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Quote of the Week from my gaming group...

Darren Watts

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Guest Major Tom

Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Sundog GM
: "You have now returned to the normal world..."

: "Excuse me? Earth is an exceedingly abnormal world and Vitus wants nothing to do it. "

: "I thought he was an experienced planewalker? Earth is populated by humans, that's the multiversal norm. "

: "Yessss... It's a source of constant annoyance."


: "Since the big disaster I've been sleeping on a cot at the fire station"

: "Which disaster? There's been so many"

: "The one
didn't cause."


It's hailing. Hail the size of golfballs. Golfballs all perfect isocohedrons.


Void OOC
: "Maybe Vitus is being upgraded to d20?"


The Eiffel Tower is collapsing under the weight of ice, three hurricanes are taking turns to kick Haiti in the rocks, a glacier is bearing down at 50 kilometers an hour on Toronto, and the Storm Lord just got eaten by something with lots of tentacles out of a hole in the sky.


The Gunney's magically transformed armour doesn't have a digit-laser anymore. Instead, the finger extends twenty feet to impale an illithid.


: "Ah, a laser pointer."


Vitus OOC
: "So what monstrous evil did Orca do in a previous life, that forces him to be my bodyguard in this one?"

Specter OOC
: "Pre-emptive karma?"

The Gunney
: "He's working on becoming a Bodhisattva in one step."


And to show just how bad the situation has become...


Sundog GM
: The sacrificial victim drives the dagger into her own chest, and with her last breath points towards the river, and gasps "See! His herald comes!". The concrete and asphalt swirls, churning up into the sky, the column coalescing to reveal a figure - his golden armour tarnished, his cape tattered, his helmet broken to reveal the decaying flesh beneath. Destroyer - servant of Cthulhu"

The entire Party


We are not happy. Void did pipe up with "So, Doctor D is back. Undead. Doctor Un-D!" but it didn't really help our mood as the undead body of the planet's worst supervillain, inhabited by the essence of a Great Old One, moves in for the kill.



With regards to Toronto: wouldn't a huge, icy-cold mass headed for a

city at 50 kph be considered an avalanche instead of a glacier?


In any case, it sounds like the PCs are having a "Oscar Foxtrot Mike"

sort of day...




Major Tom :eek:

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


With regards to Toronto: wouldn't a huge, icy-cold mass headed for a

city at 50 kph be considered an avalanche instead of a glacier?


In any case, it sounds like the PCs are having a "Oscar Foxtrot Mike"

sort of day...


Nope - solid slab of ice. It's currently taking TWO superteams and a Martian War Machine to hold it off.


and yes. We go away for a day and come back to this - typical....

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Nope - solid slab of ice. It's currently taking TWO superteams and a Martian War Machine to hold it off.


and yes. We go away for a day and come back to this - typical....


Who has a War Machine?

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


We are not happy. Void did pipe up with "So' date=' Doctor D is back. Undead. Doctor Un-D!" but it didn't really help our mood as the undead body of the planet's worst supervillain, inhabited by the essence of a Great Old One, moves in for the kill.[/quote']


That line from 'Ghostbusters' springs immediately to mind: "Looks like we might have to put in some overtime on this one..."

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Which is unfortunate' date=' because Feline Fury is a very independant, willful, and self-reliant young lady. And there -are- people in the world built like that. Not many, granted, but they exist.[/quote']


Key word being "built."


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary points out to Lucius that he knows at least one such woman who was born, not made, so his snarky comment was not called for.

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Who has a War Machine?


A secret society of immortal 1940s masked heroes had one stashed under the Salisbury Plain, and mailed it to Canada as a favour to the Specter. He needed a shopping mall removed.


Now we need it to *protect* the vitrified site in question

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Guest Major Tom

Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Just a guess...


'Oh' and 'Me'... ;)



Got it in one.


What the hey, if a male flight attendant on an overseas flight who's

suddenly confronted by a venomous snake can use the expression,

it's certainly good enough for Team Chinese Curse.




Major Tom :eg:

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


And to show just how bad the situation has become...


Sundog GM
: The sacrificial victim drives the dagger into her own chest, and with her last breath points towards the river, and gasps "See! His herald comes!". The concrete and asphalt swirls, churning up into the sky, the column coalescing to reveal a figure - his golden armour tarnished, his cape tattered, his helmet broken to reveal the decaying flesh beneath. Destroyer - servant of Cthulhu"

The entire Party


What you need is a "I just soiled my undies" smiley.






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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


A secret society of immortal 1940s masked heroes had one stashed under the Salisbury Plain, and mailed it to Canada as a favour to the Specter. He needed a shopping mall removed.


Now we need it to *protect* the vitrified site in question

No, the Tripod mas being held by "M". The Spectre helped put them put stash it there. The secret society had nothing to do with this one. It think. They still haven't taught the Spectre the secret handshake or anything, so they might still be withholding some information.
What you need is a "I just soiled my undies" smiley.






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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


We enter a city in a canyon:

Beguiler: It's between the BOOBS!

Necromancer: No, no, its in the crack.

Wiz: It's a shitty town, anyway.

Dwarf: The guards here must be crap.

Beguiler: Watch out for the well, you don't want to fall in to it.


GM: Damn, I've forgotten the name of the town. Eh, they found a reservoir of a dark flammable liquid under it. They call it Brown Well.

The beguiler has a bad evening at a bar:

GM: You wake up with something strange written on your face in elvish, one eyebrow missing, and smelling oddly like piss.

Beguiler: I commit suicide.

Bartender (NPC): one more like that and I'll have to throw you out...

Necromancer: We'll try to prevent any other party members from committing suicide.

Adventuring guild recruiter (NPC): Will this be happening a lot?

Most of the party at once: I think the problem just died out.


We instructed to clear a kobold mine.

Necromancer: We're committing genocide for the government then? Okay, sounds like fun.

GM: Haven't you forgotten anything?

Necromancer: Like what?

GM: Asking to be paid?

A bloodstain alerts to the presence of a trap:

Wiz: I throw a rock forward.

Necromancer: Everyone else duck while he does it.

Dwarf: I don't have to.

GM: It has no effect.

Necromancer: We throw the dead beguiler forth

That sprung the trap...


GM: I seem to have misplaced the encounter.


We face another large foe.

Necromancer: For a kobold lair we seem to meet few kobolds.


8 kobolds ambush us:

Wiz: What do the kobolds think of the corpse?

GM: They tend to ignore it

Wiz: Really? Its a glowing corpse.


I roll a 1 on a spot check:

Necromancer: I spot my nose.

GM: You rolled a 1, then you don't spot your nose.

Necromancer: Damn it, where's my nose.

We get ambushed by a group of super-stealthy kobold force, who crit and have sneak attack bonuses. Just a pity their target, Sir Kalmeran is already dead, and so immune to both:

GM: Sir Kalmeran takes 5 piercing damage.

Sir Kalmeran: bursts out laughing.

Sir Kalmeran: I'll reduce my hit points by zero then. (Damage reduction, yay!)

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


No' date=' the Tripod mas being held by "M". The Spectre helped put them put stash it there. The secret society had nothing to do with this one. It think. They still haven't taught the Spectre the secret handshake or anything, so they might still be withholding some information.:yes:[/quote']


Ah, my mistake. There's so many secret societies involved in events now that the only one that ISN'T somehow involved is the Loyal Order of Water Buffaloes

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


And to show just how bad the situation has become...

Sundog GM
: The sacrificial victim drives the dagger into her own chest, and with her last breath points towards the river, and gasps "See! His herald comes!". The concrete and asphalt swirls, churning up into the sky, the column coalescing to reveal a figure - his golden armour tarnished, his cape tattered, his helmet broken to reveal the decaying flesh beneath. Destroyer - servant of Cthulhu"

The entire Party

We are not happy. Void did pipe up with "So, Doctor D is back. Undead. Doctor Un-D!" but it didn't really help our mood as the undead body of the planet's worst supervillain, inhabited by the essence of a Great Old One, moves in for the kill.

Dammit, why is it that when *I* try to pull things like this, the games all die before I get a chance for such a golden reveal? :( Killer scene though. :bounce:

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Some more quotes from our "Fantasy Game Which Must Not Be Named":


We're on the outskirts of a large orc army. We've already killed all the outermost scouts.

Xan: "I wonder if they put out more scouts?"

GM: "When they're incompetent, and come in large blocks, they're called patrols."

Osbourne: "Ok, then we patrol towards the camp."



The orc army has a contingent of minotaur. We idly wonder if they have any sneaky scout types. Minotaur ninja? Crazy talk, we say.


Belloric OOC: "But they get bonuses to MOOOoove silently."


[The groaning may now commence.]

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Dammit' date=' why is it that when *I* try to pull things like this, the games all die before I get a chance for such a golden reveal? :( Killer scene though. :bounce:[/quote']


Sorry to hear it :( Sundog's campaign is certainly rushing to a big finish. I'm going to miss playing Vitus *sniffles* :weep:

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