aren't rolling them, should they be considered to be already maxed out at 3? Just idle musing....

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Re: CSL silliness.


Huh. I just had an interesting thought regarding the Standard Effect Rule. When you can't have an effect "above the maximum roll on the dice" (either for an attack or an Effect roll for Adjustment Powers' date=' for example), should dice bought at Standard Effect still be treated as having a maximum of 6, or, since you aren't rolling them, should they be considered to be already maxed out at 3? Just idle musing....[/quote']


That's what I was thinking actually. Personally, I'd allow it to add damage. Using SE kinda screws you as it is (but it's consistant! :lol: ).

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Re: CSL silliness.


Ah, this, and the post it replies to, are what I apparenlty missed. Thanks OddHat!


In a non-Superheroic campaign, the problem still exists. In a Superheroic campaign, this is no worse off than Standard Effect, and the Character has more points to play with due to his savings. The 'not exceeding maximum effect has almost no relevance' unless the attack is extremely small to begin with.


Of course Hugh's solution of not allowing it also works. ;)


I definately get you, but isn't buying a small attack instead of a large one the point of buying CSLs instead of DCs.

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