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Quote of the Week from my gaming group...

Darren Watts

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Speaking of Smut Fields, the only salient quote I collected from this week's Mean Streets game was a catty comment made after Sybil's player once again forgets one of the other character's names:


"She has her boyfriends tattoo their names on their butts backwards so she can read them off the mirror and make sure she says the right one." :sneaky:

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Bench Transformers: BLOG of GAME

The PCs are giant transforming robots, sorta like the recent movies.


no context needed:


"so If I suffer INT damage, then I can only transform into a Short Bus ?"




One of the PCs was found to be implanted with a "Mission Chip",

which encourages the Transformer to behave correctly.

the team medic removes the (malfunctioning) chip, but with the caveat:

"the diagnostics now check out, but I'll observe you for the next month,

and if your efficiency suffers, then its going right back in"


well the whole team had in mission chips, it was then revealed, so

this was excellent role-play, because the doctor also had in a mission

chip, and so normally would be loathe to remove such chips.




Crow-Bar can transform into a heavy-duty tow-truck;

so he's developed the habit of whenever the team goes ANYWHERE,

he asks the DM: Okay, is anyone parked in a handicap spot ?

He even checked when pulling into the parking lot when the team KNEW it was a combat mission!

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Crow-Bar can transform into a heavy-duty tow-truck; so he's developed the habit of whenever the team goes ANYWHERE' date=' he asks the DM: [b']Okay, is anyone parked in a handicap spot ?[/b]


He even checked when pulling into the parking lot when the team KNEW it was a combat mission!

My step-mom is in a wheelchair and sometimes has issues with finding a spot to park her van due to idiots parking in a spot they shouldn't be in... she would love Crowbar... rep to you and say thanks to his player for the sentiment... :thumbup:



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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


We travel to another planet, and come across Nazis...

LCPL Anatzi: We come across the darndest things out here.

Cpt Tracy: Join Stargate, see the universe...

Dr. Ganim: Seduce alien women...

Cpl Brown: Fight space Nazis...

PFC Roth: Run out of C-4...


Any campaign where you get to fight Space Nazis deserves rep! (Repped.)

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


/me takes Teh Bunneh's head' date=' Highlander-style.[/quote']


/me strides to the several days severed head of teh bunneh and pulls out a needle and thread' date=' silently shedding a tear and hoping this will work.[/quote']


/me watches cranialspasm embroider "Born to Hop" on teh bunneh's forehead.

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


One part of my work involves waterproofing the sides of building slabs. Parging dye is a deep blue, and sometimes the backpack leaks.


: You've got blue stuff on your butt

: I'm cosplaying a baboon


also, discussing video plans for the evening -


: How about an episode of
Doctor Who
, followed by

: Wrong order - traditionally,
Doctor Who
was always on

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


From the Hartsfeld Campaign (4e D&D) last night.


Background: Keira (my Cleric of Avandra), Gerdiss (Matt Adam's Shaman) and Mari (Matt Hart's Raven Queen Paladin) have been initiated into the Brotherhood of the Talon, an elite (or so I assume) order of the Raven Queen and have been tasked with investigating some bandits on the East Road at the ruins of Garthon Manor. Mari and Keira make their stealth rolls, but Gerdiss fumbles his - twice. So, because of Stompy Joe here, they hear us coming and we get ambushed by kobolds.


Anyway, during the fight (in which Mari and Keira are doind the bulk of the damage 'cos Gerdiss keeps fumbling) Matt Adams comes out with this gem:


"I sneak around and do him from behind!"


(Well, given our mentality it was funny at the time and in context.) Matt H and I just cracked up, but I'm reasonably asure Matt A had meant it only in a tactical sense. It was only immediately after that he realised what he had said.


It became a running joke for the rest of the session. :o

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


I didn't write stuff down last session, so these quotes are from memory:


D&D 3.5 game, the heroes are exploring the Zarnan Pass and discover a giant (2-mile diameter) crater that can't be more than 20 years old. However, there are giant (200+ meter tall) trees growing inside. The heroes discover droplets of starmetal scattered about and are scattered around the area collecting it when the DM decides to check for a random encounter.


DM: Yllek, call high or low and roll percentiles.

Yllek: I go "high." (rolls 05). Yep, you can always count on me. :D

DM: (makes a few rolls behind his screen) Okay, Il'Marcum, you're looking for starmetal when you hear rustling in the leaves.

Il'Marcum: Wait, why is it that *he* rolls low and *I* get attacked. (mimics Yllek) "You can count on me!" Thanks a lot!


A giant liquid-metal construct attacks Il'Marcum, but he flies away. So the construct goes after Yllek. The construct's first attack takes out about 1/4 of Yllek's hit points, and Yllek's counter-attack does little apparent damage.


Construct: Drop your weapons and surrender to me!

Yllek: And exactly what do I get if I surrender?

Construct: I'll let you live, as my slave.

Yllek: (pause) Do you have a dental plan? Medical? How about a 401k?


After the heroes beat the construct, Il'Marcum (sorcerer) is talking to Yllek (ranger and cleric of Autumn Willow).


Il'Marcum: Why don't you ask Autumn Willow if she knows what's going on here?

Yllek: I'm just a low-level cleric. I don't have any spells that allow me to commune with her.

Il'Marcum: Who says you need a spell? Just pray to her.

Yllek (OOC to DM): Is there a way I can pray and somehow get an audience with Autumn Willow?

DM (OOC): It's not like you have a hotline to her. You can't just go, "Yo, Autumn Willow! WHAZZZUPPPP? Whut happenin'? Can I talks to you 'bout dese funky trees?"

Yllek (OOC): Great. Apparently, Yllek has gone ghetto.


Yllek is trying an experiment. He gets some acorns from outside the crater and climbs down to plant one inside the crater. Meanwhile, other party members are doing other things.


DM: Okay, so Aren and Ryan are looking for a route past the waterfall. Leila and Devlyn are taking baths inside Il'Marcum's magical mansion. Il'Marcum is accompanying Yllek, who is playing with his nuts.

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


/me strides to the several days severed head of teh bunneh and pulls out a needle and thread' date=' silently shedding a tear and hoping this will work.[/quote']


Aw, she's so sweet to me!



(Ow! Ow! Needle in the neck! Ow!) :eek:


it's the bunneh... I've lopped his head off a good half dozen times. Dang rabbit doesn't know when to give up the quickening.


I got killed a couple of times and had to shamble around as a zombie for a while. Let me tell you, that whole deal is overrated. I've decided it's easier just to not die in the first place. :bounce:

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


One part of my work involves waterproofing the sides of building slabs. Parging dye is a deep blue, and sometimes the backpack leaks.


: You've got blue stuff on your butt

: I'm cosplaying a baboon


also, discussing video plans for the evening -


: How about an episode of
Doctor Who
, followed by

: Wrong order - traditionally,
Doctor Who
was always on


We need a thread for "Quote of the Week from My Life."


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary asks why I don't go start one.

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Aw, she's so sweet to me!



(Ow! Ow! Needle in the neck! Ow!) :eek:




I got killed a couple of times and had to shamble around as a zombie for a while. Let me tell you, that whole deal is overrated. I've decided it's easier just to not die in the first place. :bounce:

I generally crush his little bunny skull in my hands. Sure he comes back to wreak untold vengeance on me, but it's fun and worth a laugh.

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


From the Hartsfeld Campaign (4e D&D) last night.


Background: Keira (my Cleric of Avandra), Gerdiss (Matt Adam's Shaman) and Mari (Matt Hart's Raven Queen Paladin) have been initiated into the Brotherhood of the Talon, an elite (or so I assume) order of the Raven Queen and have been tasked with investigating some bandits on the East Road at the ruins of Garthon Manor. Mari and Keira make their stealth rolls, but Gerdiss fumbles his - twice. So, because of Stompy Joe here, they hear us coming and we get ambushed by kobolds.


Anyway, during the fight (in which Mari and Keira are doind the bulk of the damage 'cos Gerdiss keeps fumbling) Matt Adams comes out with this gem:


"I sneak around and do him from behind!"


(Well, given our mentality it was funny at the time and in context.) Matt H and I just cracked up, but I'm reasonably asure Matt A had meant it only in a tactical sense. It was only immediately after that he realised what he had said.


It became a running joke for the rest of the session. :o



Gerdiss: Fantasy Medival Proctologist at Large.



Major Tom 2009 :D

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Aw, she's so sweet to me!



(Ow! Ow! Needle in the neck! Ow!) :eek:





I got killed a couple of times and had to shamble around as a zombie for a while. Let me tell you, that whole deal is overrated. I've decided it's easier just to not die in the first place. :bounce:

...but death becomes you...

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Thoses are from an Earthdawn game some weeks away, I will try to translate them correctly.


The party is exploring wasteland and stopped by a large gully filled by nearly invisible watery substance.


"Ok, your groups stop at the feet of the pit" (this one mine)


"Can I see the river ?" One PJ.

"No there is the gully that block the view" Another PJ


"Did I see the invisible water ?" (thoses are theirs)

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


From a World of Dimness game



Savannah (OOC): I dont want to see Karl again! I killed him once for a reason! :mad:




Savannah: Its not MY fault Im blonde!



[Note: This had nothing to do with any kind of "bimbo moment". It turns out that Karl was a Nazi, and was obsessed with Savannah because shes a drop-dead gorgeous blonde, and the hottest girl in town]




And now...EMBRIA quotes!




The PCs are investigating a long-abandoned Dwarven Crafthold that has been overrun by goblinoids


Rhiannon (OOC): I listen at the door.


GM: You hear labored breathing, and the sound of many voices


Rhiannon: Im not sure whats in there...could be Goblins mating


Varga: Oh, well, we GOTTA put a stop to THAT!




GM: In the little alcove, way in the back, theres a little metallic glint


Rhiannon (OOC): We're in a Sierra game! :D


Metrion (OOC): The Way Back Machine just hit me in the face :straight:




GM: In this room you find a deep well...


Varga (OOC): Insert Hobbit...


Rhiannon (OOC): Recieve Balrog! :D




GM: The Ork Priestess seems very agitated, and kind of high from the fumes


Metrion (OOC): Doped up on sugar and Yoo-Hoo, no doubt!




Chyra (OOC): Can we tell what it is?

GM: It could be a monitor lizard


Rhiannon (OOC): "Let me sssssssee your hall passsssssss"


Entire Group: *Facepalm*

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Star Gate Quotes


Cpt. Alan "Dick" Tracy, USMC Pilot and team leader

Cpt. Zoey Spencer, USAF Ph.d Mechanical Engineer

Cpl Zues Brown, USA Ranger/Scout

PFC Jim Roth, USA Demolitions

LCPL Apollo Anatazi, USMC Sniper

Dr. George Ganim, linguist/archeologist



Zues: Dumbass freshmen.

Jim: Just kill them already.


How to deal with Space Nazis

Zues: We should just carpet bomb the Nazis.

Jim: I like the way you think.

GM: You don't have air superiority.

Jim: We do have Captain Tracy, though.


Refering to Dr. Ganim 1

Jim: If it weren't for you, we could just kill people.


and 2

Zoey: I'm the real scientist.

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