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Quote of the Week from my gaming group...

Darren Watts

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Which is unfortunate' date=' because Feline Fury is a very independant, willful, and self-reliant young lady. And there -are- people in the world built like that. Not many, granted, but they exist.[/quote']




Plus, she's well a fictional character in a comic book universe. I'd bet Fury and her teammates run into things far more "impossible" that her bustline on a daily basis. But it's breasts not the unbreakable (Unobtanium?) claws most people will harp about it? How people in the real world have those? How many 5'4 women can lift over 800 pounds? Comic book style art is usually exaggerated or stylized. Male comic characters don't exactly have "realistic" physiques either.


Some feminists might be offended but I know quite a few that would consider it 1. Artwork 2 Not all that bad (You see women dressed in less out on on hot days and being enticingly dressed not automatically equate to "anti feminist" 3. Would take the -entire- character into account not just buy into the equally stereotypical idea that if a woman has large breasts and/or is attractive she's obviously just a male plaything/bimbo.


Heck, for that matter I've gamed with some women that identify as feminists that have played characters similar to Feline Fury in appearance. Women had their dream appearances too and sometime want to realize them in their characters, "realistic" or not. I hope I'm not getting too much started by dropping the Gen bomb and I'll remove this point if anyone thinks it too off topic or too likely to cheese someone off.

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


(Now playful wrestling' date=' on the other hand...)[/quote']


She can grow or reduce the length of her unbreakable nails' date=' but thats the only real "transforming" she does..:cool:[/quote']


Thank god she can reduce the length of her claws, otherwise "playful wrestling" would quickly turn into "playful disembowelment". :eek:

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...




Plus, she's well a fictional character in a comic book universe. I'd bet Fury and her teammates run into things far more "impossible" that her bustline on a daily basis. But it's breasts not the unbreakable (Unobtanium?) claws most people will harp about it? How people in the real world have those? How many 5'4 women can lift over 800 pounds? Comic book style art is usually exaggerated or stylized. Males don't exactly have "realistic" physique either.


Some feminists might be offended but I know quite a few that would consider it 1. Artwork 2 Not all that bad (You see woman dressed in less out on on hot days 3. Would take the -entire- character into account Not just buying into the equally stereotypical idea that if a woman has large breasts and/or is attractive she's obviously just a male plaything/bimbo. Heck, for that matter I've gamed with some women that identify as feminists that have played characters similar to Feline Fury in appearance. Women had their dream appearances too and sometime want to realize them in their characters, "realistic" or not.


Thanks for the support :)

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


And now, to try to return this thread to its original purpose (not that Feline Fury minds having her own thread)...


Some quotes from the newly-reinstated Sequoia City Slayer game




Jinx: Im way more of a tramp in my dream life than I am in my real life. Ive gotta work on that


Teddi: ....Which direction? :P




Teddi and Jinx are headed to school, looking at the town rebuilding after the damage done by the earthquake from the near-apocalypse they narrowly diverted


Teddi: Should I consider this a win, because the world is still here...or feel bad because we should have been a little bit quicker?


Jinx: *shrugs* All my stuff is still here :)




Teddi (OOC): Yes, Teddi is kind of into that stuff too, because she was brought up to be a Watcher, and theyre practically Librarians, and you know how THEY are! :sneaky:




Shauna: Rumors are that Eric spent the summer touring with a rock band!


Jinx: He spent the summer at his grandparents, in Florida. He played a lot of Rock Band :D




Ginny: So, what did you do over the summer?


Jinx *Has a montage of hunting, slaying, partying, naughty fun with Charles and Teddi, more slaying, learning spells, naughtiness, and general mischief flash thru her head*: ................Nothing :cool:




We cause a power outage over half the town.


Jinx *Calls our police contact*: Hi, Officer Rice


Officer Rice: Good evening. And how are you, on this dark, dark evening that Im sure you had absolutely nothing to do with?

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Guest Major Tom

Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


And now, to try to return this thread to its original purpose (not that Feline Fury minds having her own thread)...


Some quotes from the newly-reinstated Sequoia City Slayer game




Jinx: Im way more of a tramp in my dream life than I am in my real life. Ive gotta work on that


Teddi: ....Which direction? :P




Teddi and Jinx are headed to school, looking at the town rebuilding after the damage done by the earthquake from the near-apocalypse they narrowly diverted


Teddi: Should I consider this a win, because the world is still here...or feel bad because we should have been a little bit quicker?


Jinx: *shrugs* All my stuff is still here :)




Teddi (OOC): Yes, Teddi is kind of into that stuff too, because she was brought up to be a Watcher, and theyre practically Librarians, and you know how THEY are! :sneaky:




Shauna: Rumors are that Eric spent the summer touring with a rock band!


Jinx: He spent the summer at his grandparents, in Florida. He played a lot of Rock Band :D




Ginny: So, what did you do over the summer?


Jinx *Has a montage of hunting, slaying, partying, naughty fun with Charles and Teddi, more slaying, learning spells, naughtiness, and general mischief flash thru her head*: ................Nothing :cool:




We cause a power outage over half the town.


Jinx *Calls our police contact*: Hi, Officer Rice


Officer Rice: Good evening. And how are you, on this dark, dark evening that Im sure you had absolutely nothing to do with?



Define "naughty fun".




Major Tom :sneaky:

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


From the last few Defenders game, the last three sessions have been the team invading VIPER headquarters after Dr. Destroyer attempted to take over. Well, during his attempt. It's been a running fight for three game sessions.


GM: I didn't realize I did that on purpose.

Players: *blink* er. . .


OOC discussion of handcuffs that officers are carrying (one of the players is an emergency dispatch)

OOC: And they come in colors.

Me: Wow, they went Apple. iCuff.


Promethean: (OOC) I call Rachael (his Girlfriend); (IC) We're going up against Foxbat. If something happens, I've always loved you.


Enigma: HA! Something missed me!



Promethean: *rolls dice* See, I can be average.

Engima (OOC): I bet your mother said that a lot to you as a kid.


Inertia: *trying to figure out what to do with her action* To the people fleeing I go *BOOGETY!*

GM: *deadpan* They are still scared, yes.

(the only people in here are either VIPER agents or Destroyer agents... no one is innocent)

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Quotes from our "Fantasy Game Which Must Not Be Named":


Party is discussing whether we should rescue the NPC who's caught behind enemy lines.

Belloric OOC: "We have to go save her! She's wearing 100's of thousands of gold pieces worth of party gear!"

[NPC fighter-type ended up being given some VERY pricey weapons that no-one else in our very arcane-focused group wanted.]



Players asks if the wizened goblin riding on the minotaur's shoulder is flat-footed. You know, no reason.


Me OOC: "Quick, make your bluff check against the GM!"



Xan (our Elven warrior princess with a little magic) casts glitterdust on the patch of Evard's Black Tentacles that demons just dissappeared from.


GM: It's a disco hell.





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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


My character' date=' Scales, in 900+ experience, has been missed about 18 times total. (And mostly by some very annoying agents.)[/quote']


Enigma actually has the lowest DEX and least amount of combat abilities. And the Lowest CON so she also spends the most amount of time unconscious. It's always a nice little surprise when something doesn't hit her - even mooks. Her DCV is 6, sometimes 3 because she likes doing move through attacks.


So I take any opportunity to gloat over really bad aim I can.

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Enigma actually has the lowest DEX and least amount of combat abilities. And the Lowest CON so she also spends the most amount of time unconscious. It's always a nice little surprise when something doesn't hit her - even mooks. Her DCV is 6, sometimes 3 because she likes doing move through attacks.


So I take any opportunity to gloat over really bad aim I can.


Scales is my Dex 8 brick. Though he's very capable of taking the hits.

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Cat-trading in Runescape :


: "The price for pussy in West Ardougne is 100 deathrunes each"


: "There was a problem with DungeonKeeper - the handmaidens would keep sending themselves to the torture chamber."

: "Oh, wicked Zoot - wicked, wicked Zoot!"

: "And that scene is why I can't show my class Monty Python and the Holy Grail as part of my Medieval Studies group."


: "Anybody got a knife?"

: "I have a razor-sharp wit"


On artificial insemination -


: "At least with humans you don't have to electro-ejaculate the donor. Unless they like that sort of thing."


Back to the City on the Edge game

: "So... If we beat the Black Paladin and The Skank so badly that they scatter bodyparts all over Gramercy Island... Then
guys could arrest them for littering?"


: "And the island will be orbited by its own sun"

: "Copernicus will be pissed off"


: "So, here we are, waiting for the excruciating."

Miss Chaos
: "You've fought the Black Paladin before, I can tell"


: "You could could also make some weapons for the fight - weld some heavy chain between two girders and use them as nunchuks?"

: "Nunchuks? That would be mother-superior-chuks!"

Miss Chaos
: "...two penguins on a string?"


: "No, you can't buy some manhole covers to use as shuriken - you're not at a junkyard!"

: "Oh.. Can I order out?"


: "I've just realised we don't call her Talisman anymore - we just say 'The Skank' and everyone knows who you're talking about. Of course I can't blame you - you've seen how she dresses."

: "
Power Girl
has less exposed skin."


: "Well, that's one advantage of the Skank outfit - dress nicely and nobody recognises you."


Zero needs to remove the memory blocks on a senile ex-villain.


: "Time to clear out the brain plaque! Where's that psychic chisel..."


This eventually restores the old villian's endless anecdotes ( anecdotage? ) including the time he got to sleep with Lash.


: "Well, he's going to be a happy old man - all he used to remember was Lash's legs, which apparently went up to everywhere. "

: "Now he remembers 'everywhere'"


: "If I start screaming and trying to claw out my eyes, please stop me and knock me out."

: "Certainly!"

*narrowed eyes*
: "Your enthusiasm is worrying."

: "Well, if it was anyone other than you..."


: "I've talked about Zero and the way he's much more ethical about the use of his mentalism when he's in costume. As a civilian he uses it for insider trading - as Zero it took three years of gameplay before he rifled through somebody's head for information he
. "

: "Well, it
my heroic identity."


The telepathic contact with the Spirit of Alcatraz does not go well. Zero flees screaming and ends up clinging to a bouy in San Fransisco Bay screaming "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"


: "Wait... Is that bouy B.O.U.Y? This is San Fran, after all..."


Miss Chaos follows the screaming, and the clanging of the bouy.


Miss Chaos
: "I'm off to find the ding-a-ling"

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Sundog GM
: "You have now returned to the normal world..."

: "Excuse me? Earth is an exceedingly abnormal world and Vitus wants nothing to do it. "

: "I thought he was an experienced planewalker? Earth is populated by humans, that's the multiversal norm. "

: "Yessss... It's a source of constant annoyance."


: "Since the big disaster I've been sleeping on a cot at the fire station"

: "Which disaster? There's been so many"

: "The one
didn't cause."


It's hailing. Hail the size of golfballs. Golfballs all perfect isocohedrons.


Void OOC
: "Maybe Vitus is being upgraded to d20?"


The Eiffel Tower is collapsing under the weight of ice, three hurricanes are taking turns to kick Haiti in the rocks, a glacier is bearing down at 50 kilometers an hour on Toronto, and the Storm Lord just got eaten by something with lots of tentacles out of a hole in the sky.


The Gunney's magically transformed armour doesn't have a digit-laser anymore. Instead, the finger extends twenty feet to impale an illithid.


: "Ah, a laser pointer."


Vitus OOC
: "So what monstrous evil did Orca do in a previous life, that forces him to be my bodyguard in this one?"

Specter OOC
: "Pre-emptive karma?"

The Gunney
: "He's working on becoming a Bodhisattva in one step."


And to show just how bad the situation has become...


Sundog GM
: The sacrificial victim drives the dagger into her own chest, and with her last breath points towards the river, and gasps "See! His herald comes!". The concrete and asphalt swirls, churning up into the sky, the column coalescing to reveal a figure - his golden armour tarnished, his cape tattered, his helmet broken to reveal the decaying flesh beneath. Destroyer - servant of Cthulhu"

The entire Party


We are not happy. Void did pipe up with "So, Doctor D is back. Undead. Doctor Un-D!" but it didn't really help our mood as the undead body of the planet's worst supervillain, inhabited by the essence of a Great Old One, moves in for the kill.

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


I have to suspect that the inventor of The Game of Life never, ever, imagined that anybody would ever play it the way we do. So what if there's no way to avoid certain moral lessons - you *must* get married, you *must* buy a house... There's still plenty of ways for us to corrupt the game beyond all recognition .


: "My husband just does what he's told."

: "And with one sentence we prove this game is utterly based on fiction."


: "You will note that my estrogen-mobile isn't purple, it's green - clearly it's a Prius."

: '"You break a leg snow-boarding - pay $20,000'. I'm not surprised
*points to art on the board*
Have you seen those mountains? Some of them

Purrdence finds herself severely in debt to me


: "We could always cancel the debt in return for a night with your wife."

: "Don't you mean husband?"

: *Points to the two women in the front seat of my car* "No."


In debt again ...


: "What's the going price on a white brat these days? We can send them to Africa - they need food there."


And again...


: "'Honey, the kids want pocket money again.' 'Give me a moment, I'll sue the McPurrdence's again.'"


Getting married is good way to extort money from other players...


: "Hmm, I'm going to need a house loan"

: "Go to Fannie Mae, they'll throw money at anyone"

: "If only there was some way of getting married more than once... "

: "'We're moving to Utah!'"


Eventually the game degenerated into driving each other off the road, and inventing rules for snipers

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