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Quote of the Week from my gaming group...

Darren Watts

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Oh, this is really addictive.

One more.

Same superhero party, in which the new PC is being hit on/"recruited" by Sgt Superior, one of the PC's rivals.


Sgt. Superior: And besides a healthy salary, medical, dental, you get to look at these guns (flexes bicep) every day! What do you think of that, huh?


Maiden (new PC): Uh, well... its...


Harry (PC leader, just coming back from the bar): What the heck do you think you're doing Sgt Stupid?


Sgt Superior: Well, well, well, if it isn't Mr. Browncoat. I'm just introducing my new friend here to a better class of superhero. You people don't even wear masks! Do you understand what the whole genre is trying to do? You're a disgrace "Hellraiser" and you know it.


Harry: Now, I'm going to let that off as you being drunk. And stupid. Now leave her alone.


Sgt. Superior: You're kidding right? What are you gonna do, hit me? Go on, I'll let you. Give me a whipping with those little girly arms of yours.


Harry turns to Rockhead, Sgt Superior's Thing-pastiche granite-like not-too-bright teammate who's been STANDING THERE the ENTIRE time.


Harry: Hey, Rock, this guy just said something really nasty about your mother. (rolls persuasion. REALLY WELL. GM (Me) rolls eyes).





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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Oh, this is really addictive.

One more.






Oh, it is. Most of my posts are in this one thread. Go on an archive crawl, the whole thread is glorious!


Wish I had some quotes to contribute, but my game is in a state of flux right now. I'll have some soon!

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Oh, this is really addictive.

One more.

Same superhero party, in which the new PC is being hit on/"recruited" by Sgt Superior, one of the PC's rivals.


Sgt. Superior: And besides a healthy salary, medical, dental, you get to look at these guns (flexes bicep) every day! What do you think of that, huh?


Maiden (new PC): Uh, well... its...


Harry (PC leader, just coming back from the bar): What the heck do you think you're doing Sgt Stupid?


Sgt Superior: Well, well, well, if it isn't Mr. Browncoat. I'm just introducing my new friend here to a better class of superhero. You people don't even wear masks! Do you understand what the whole genre is trying to do? You're a disgrace "Hellraiser" and you know it.


Harry: Now, I'm going to let that off as you being drunk. And stupid. Now leave her alone.


Sgt. Superior: You're kidding right? What are you gonna do, hit me? Go on, I'll let you. Give me a whipping with those little girly arms of yours.


Harry turns to Rockhead, Sgt Superior's Thing-pastiche granite-like not-too-bright teammate who's been STANDING THERE the ENTIRE time.


Harry: Hey, Rock, this guy just said something really nasty about your mother. (rolls persuasion. REALLY WELL. GM (Me) rolls eyes).








I'd rep this whole exchange (Rockhead sounds like tons o' fun!) but I must spread some before I can. Would somebody swing their reptonfa on my behalf?

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Winterhawk has returned to oMaM on HHC, and Slyfox has returned to New Constantinople...


Heaven help us all... ;D


"Allow me to introduce myself, although I'm sure I need no introduction. I am the roof-running, swashbuckling, doer of daring known the world over as the Stupendous Slyfox. Yes, 'that' Slyfox. And I'm going to have to see your rooftop lurking license, as such activity is strictly for professionals such as myself. After that we can start fighting, which I believe is a requirement upon two unknown masks meeting if I've got my comic book cliches right."
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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


excuse me what?

Ugh, poster speak in gibberish.... (sigh, bad habit of mine...)


Winterhawk is the player, and he's rejoined the Of Masks and Metahumans game on Hero Central (even if I did put HHC as an oops). Slyfox is the name of his PC, and New Conn is the campaign city.


(and my char is probably going to have an ulcer between Slyfox, Crunch and Metalline...)

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Our current GM writes up accounts of our sessions along with other details on his blog (here if anyone cares to look)


This is how he described us recently...

Really' date=' it takes very little to get this group to volunteer to do absolutely stupid things for no apparent reason. A necessary mission into danger for noble cause? Earnil could've just waved a strip of rawhide labelled 'Firiel' around and said 'Where's the Princess, boys? Where's the princess? GO GET HER!' and thrown the rawhide out of the tent, and they'd have gone chasing after the errant royal.[/quote']
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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


I object. Most princesses are far more attractive than strips of rawhide. If they're not' date=' you're doin' it wrong. :P[/quote']


I think the description is less that the princess is unattractive and more that the characters are unrelenting do-gooders. It didn't hurt that we were champing for some action after three very talky sessions.

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


I think the description is less that the princess is unattractive and more that we are unrelentant do-gooders. It didn't hurt that we were champing for some action after three very talky sessions.


Well, I think that's pretty good refereeing. Get the PCs so hungry for action that they will go for ANY job, instead of arguing the finer points of "Will we or won't we, and if so, for how much?".

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


I think the description is less that the princess is unattractive and more that we are unrelentant do-gooders. It didn't hurt that we were champing for some action after three very talky sessions.



Is the word before "do-gooders" supposed to be "unrelenting" or "un-

repentant"? Or is this group unrelentingly unrepentant?


Just wondering...



Major Tom 2009 :confused:

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Is the word before "do-gooders" supposed to be "unrelenting" or "un-

repentant"? Or is this group unrelentingly unrepentant?


Just wondering...



Major Tom 2009 :confused:


The characters are unrelenting do-gooders. :angel: The players are unrepentant bastards. :sneaky: Correction made to original post to clarify.

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Last night's D&D 4.0 game. It's a fairly new game, we're only a few sessions in. The only two PCs whose names I remember are:

Immarel, a vain male swashbuckling Eladrin rogue.

Wrenn, a short male gnome wizard, formerly a slave.

The other three PCs are an Eladrin swordmage, an Eladrin spirit summoner (can't remember the class), and a Deva avenger. Unfortunately, I don't remember their names.


A side note: Almost all of the players also play World of Warcraft -- a lot. So gaming frequently ground to a halt to discuss things that happened online. :mad:


The party was hired to investigate what happened to a group of 20+ people surveying the mountains for possible mining. We finally find the bodies, apparently all dead at the hands of kobolds (many of whose bodies are also lying about).


Wrenn: I can't remember, exactly what were we supposed to do once we found what happened to the miners?

Immarel: We don't know. Some newb came along and killed the quest-giver before he could finish telling us.


Two ghoulish-looking creatures raise a number of the dead, who set about attacking us. We're outnumbered about 2:1.


Deva avenger: I attack the guy with the red base.

DM: I should point out that the guys with the red bases look exactly like the zombies that they raised, and you didn't see that guy do anything, so you don't know he's any different from the others.

Deva: Well, when (other PC) sent his spirit friend in, that guy backed up. That tells me he's not a mindless zombie like the others. :D


After we killed two of the zombies, the red-base guys raised eight more.


Eladrin spirit-summoner: What, it wasn't challenging enough already?! :eek:


After Immarel retreats from a horde of zombies, our spirit summoner is under attack.


Eladrin spirit-summoner: Well, it worked so well for Immarel, so *I'm* going to try running and screaming like a girl.


Wrenn (OOC, looking at the miniature for Immarel on the battle map): Do you have some sort of wind spell to keep your cape billowing like that?


Once those were all (finally!) dealt with, we're checking out the bodies of the miners and kobolds.


Immarel: I'm searching the bodies and the camp stuff.

Wrenn: Looking for loot?

Immarel: More important than that. I'm looking for a mirror. I forgot to buy one before we left town.


We see that the miners apparently uncovered a cave, but nobody really wants to go inside first.


Deva avenger: Say, isn't that a full-length mirror inside that cave? ;)



We all finally go into the cave. After a short tunnel, we find a larger room, the floor of which is covered in bones, except for a circular hole leading down. Magical runes float in midair, rotating around the hole, and a half-dozen will-o-wisp-type creatures are apparently trying to affect the runes in some way. A wraith floats above the hole, directing the wisps to different runes.


Immarel: I look for the bunny. (Everybody looks at me rather confused) [Monty Python] Only a bunny?! Lookit the bones! [/Monty Python]


We eventually defeat the wraith, the wisps, and the skeletons he raised, and Immarel searches the bones.


DM: You find a large gem, about 300 GP, and 17 smaller ones, about 25 GP each. You also find 612 GP, some leather armor, and some sandals. Both of those are in surprisingly good shape.

Immarel: So we have about 600 gold, 17 small gems, and some magical armor and sandals.

Eladrin spirit summoner: Hey, there's a 300 GP gem too! I wrote it on my Rogue Loot Verification Table!


Spirit-summoner: Okay, now it's time to search the rogue. Strip!

Immarel: I'm ready for this! I pull out my pole and start my dance.

Spirit-summoner: Yeah, we've got something to do with that pole...

Immarel: Wrong pole use! Ow! Ow! Bad touch!


After resting and healing overnight, we go down the hole in the floor. Down there, we find some well-finished caverns, with warning runes by the entrance to one wide tunnel. Another smaller tunnel leads to a side room where a bunch of gray cloaks hang. Our swordmage is gathering cloaks for everybody.


Immarel: Are there any in children's sizes?

Wrenn: (Makes a rude hand gesture)


DM: There are runes floating in front of the wall (Pointing to the map) ... there, and there.

Sword-mage: What do they say?

Immarel: "For a good time, call Immarel at 555-2613..."

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Since this week is GenCon, we had to move our Defender's game up, so we played last Tuesday, and here's the few quotes we got:


Built-To-Last is the groups cameraman, all battles are filmed from his POV. It's built as Eidetic Memory.

Built-To-Last: Well I made it by four, but I don't know if I had Eidetic Memory back then.


(someone): I will destroy one desert tortoise until my demands are met!


GM: 'Dozer (Bulldozer) made an EGO Roll! He rolled a 5, and made it by 2.


GM, setting up the map.

GM: Oh Yeah! DUDE! Cars!


On the back of that random piece of paper were some older quotes I'm not sure I ever posted, they're from an adventure in Faerie:


Built-To-Last: I was up, I was just a dog.


(someone): So, there's some structural damage, is what I'm saying.


Intertia(?): OH, and I'm Stunned by the way.


GM: Daffy is still beating his head against the pillar. It's hard to say which will give first.

(Yes, Daffy Duck)


(someone): Only sub-sonic goats regenerate.

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Ooooo...there's definitely a movie title in this post just begging to be used.



Major Tom 2009 :eg:


My girlfriend made me see Twilight with her, so I'm dragging her to see Inglorious Basterds with me. No arguments. All I need to know is Quentin Tarantino directed it, and it's about killing nazis. Can it POSSIBLY get any better?


Oh, a couple minor quotes from our Teen Champs game yesterday. No one could stay focused, and one of my players lost her cat to a tragic car accident the night before, so we didn't have much for a game. First, the cast!


I'm spoilering it, because it turned out to be really long!





Lisa "Fireshot" Deing ~ A former DNPC for the players old character Fox, Lisa has had her "coming out" discovering fire based powers, and become a full fledged hero. She wants to find a way to revive her big brother (the old character) from his plot induced coma. She has also been recently woken from a 10 year forced coma, so her fashion, slang and general knowledge is about a decade out of date (she was coma-ized in 1999)


Maria Vitel ~ A dhampir being raised in a church attic by a poor catholic priest/former vampire hunter named Father Ray. He used to be called Father Azrael (recurring character of mine that the players love to hate. Once made him the god of fluffy pink bunnies, but that's a different game). Maria is the sickly, quiet goth girl who is frighteningly good with a pair of matched Kunai. She has mostly regenerative and STR and DEX boosting powers. Once a month on the full moon she needs to feed on a human, else get even more sickly.


Joshua Focker ~ a 12 year old genius, senior in high school, extremely coddled Jewish boy. Terrified of the world, but in posession of a variety of form shifting powers. Think an emotion based Ben Tennyson. But more Jewish. And scared of his mother. His two discovered forms so far are the Demon Krathoosh (player named) who represents aggression and the Golem, who represents Joshua's protective feelings.


Tiffany "Panther" Grey ~ Scene Girl and snob, Tiffany was once a shoe-in for the US olympic gymnastics team... until her super-strength manifested and she nearly killed her coach. Her family has moved to Center City to try to restart.


"Tzalan" ~ The being Tzalan is an exiled extra-dimensional wraithlike being inhabiting a human host, named Alan. Tzalan is unfamiliar with human culture, and often forgets he can access his hosts memories for clues, leading to interesting interactions. He once thought humans were made in factories, like Ford and Chevy.


Ariel "Sylph" Adams ~ The older "action mentor" character. Sylph was a magical hero in Center City back before powers vanished, and now that they've returned, she's one of the go-to people for powers advice. Recently, her intern/apprentice turned to dark forces for power, so she turned to the players (a group called Aegis) for help.



Paul "Frostbite" Milliner ~ A former cat-burglar turned superhero, Paul is serving the strangest probation ever. Once he turns 18 and his record clears, he claims he's gonna be long gone. I roll spectacularly bad for him, and the players have dubbed him the "terror of Center City's pigeon population", because, well, all those missed cold blasts have to go somewhere, right?


Agent Harkness ~ Representitive of PRIMUS, former NASCAR driver and the PCs liason and handler. NOT like Harkness from Dr. Who.


Castor Langley "Gemini" ~ The mayor of Center City, sponsor of Aegis, and former costumed hero from the 20's. Gemini was once a super-soldier, but his powers have long since faded, leaving him instead with an extremely slowed aging rate. For a man more than 110 years old, he looks like he's perhaps in his early 60's. Not bad.


Only Frostbite goes along with the group on missions. Harkness brings them there, and Gemini is who they report to afterwards.




Tzalan shifts into his Wraithly form:

GM: "The nerdy guy in front of you literally turns inside out, with all the concommittant sound effects. Crunching, popping cartilage, and what can only be described as the sound of several pounds of aged angus beef being forced through a garden hose."

rest of table: ::shudders::


Maria and Tiffany have a forced discussion:

Tiffany: "So, what are your powers, besides being pale and unpleasant?"

Maria: "... I'm a half-vampire if that helps."

Tiffany: ::eyes light up:: "OH! Do you sparkle?!"

Maria: "I'm done." ::leaves the room::


Tzalan has discovered the internet:

Tzalan: ::spouts some semi-factual perhaps correct factoid::

Gemini: "Where are you getting this stuff from?"

Tzalan: "The domain is called... wikipedia."

Joshua: "Link him to TvTropes, he'll be stuck all day."

Tzalan: ::spouts more factoids::

Gemini: "It's like he's channeling dead crazy people!"


Sadly, that's all we have right now. I promise more in time!

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Maria and Tiffany have a forced discussion:

[/i]Tiffany: "So, what are your powers, besides being pale and unpleasant?"

Maria: "... I'm a half-vampire if that helps."

Tiffany: ::eyes light up:: "OH! Do you sparkle?!"

Maria: "I'm done." ::leaves the room::


Could have been worse. She might have asked "Which half?"

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