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Quote of the Week from my gaming group...

Darren Watts

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


From tonight's Shadowrun 4e game...


On interrogating a prisoner...


Mike: "Well, I don't want to kill him. Seems like he was roped into this... and I couldn't kill someone in cold blood."

Black Mamba: "I could."


On descriptions of NPCs... or lack of GM vocabulary or IQ tonight. All OOC.


Harry: So what's she dressed in?

GM: A tight red leather suit... y'know, like that chick in Underworld.

Harry: You mean like neoprene and that shiny stuff?

GM: Kind of, except its just leather, and not that shiny stuff... there's a... uh... thing around her middle, the one that ties up.. ummmm...

Black Mamba: She's wearing a cat suit?

GM: What? No, its not a cat suit...

Black Mamba: In some circles, this is referred to as a "cat suit."

GM: But... not... er.. she's not a cat.

Harry: Oooh yeah... catsuit. Right.

Mike: Okay, I get it.

GM: .....?


Black Mamba: We sure could use a car like one of these.

Grief: Will I even fit in this?

Mike: Oooh, good question...

GM: Nope.

Grief: What if I rip the trunk lid off and sit in there?

GM: You'd... fit. The suspension might even take it.

Harry: Right, let's take the van.

Mike: And outfit it like the A-team.

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


From tonights Tri-Stat Space Opera game.


Mathy: Well, you are the ranking officer on the ship.

Xeralia: Ranking officer? I'm the janitor!




GM: You hear clucking. Smug, evil clucking.

Xeralia (OOC): I don't care if it is someone's pet, I'm killing that damned chicken!




and our GMs most used quote tonight

GM: Will the peanut gallery please shut up?!




Driev (OOC): You're in an odd mood today, what happened?

Me (OOC): Nyquil and Red Bull.

(before you ask, yes, I did get that from ventriloquist Jeff Dunham)

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


From my Steampunk game...


Thackery: We're going to be dealing with spirits? I need to get to work on some ghost-busting weaponry!

Morden: We don't actually know what we're dealing with yet.

Thackery: Yeah, maybe. But... ghost-busting weapons!!!

Alicia: You're a solution looking for a problem, aren't you?

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


No City on the Edge this week - I was working and nobody else wrote down any memorable lines.

Jasmine/3's player
: "Why is there a pair of sunglasses in the fridge?"

Sundog GM & The Gunney's player
: "Someone wanted be cool"

And the less said about spells like Giacomo's Guaranteed Climax the better.


30 Seconds Over Kingdom City - Part Deux


Last 13 seconds of the campaign - 3 hours of play. Vitus has just knocked the undead Doctor Destroyer off the map. If we can keep him busy until the geomantic cannon fires, multiple realities will be saved.


Vitus fails to duplicate his initial success. Destroyer's dead eyes gleam within his broken helmet, and his raises his gauntlets to respond.

: "You missed. My turn."

Destroyer missed too.

: "I'ld respond with an appropriate gesture, but my hands are busy"

The Spectre ran off to get the Sky-Spectre. An armoured, invisible, supertech-airship. He plans to run it into Destroyer at a little under the speed of sound.


Setting up a to-scale hit on Destroyer.... the photo evidence


That little black blob is Destroyer. Another less blurry photo photo here

: "Let me know when the airship is incoming, so Vitus can use the worse curse he knows."

Orca's player
: "Up yours?"

: "'Oh, the humanity'"

Destroyer is hit so hard he's flung the length of the street. It took a hatfull of dice to calculate the damage.

Void OOC
: "Isn't the Storm Lord's corporate building at the end of that street?"

Storm Lord's player
: "It


: "Hey, I just realised - the airship really is a Mile-high Club!"

Spectre's player
*looks at me blankly*

: *mimes baseball swing* "WHACK!!!"

We survived, to my considerable surprise.


Epilogue scenes - Vitus, hospitalised with skull fractures and multiple aneurysms ( a headlock from a particularly annoyed Doctor Destroyer, followed up by the withdrawal symptoms of a hugely dangerous mutagen, will do that to you). Jasmine and the Spectre in Antarctica punching the snot out of the latter's father. Orca rebuilding his father's organisation - no, no the Nazi party, the other one. The Gunney gets half of Kingdom City named after him. Void explores ever more distant universes, becoming less and less human until one day he simply doesn't return, leaving his pregnant girlfriend on Earth. Mister E Magister keeps his promise to help Vitus on his endless search for his lost homeworld, Aura. And Felicity, with her Luck powers, inherits the missing-presumed-eaten-by-Outer-God Storm Lord's corporation and more importantly, finally gets laid.


But I'm going to miss playing Vitus :( *sniffles*

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Jasmine/3's player
: "Why is there a pair of sunglasses in the fridge?"

Sundog GM & The Gunney's player
: "Someone wanted be cool"



I can actually answer that one... Someone left them behind the week before. I noticed too late after the cabinets had been closed. But the fridge was still unlocked.

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


From tonight's Shadowrun 4e game...


On interrogating a prisoner...


Mike: "Well, I don't want to kill him. Seems like he was roped into this... and I couldn't kill someone in cold blood."

Black Mamba: "I could."


On descriptions of NPCs... or lack of GM vocabulary or IQ tonight. All OOC.


Harry: So what's she dressed in?

GM: A tight red leather suit... y'know, like that chick in Underworld.

Harry: You mean like neoprene and that shiny stuff?

GM: Kind of, except its just leather, and not that shiny stuff... there's a... uh... thing around her middle, the one that ties up.. ummmm...



Are you looking for the word "corset?"


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary notes that we seem to expand a lot of people's vocabularies in this thread....

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


It was - I'm going to miss the campaign' date=' players, and characters terribly[/quote']


There's always the next game. Anyway, Vitus ended the campaign on an "endless search" which leaves the possibility for his return as a PC, or, more likely, an NPC (*appears* "damn, this isn't Aura either" *disappears*).

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


There's always the next game. Anyway' date=' Vitus ended the campaign on an "endless search" which leaves the possibility for his return as a PC, or, more likely, an NPC (*appears* "damn, this isn't Aura either" *disappears*).[/quote']


I have some friends that used to retire their old PC's to the "red herring" bin. Whenever the players were getting off track, a former PC shows up fighting something waaaay out of their weight class. ie:


GM: "You are trekking through the nondescript forest for the 4th day when you hear a rumbling."


PC1: "See! I knew something was going on out here!"


GM: "There is a thundering explosion, and the sun is briefly eclipsed by an immense form before something crashes into the trees to your left. A armored dwarf holding two huge hammers, one silver and one gold, steps from the trees to your right, says, 'Hurry, away 'fore the beast recovers!' and charges off to your left."


PC2: "Wait...one silver hammer, and one gold?"


PC1: "...We'll head out of the forest now."

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Didn't have my Serenity game tonight, one of my players, who's epileptic, had a seizure and it kind of killed the mood for game, so we had a 6 person game of Red Dragon Inn. Pick it up if you can. Many of the quotes from that game are not fit to print.


The tamest came when I tried to take my friend Holly out of the game, and she used mathematical shenanigans to get out of it. I turned to her and said:


"You are made of b*tch!"

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


There's always the next game. Anyway' date=' Vitus ended the campaign on an "endless search" which leaves the possibility for his return as a PC, or, more likely, an NPC (*appears* "damn, this isn't Aura either" *disappears*).[/quote']


*nods* I've been asked to run something - the GM of the original game Vitus was in , oh so many years ago now, suggested a campaign about his ongoing efforts. I think he'd make a good patron, hiring your party to track down hints on his behalf.... indeed, he'd make a great mysterious and alarming patron if they investigate his background - especially with a demonic colleague in tow



I have some friends that used to retire their old PC's to the "red herring" bin. Whenever the players were getting off track, a former PC shows up fighting something waaaay out of their weight class. ie:


GM: "There is a thundering explosion, and the sun is briefly eclipsed by an immense form before something crashes into the trees to your left. A armored dwarf holding two huge hammers, one silver and one gold, steps from the trees to your right, says, 'Hurry, away 'fore the beast recovers!' and charges off to your left."


PC2: "Wait...one silver hammer, and one gold?"


PC1: "...We'll head out of the forest now."


heehee - i like

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Only 3 of my 5 players showed up to my Shadowrun 4th Edition game. One is chronically hit or miss with his attendance, and the other was sick. So instead of continuing with the next adventure in the campaign, I ran a one off. There was only one amusing quote that I remember.


New cast of Characters:


Mac, the Orc ex-Special Ops, is no longer with the team.

Lina, a Human Weapon Specialist and Armorer, is taking Mac's place.




The team has been hired to "silence" a private investigator who knows too much. The plan is to hire the investigator for a fake job in the Barrons where the team will ambush him.


Bender: (on a comm call to the investigator, not sure of the plan): I need you to ... uh ... investigate something ... privately.

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Guest Major Tom

Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


*nods* I've been asked to run something - the GM of the original game Vitus was in , oh so many years ago now, suggested a campaign about his ongoing efforts. I think he'd make a good patron, hiring your party to track down hints on his behalf.... indeed, he'd make a great mysterious and alarming patron if they investigate his background - especially with a demonic colleague in tow





heehee - i like



Given what we've seen of Vitus' track record, I wouldn't put it past him

to introduce said demonic colleague as his legal counsel...




Major Tom :eg:

"Here's a needle...just sign here on the dotted line."

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


More quotes from my Shadowrun 4th Edition campaign




Lina (OOC): (reminiscing about past adventures) Hey, I only cut him in half after he drew a knife on me; I wasn't the one who set the other kid of fire as he was running away!




The team is staking out a Bunraku Parlor* from a seedy cafe/bar across the street, waiting for their mark to exit.


Bender and Tina: (walk into the cafe/bar together)


Bender: (walks up to the bartender) I'll have two beers. (looks at Tina) Should I order one for you too?


A little while later ...


Bender (OOC): Has he been in there for more than two hours?


GM: No, about an hour and a half.


Bender (OOC): Good. Otherwise, I'd have to buy more beer.




In order to ambush their mark and "neutralize" him, Bender decides to disguise himself among the other vagrants in an alley that the mark should travel down.


Bender (OOC): I find an unoccupied cardboard box and occupy it. If I can't find an unoccupied box, I find an occupied one and evict the tenant, then occupy it.


Lina (OOC): Yeah, he just picks up the box, shakes it. Some guy falls out and runs away.


Tina (OOC): Unless that guy is a Troll and doesn't like being evicted.






*Also known as a "Meat Puppet Parlor." Its a brothel where the "employees" are surgically altered to look like famous people and have personality chips slotted in their data jacks so that they take on the personalities of said famous people. While under the influence of the personafix chip, the employees' personalities are suppressed, and they will have no memory of what happened.

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