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Quote of the Week from my gaming group...

Darren Watts

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Discussing my efforts at dialogue and cut scenes in Spore : Galactic Adventures

Pukusian General
inspiring his soldiers before they go into some vicious door to door fighting
: Try not to kill too many civilians. Remember, lads, we're not at home to Captain Collateral

Which got us onto one of Ian's old characters - Captain Collateral, whose power was a ranged hole-in-the-middle energy blast, with cascading sixes. Thus, he could target somebody or something, and leave them unharmed, but fry everything in a ring around that. He once managed to get an 80 out of 6 dice. Unfortunately that vaporised the bad guys, the rest of his own team, and half of the Sydney CBD.

Captain Collateral - a danger to himself and others... but mostly others

After the Captain fled the country (after warning the world that if anybody came after him he'd destroy the rest of the city) Ian came up with another character with a knack for convincing bluff

Incredibly Tough Man
: *
bursts into room
* Never fear, Incredibly Tough Man is here!

Bad Guys
: Er, how tough are you?

Incredibly Tough Man
: You know Sydney?
I was there

Bad Guys
Ok, we're going to shoot this other guy then. No point wasting missiles.

In fact, his only super powers were super-human intelligence and incredible amounts of overacting. He built himself some powered armour later

Incredibly Tough Man
: *
bursts into room
* Never fear, Incredibly Tough Man is here! Now, in ARMOUR!

But onto last night's game -


Paddy McGinty - Mad Protestant Bomber

Sydney Delthorn - Mad Unitarian Student

Lucy Smith - Half Mad, Half Pickled

Alexei Petrovich - Russia's Mad Monk Parapsychologist

: "That reminds me - I have to do some research on vampires before Saturday's game"

My wife
: "What kind of vampires?"

: "All kinds - hungry ghosts, vampire tools, hair-eating Burmese vampires, blood-sucking squash..."

My wife
: "If any of them sparkle, they're getting staked on the spot"

: "No, no sparkles - well, there may be fireworks, but no sparkles."

Finally got to run the homebrewed Cthulhu adventure I've been planning for months - the one that ties together all the clues about Boston crime bosses, stolen gold, the Miskatonic library's lending policy on the Necronomicon, and the reclusive 'Mr Smith'.


And to my utter pleasure, and no little thanks to deliberate red herrings such as the quote above, they went in armed for vampires, and got Vitus.

My wife, player of Lucy Smith and, formerly, 3
: Oh, you ****er. You ****ing ****er. Come here so I can slap you. AND you're sleeping on the couch tonight.


My wife
for the rest of the evening
: Bastard

: But am I a

The rest of the players from the previous Vitus-featuring Champion campaign, invited over to spectate on the reveal, were all vastly amused or grudgingly impressed. Players currently in this campaign, not so much :eg:


It was an understandable error on the investigators part- weirdo moves into country house, he never comes out during the day, he's never been seen by anybody other than his assistant, who goes into town to buy strange chemicals, rare books, and human blood by the bottle...


They just didn't know it was the assistant that drank the blood.


In case anybody thinks having Vitus turn up is a Cthulhu game is out-of-genre, I point out that dimension-hopping animal-headed sorcerers are not only Chaosium-canon ( Wrona Bors and his demonic familiar The Man In Black from With Malice Aforethought) they're Lovecraft-canon, too! Through The Gate of the Silver Key, anyone? And the tapir-snouted Swami from Yaddith had the advantage of his own TARDIS - Vitus has been trying to locate another way to the Great Library in the Pleiades.


But that was all at the end of the session - Game opens with the PCs waiting at one of the Arkham cinemas for their friend the PI 'Hammer' Dragovic, before they go in to see the evening movie - Nosferatu, as it happens ( it just so happened to be released that year IRL, by a happy coincidence - :eg: ). He's a no-show - apparently he had a hot lead on $40,000 worth of stolen mob bullion. He doesn't show up the next day, either, and his friends start getting nervous.


Elsewhere, Sydney Delthorn is delivering the Miskatonic U's copy of the John Dee Necronomicon to the farmhouse 'Mr Smith' is renting. As Mr Masters takes the book upstairs to the unseen 'Smith's' room, he hears what might be muffled shouts and thumping coming from the root cellar. He later discusses his fears with his colleagues.

Paddy OOC
: Are you sure it wasn't a raccoon-camel?
(referring to the party's theories about the Thing in the Attic, last session)


: I'm just the glorified chauffeur around here

: ...and don't you forget it

Lucy doesn't feel up to anything energetic - she's still recovering from being slashed half open by her great-uncle Gregory last session.

: Going to the flicks is one thing - dancing is right out - I wouldn't want my guts to fall out on the dancefloor

Me, GM
: Yes, the 20's gave us so many great dances - the Charleston, the Foxtrot, the Intestine Skid...

Other musical accompaniment for the game

To the tune of
The Lion Sleeps Tonight

Teke-li-li, teke-li-li, teke-li-li, teke-li-li

Teke-li-li, teke-li-li, teke-li-li, teke-li-li


Down in R'lyeh, in Sunken R'lyeh

Cthulhu sleeps tonight

Down in R'lyeh, in Blackest R'lyeh

Cthulhu sleeps tonight


TekeeeeeeEEeeEEEee-li-li, teke-li-li

: I was down at the speakeasy feeling merry. Then Mary left.


Me, GM
: what will the neighbours think of you leaving a strange man on the doorstep?

: That I've got standards.

Me, GM
: Lucy? Standards? When did that happen?

Their choice of movie viewing colours their theories about what's actually going on at the farmhouse. My efforts to dissuade them do nothing but strengthen their conviction that they're up against a vampire. BWAHAHAHAHA

Me, GM
: Why are you leaping to all these conclusions? Because you just saw
? Just as well you didn't see
The Circus
, or you'd think you the upstairs room was full of murderous clowns. Or
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court
- is there a bunch of knights on bicycles in the bedroom too?

: But the noise was coming from the basement

Me, GM
: Ah, that makes sense - there's more room down there.

I will make no comment about the PCs lewd theories about what Hammer Dragovic was really up to, other than to say Dr Horrible's Sing-along Blog got a reference, and party raised eyebrows when they discovered he'd pulled off into a off-street.

*trying to get back in to Lucy's good books*
We brought the beautiful scenery with us

: Stop blowing smoke up her arse or I'll have to start calling her a chimney

Group starts planning ways to get to the house

: Gottit! Protestant doorknockers

Me, GM
: You already got a pair of Catholic knockers here *
points at Lucy


: You know a better bra will stop them lapsing so far

: Lapse any further and the underwear will be a camel toe.

Me, GM
: Raccoon-camel toe.

Underwear also feature when they finally manage to get to the house, at 2 in the morning on a moonless night, and realise they've left the lockpicking tools back in the truck. Lucy suggests they use the underwire from her bra. They don't even think about the wisdom on trying to sneak up on a suspected vampire in the middle of night until they're already at the house. Arguments get increasing heated, and loud, but that's all irrelevant - Vitus has been awake and watching them from the bedroom window since they fell into the drainage ditch earlier. Not that they realise this until too late. The PCs realise they really should be trying to be stealthy, and pretend to be chickens.

Me, GM
: *
long look at Lucy's player
* As far as I know chicken don't go *uck *uck *uck *uck. Although maybe Lucy chickens do?

The Guild gets a bit chilly in winter - Alexei's & Lucy's players rug up under one blanket

Paddy's player
: Oh look, it's the Siamese Idiots

Alexei's & Lucy's players
*sing the Siamese cat song from
Lady and The Tramp
, complete with dance moves*

They discover that the kitchen door has already been kicked in anyway. Paddy privately thinks that this is a good thing, since it means the three business partners' he arranged to go in earlier have already been, and obviously three armed men against one would easily overpower anybody that was in the house. There's no need to be stealthy anymore. Then they discover the three mobsters beaten unconscious in the root cellar.

: ****

Dragovic is there too, chained to the wall & gagged. His first words once they get the gag off is "Run! For the love of God run!" Alexei, Lucy, & Sydney consider this eminently wise advice and flee for their lives. Paddy, on the other hand, elects to stick around.

: That's Dragovic for you - always thinking of others. Unlike that Irish bastard McGinty,
who throws grenades into the kitchen the rest of us are in


still expecting Nosferatu
: I'm waiting for a creepy bald head to come round the corner. Then I'm going to blow it off.

Of course I wanted to be fair to the players - Vitus was not going to use any magic with two exceptions ( and in the end didn't even need to use those) and his physical skills all wound down to merely competent. I also scripted his actions and responses in advance, unless the players did something silly to give themselves away ( happily, they did). On the other hand, I did split the players up, so that they couldn't use player-knowledge to inform their reactions, when, say, their point-man sticks his head around a corner, screams, and starts blazing away at something on the stairs. It upped the panic wonderfully. The enchanted knife they picked up in an earlier adventure would have been an advantage - if they had remembered to bring it.

Me, GM
: The bullet whines off into the darkness

: Stupid whinging bullets

Vitus takes them down hard, leaving half of them with broken jaws, hairline skull fractures, and so on. It's not pretty. They resign themselves to a dramatic fade to black, and are quite surprised to wake up in the basement.

Me, GM
: It would appear the werewolf-thing has run out of chain. But that's ok, since you so thoughtfully brought all that rope with you.

Vitus is standing in a chalk circle consulting the Miskatonic copy of the Necronomicon he 'borrowed', chanting and gesturing violently in a bestial tongue.

*looking at Lucy, understandably worried*
you're not a virgin are you?
*thinks this statement through for a moment, visibly dismisses it, and turns to Sydney instead*

Vitus pierces his own palm with the tip of a dagger, and presses it to the foreheads of the eight captives, and snarls

"Take heed, humans. Should you
raise your hand against me again, I have given my creatures leave to drink your soul. Every flea, every louse, every tick and bedbug and floor maggot will be free to pierce your skin and kill you by degrees. One bite, and every chill and fever is more of your being gone to feed their kind. Do not cross me - for I am Wrath, and every crawling creature of your your world can be my eyes."

And then left town, leaving the Necronomicon behind, since the starmaps Dee re-drew for his edition are uselessly inaccurate for his purposes. Not that the PCs know this, and they now fully intend to read the book cover to cover to find out just what that bastard did to them - BWAHAHAHAHAHA


And the best thing about this? It's all a total bluff. The chant was Vitus's commentary on humanity's incestuous ancestry, and what he'd like to do to them, in the gnoll language Uruak. Sure, there are enchantments and geases but Vitus is prejudiced against that particular college of magic.


Anyway, I prepared a Mythos CYOA, in advance -

Understandable Mistakes


Anyone would have made the same error - the reclusive SCHOLAR, who never left his HOUSE in the DAY, and his regular order of human blood from the SANITARIUM. Of course you thought he was a VAMPIRE. Who would have expected an alien WEREWOLF-thing, who now has you and your ALLIES chained in the basement for further SPELL research?


Heroic Adventure, +8, +3 San



Cthuloid insanity, a misanthropic gnoll, and Smut Fields galore...I so wish your

campaigns were being run over here. There's never a dull moment in any of



Wrona Bors...now that sounds like the Production Company That The Screen

Actors' Guild Was Not Meant To Know.



Major Tom 2009 :sneaky:

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Cthuloid insanity' date=' a misanthropic gnoll, and Smut Fields galore...I [i']so[/i] wish your

campaigns were being run over here. There's never a dull moment in any of



We're the Lucky Country :D


Wrona Bors...now that sounds like the Production Company That The Screen

Actors' Guild Was Not Meant To Know.


*blinks* so it does! :thumbup:

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


I didn't have time to prepare my regular game this week, so instead we got together and played a little Blood Bowl. This week, my Flesh-Eaters (Undead) played against Josh's Green Sewer Packrats (Skaven). Mike is our unofficial league's commissioner.


Bill: We need some mood music. I'm going to put a little "Jock-Rock" on the stereo...

* puts on the soundtrack for Psycho *

Josh: This is jock-rock? :nonp:

Bill: It's Undead jock-rock. :eg:

Josh: I don't think I want to listen to Undead Jock-rock. :(


Mike: The undead score! The crowd goes wild! :celebrate

Bill: (as the undead crowd)


Josh: Nah, I bet the undead crowd is mostly made up of emo kids.

Bill: They can't even see the game, with their hair down over their eyes like that.

Josh: They're not even watching the game. They're texting each other and listening to Fallout Boy.

Bill: So when the undead score and the crowd goes wild...

* everyone at the table whips out their cellphones and begins texting madly *


Josh: There's one emo kid up in the stands cutting himself every time the undead score.

Bill: I've scored three times* this game. He's probably about to pass out from blood loss by now. :eg:



*Three touchdowns in Blood Bowl is a lot!

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Just a small handful of quotes from my current 7th Sea campaign called The Captain's Treasure. Most of the quotable statements from last game session aren't fit for a family friendly forum. ;)


In this session the party of pirates have arrived at a large wealthy port city in Montaigne...






Alfredo Cabarra : Dashing Castillian swordsman, marksman and ship's captain.

Nikita Borislev : Hulking brute of an Ussuran, axeman and ship's bosun.

Sabbine of the Sea Breeze : Diminutive Sidhe-blooded Avalon Glamour mage and armswoman.

Pia Frazzini : Adventurous Vodacce navigator, mathematician and swordswoman.

Theodora della Ochoa : Kind-hearted Castillian doctor and whipmistress.

Petra : Young Ussuran cabin girl turned reckless warrioress.

Maurice Marceau : Flamboyant and portly Montaigne chef.




During a discussion of the pirates' current stash of ill-gotten treasure...

Petra: Most people get money through some sort of exchange.

Nikita: We exchanged gunfire.

Sabbine: And swordplay.

Pia: And insults.


Young Petra goes clothes shopping for her first formal ball...

Petra: I'm looking for something very girly. Not too much fabric.

Nikita (later): You bought a bag of ribbons?


With a few of the crew leaving the ship, new sailors are needed and the ever-lecherous Sabbine and her Henchwoman are all that's available...

Nikita: I'll send Sabbine and Svanni on a recruiting drive. They're good at that.

Sabbine: We're three steps ahead of you! :eg:

Alfredo: I always thought it was more of a twelve-step program...


Discussing sending Petra to the Duke's ball for a bit of refinement...

Alfredo: We have a teenager who could use a little polishing...

Pia: You'll need to start with a belt sander!


Comment to the whip-cracking Theodora when she announces she's headed out to 'pump' some local gentlemen for gossip...

Alfredo: I don't think we want the kind of intel you get from men who like whips.




That's all, folks. More next week with any luck.



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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


This isn't so much a quote as an event, but you will laugh. It's Rifts. But so what?


Tonight, yes, tonight, the saga of the Millennium Wand and the horde of Bounty Hunters continues:


The Dragon Wolf and the Dogboy were attacked under the cover of darkness while in a town filled with pirates, while in their inn room. There were two mercenaries with Naruni Camouflage Armor and Force fields, and special backpacks that would drop a fusion block to cover their escape.


Well, the rooms in the inn were small, like about 10x10, so there was really nowhere to go or dodge to. In the next room, the KOTWR and the Atlantean Tattooed Man sleep peacefully, unaware of the chaos that is about to unfold. Outside, on the APC, the Dragon Juicer keeps watch, and Emerald hangs out to provide backup.


Well, the camouflage armor guy gets into the room, and initiates combat while the other one launches a volley of missiles at Emerald. By some miracle, Emerald shoots the missiles down, and the bad guy is forced to flee.



Meanwhile, inside the room, the bad guy goes on the defensive and drops his fusion block. Rex shouts "Fusion Block!" and in the next room, the KOTWR activates her Barrier of Defense from her barrier shield. The Dogboy throws the guy in camouflage armor onto the fusion block instead of diving out the window. Well...unfortunately, Body Flip throw cost the guy the action that he would have needed to deactivate the fusion block. At this point, the Tattooed Man jumps out the window of his room, landing under the other one.


Well, Rex Shouts "Alexander, Worm! Glue the room!"


So, Alexander, trusting Rex's military abilities, does this. Blow Worm of Taut appears right in the middle of the alley and spits it's glue into the room that is only about the size of the glob. No dodge is really possible, everything is glued down.


I ask for the next action. The player looks at me, helplessly. "It's the bomb."


BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM! The room is destroyed, everything in it except the PC's is destroyed, Barrier of Defense protects the Mystic Knight behind it (and more importantly, her gear) The poor guy on the fusion block is hurled upward. Everything below the barrier is vaporized. The Mystic Knight rolls a 99 on her sense of balance and faceplants into the ground below in the middle of a heap of equipment, on fire and in her underwear. The Dogboy faceplants. The Dragon Wolf flies in place. The guy in the Naruni Armor slams into the ground and gets up amid dozens of dead people who have been reduced to ash and some of their feet in the bar below. They must have destroyed at least 500,000 credits worth of gear.


Oh, and the Worm and the Tattooed man took the 160 Megadamage from the fusion block also.

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


This isn't so much a quote as an event, but you will laugh. It's Rifts. But so what?


Tonight, yes, tonight, the saga of the Millennium Wand and the horde of Bounty Hunters continues:


The Dragon Wolf and the Dogboy were attacked under the cover of darkness while in a town filled with pirates, while in their inn room. There were two mercenaries with Naruni Camouflage Armor and Force fields, and special backpacks that would drop a fusion block to cover their escape.


Well, the rooms in the inn were small, like about 10x10, so there was really nowhere to go or dodge to. In the next room, the KOTWR and the Atlantean Tattooed Man sleep peacefully, unaware of the chaos that is about to unfold. Outside, on the APC, the Dragon Juicer keeps watch, and Emerald hangs out to provide backup.


Well, the camouflage armor guy gets into the room, and initiates combat while the other one launches a volley of missiles at Emerald. By some miracle, Emerald shoots the missiles down, and the bad guy is forced to flee.



Meanwhile, inside the room, the bad guy goes on the defensive and drops his fusion block. Rex shouts "Fusion Block!" and in the next room, the KOTWR activates her Barrier of Defense from her barrier shield. The Dogboy throws the guy in camouflage armor onto the fusion block instead of diving out the window. Well...unfortunately, Body Flip throw cost the guy the action that he would have needed to deactivate the fusion block. At this point, the Tattooed Man jumps out the window of his room, landing under the other one.


Well, Rex Shouts "Alexander, Worm! Glue the room!"


So, Alexander, trusting Rex's military abilities, does this. Blow Worm of Taut appears right in the middle of the alley and spits it's glue into the room that is only about the size of the glob. No dodge is really possible, everything is glued down.


I ask for the next action. The player looks at me, helplessly. "It's the bomb."


BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM! The room is destroyed, everything in it except the PC's is destroyed, Barrier of Defense protects the Mystic Knight behind it (and more importantly, her gear) The poor guy on the fusion block is hurled upward. Everything below the barrier is vaporized. The Mystic Knight rolls a 99 on her sense of balance and faceplants into the ground below in the middle of a heap of equipment, on fire and in her underwear. The Dogboy faceplants. The Dragon Wolf flies in place. The guy in the Naruni Armor slams into the ground and gets up amid dozens of dead people who have been reduced to ash and some of their feet in the bar below. They must have destroyed at least 500,000 credits worth of gear.


Oh, and the Worm and the Tattooed man took the 160 Megadamage from the fusion block also.


OUTstanding. How many XPs awarded for that debacle? :)

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


We're the Lucky Country :D




*blinks* so it does! :thumbup:



And on top of that, you're actually letting them read the Necronomicon cover

to cover?!


In that case, they'd better be prepared to team up with a certain chainsaw-

wielding S-Mart clerk, 'cause they're about to find themselves up to their back-

sides in Deadites.



Major Tom 2009 :eg:

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


And on top of that' date=' you're [i']actually[/i] letting them read the Necronomicon cover

to cover?!


In that case, they'd better be prepared to team up with a certain chainsaw-

wielding S-Mart clerk, 'cause they're about to find themselves up to their back-

sides in Deadites.



Major Tom 2009 :eg:


"Klatu! virada...Ni! cough, cough cough"


There! They said the words, now they can read your silly book!

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


From last night's D&D4 game.


"Dude! You Kurosawa'd him!" OOC comment after a particularly powerful sword strike by a PC.


"Raaaaape ghooooost!" Standard OOC comment (said in a long, drawn out way) by one PC whenever a particularly nasty tactical move is executed that deals out lots of damage, usually when the DM mauls a PC. Inspired by a Robot Chicken episode that featured the Scooby Doo Gang.


"He crop dusted us!" OOC comment after one PC walked around the table back to his seat while passing gas. :idjit:

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Last week didn't get us any real quotes, as everyone was too feckless and unfocused to get any real time in. This week we will be welcoming a new player, who will be playing Red's best friend Cass (anyone who's seen the Gamers: Dorkness Rising will know the name. Yes. Based on that Cass) so it's bound to be interesting.


For those in the know, this time, Brother Silence IS an elf! ;-)

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Played a Pathfinder Society Game today. Had several good quotes.


(our idea about what a pirates dad said as he left.)

"Jr., you are a F***ing Prick. Here is a boat and a charter. Now go away."


Player: "I want to know if I can pull a weapon in this town?"

GM: "Yes. Do you want to know if there are consequences?"


GM: " A little girl is holding the head of an older man in her lap. They are sitting in a pool of his blood."

Player: "Where is the rest of him?"


best out of context.


" I start undressing the little girl"


"If it's on the table, I can hit it with my hammer."

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Second run of our street-level superheroes game. Many good quotes, but only a few stuck in my head.


First, a bit of background. The PC's are a group of people from various walks of life who've discovered they all have a common parent, a retired cape who's been arranging to create the next generation of superheroes to fight for justice. This is important: they're all half-siblings.


The relevant PC's are:


  • Gil Lochland (played by me): millionaire playboy with wonderful toys.
  • Nikki Patterson (played by my wife): college student moonlighting as a pole dancer who's also a flying brick.
  • Edgar Shinner: private detective with, I think, illusion powers (he's been rather reticent about revealing what his abilities are)
  • Sybil Frost: Paris Hilton-clone with ice powers.

Edgar is on a missing-girl case and is on the trail of a likely suspect: a fellow with known contacts to the Latin mob in charge of "acquiring" girls for their prostitution ring. The mobster is holed up in the Champagne room of a high-class gentleman's club, with his colleague in crime (a woman) and two "girls."


Serendipitously, Gil is there entertaining a business contact, and Sybil dragged Nikki out for a "night on the town." Gil and Sybil notice Edgar and enthusiastically jump in to assist.


Edgar: "Why are you helping me?"

Gil: "Well, it's either this, or sit there listening to a Japanese businessman ask when he'll get to eat sushi off a naked American girl."

Sybil suggests they go into the Champagne room under the guise of using the "private" facilities.


Edgar: "But you're my half-sister!"

Sybil: "This is the other half, silly!"

Later, the PC's have succeeded in infiltrating the room, and Nikki decides to distract their target by performing her act. (Note: until that point, none of the other PC's were aware of her "night job." She also happens to be very good at it.)


Gil: [with genuine concern] "I don't know what half not to be looking at!"

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


First, our cast:


Julian -- Park ranger and practicing Voodon.

Mike -- Zookeeper and half-angel.

Sonja -- Newspaper reporter and half-vampire.




Sonja (OOC): At this rate, you're going to be out of withering glances before the night's over.




Julian (to Mike): You're a little more gator-proof than I am.




Mike: Well, time for me to wrestle the 50 foot gator.


GM: Is that what the kids are calling it these days.




Julian (to Mike again): If you're in the gator's mouth, it won't be able to eat Father Charley.




Sonja (OOC): You've reached the Emergency Exorcism Hotline. Please hold.




Julian: I put it back where I pulled it from, the waistband of my pants.

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Oops, just remembered another one from the Mean Streets game (our name for the street-level supers campaign).


The group assembles at one of Gil's many offcies to review some security-cam footage they've obtained. Gil starts performing magic with image-enhancement software with the computer embedded in his office desk.


Sybil; "So all this time, your really were just this big nerd."


Gil: "Yes, you've discovered my shameful secret. All of my action figures are cherry."

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


The Skull: A vigilante with a cybernetic arm and leg; quite strong, but not too bright; uses a sledgehammer and ranged weapons built into his arm.

Ronin: A martial artist with the ability to manipulate darkness/darkforce.


After an accident with a nuclear weapon resulting in the destruction of New York:

The Skull: At least Daily Bugle won't rant and rave at Spider-Man.

GM: Because Daily Bugle ceased to exist!


The Skull: One doesn't have to be intelligent when one has a nuclear weapon.

GM: The Skull HAS a nuclear weapon...


The Skull: We need a brilliant idea.

Ronin: I have a bad feeling about this...


The Skull: BlackCorp (enemies) know our strategy.

GM: What, get in, destroy everything and get out?

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


So, we meet again for 4th edition DnD.


Our cast of victims...


Shadowdeath, Eladrin Wizard

Torm, Dragonborn Cleric

Aleric, Human Paladin

Atolucus, Half Elf Rogue

Rangrim, Eladrin Artificer (Forge)

Scrag, Half Orc Barbarian (Bashman)

Justin, Human Fighter


Atolucus, to Rangrim: Way to go, Captain Incompetent.


Justin, to Scrag: You just beat up a ghost?


GM, to Scrag: You cannot intimidate the unconcious.


Atolucus: Monster Island. The smallest things are 10' tall.

Aleric: The ants are 10' tall.

Rangrim: My god!

Torm: Think of the anteaters.

Rangrim: Oh my god.

Atolucus: I could be fun.

Aleric: I wouldn't bet on it.

Atolucus: Miracle Gro Island. We can kill with impunity.

Aleric: I don't have profeciency with impunity.


GM: There are vines creeping toward you.

Scrag: I attempt to identify the plants with my nature skill. (rolls poorly)

GM: They are very creepy vines.

Scrag: I kill them.

Torm: That's your answer to everything.

Scrag: It works.


A trap blocks the only way in or out...

Aleric: I thought you disarmed the traps.

Atolucus: You wanted the traps that prevent us from entering disarmed, you didn't say anything about the ones for leaving.


Setting up the minis...

GM: Set your marching order.

Torm: No. Everytime we do, something tries to kill us.

Scrag: (indicating figures) Where do you want to be?

Torm: Portland.


Attacked by a giant werewolf...

Aleric: Maybe we can parley.

Atolucus: Anyone speak growl?

Scrag: Anyone have a Scooby Snack?

Aleric: You're the barbarian, you're the snack.

GM: Aleric, you act first, what do you want to do.

Aleric: (surprisingly girlish scream)


GM sets the scene

GM: The walls are black sludge.

Torm: Great, we're in somthing's colon.

GM: The walls are moving.

Torm: What did I tell you.


GM to Scrag: You're confused.

Scrag: Couldn't I be dominated instead?

GM: Why?

Torm: He likes the black leather outfits.


Confronted by a hammer wielding frost giant...

Atlolucus: Hammer time!

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Last gaming session. Almost all of this is OOC...


Female player: He's eating a bagel with cottage cheese.

Male Player: Or it may only be something that only looks like cottage cheese…


Female player: My super power is showing cleavage (proceeds to do so)

Male player: Well, my clothes feel like they’re getting tighter...


In game: Nightengale (the party mentalist) is talking about letting another telepath into her mind, and is warning the party about possibly being mind controlled...

Nightengale: So, if I start acting loony (pause)... er!

GM: In a way that’s completely out of character…


The husband of one of the players is under the table, looking for lost dice. Then he starts "playing" with his wife...

Wife: Hey! Get off!

Someone else: That’s what he’s doing!


There is OOC discussion about having lots of hard drives for storage...

Male Player: Oh! I'd love to see your "externals".

Female Player: Do you want to see guy-on-guy?

Male Player: No!

Female Player: Then you don’t want to see my externals…!


There was a discussion about coffee, and how some people actually take coffee enemas to accelerate the absorption of caffeine. So, later on, somebody asked about coffee...

Player 1: How do you take your coffee?

Player 2: Orally!

Player 3: Would you like cream with that?

Player 4: Or do you take it black?


More OOC

Female player: I have to finish the protein shake before it goes bad

Male Player: I’ll give you a protien shake…


No context needed...

Why is the microphone in his pants?


Asking the new player in the game, Book, about her powers...

Book: My powers are draining.

Player: So... you suck?


No context needed...

So hard to be you... (pause) I didn’t mean it like that.


More discussions about Book's powers

Player 1: Wouldn't it be cool if you could use your cell phone for your spells?

Book: It would! I'm sending a spell via text...

Player 2: "I prepared explosive runes tod- "


And finally, one of the party bricks talking to the team leader

I could throw the Book at you…

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