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Quote of the Week from my gaming group...

Darren Watts

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Playing Everlasting when this bit of dialogue came up between my Revenant and my husband's Ghoul. Hubby's idea to take out a pack of renegade monsters hiding out in a packed nightclub is to well, simply blow the place up.


Me: We'll call that "Plan B".

Him: What's "Plan A"?

Me: Everything else.


In the end, the club did end up getting torched after all... :D

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


After the heroes of Via (fantasy hero) have been attacked by projectile spider goo, they dispatch the giant spiders. Daris unsticks himself from Flora, who he'd been supporting (literally), to Rastal's taunts of getting in trouble with his fiancée.


Daris grins and replies, "I've been in stickier situations."


Suggesting that perhaps giant spiders aren't as scary as they seem, to Flora, evokes the reply, deadpanned, "There's goo in my hair."


Later, again from Flora (and better without context): "Sorry, Bob; you seem like a very nice demon, but I'm not interested."

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Was Gerard defeated with an exploding candy-gram?

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAArgh! Will the edited scenes never stop haunting us!


Candy Gram just daze Mongo. Cannon not work either.


Diving for treasue in well and running out of air. That work!


You kids today with your edited DVDs and cut for TV.


I think i'll get back to counting my liver spots now.

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Guest Major Tom

Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAArgh! Will the edited scenes never stop haunting us!


Candy Gram just daze Mongo. Cannon not work either.


Diving for treasue in well and running out of air. That work!


You kids today with your edited DVDs and cut for TV.


I think i'll get back to counting my liver spots now.



You know, you could go back to just being a pawn in the game of life...



Major Tom :D

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


from the new X-Men:Next Generation game... McCoy's character "HipHop" has mastered the art of body language...

[to Spitfire]"Me mum is beautiful, an amazon, an African goddess. Me dad, God bless his heart, be the ugliest mon on Earth. Remind me to tell you sometime how he won her heart."



Stretch tongue to grab the honey. Look at Spitfire, twitch eyebrows upward, twice.

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAArgh! Will the edited scenes never stop haunting us!


Candy Gram just daze Mongo. Cannon not work either.


Diving for treasue in well and running out of air. That work!


You kids today with your edited DVDs and cut for TV.


I think i'll get back to counting my liver spots now.

Now that you mention it. Why did they edit that out?

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Balabanto not know, Enforcer. Balabanto only pawn in game of life.



However, in my Champions Game tonight, sadly, The Oligarch got off another classic line with devastating consequences.


The Oligarch draws an iron rod, crackling with electricity, moving to attack Mesa, the team brick....


Oligarch: Now, cretin, behold as I strike you with the very power of Zeus!


Mesa: Don't be ridiculous, that stupid rod doesn't have the power of...ACK!!!!!


Oligarch rolls 22 Body and 88 stun on a 5d6 RKA. Mesa is bodily hurled out of the room and falls onto the sand of the nearby beach, with electrical burns all over him. (7 Body...) He is totally unconscious....

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Here are a couple from the Star Trek: TOS campaign:




[The AMbassador's daughter is distraught after having been kidnapped. After being rescued, she is sobbing, traumatized, in Sickbay, under Dr. Delilah Young's care]


Dr. Delilah: There, there. Here's some hot cocoa.


Ambassador's Daughter: *reaches out for the cocoa*


Dr. Delilah: *Quick-draw hypo-sprays the daughter by surprise*


Ambassador's Daughter: *Passes smooth out on the medical bed*


Dr. Delilah: *sips hot cocoa, puts a blanket over the girl, and walks away* :D




GM: The head of the King's Guard gives you a suspicious eye and a raised eyebrow.


Mr. Saven (OOC): I eyebrow him back.





And now, a few from the Legends Born campaign...




[Autumn is talking to a reformed Dark Elf]


Autumn: You will always have a place of refuge here. The High King is inclined to give those who wish to repent a second chance.


Lyrafel: Im in good company, apparently. The high King has embraced those Orcs, and.....Ewww.




Lyrafel: Others may come after me.


Autumn: Of course. They shall have a place here as well, if they truly repent.


Lyrafel: No, I mean "Boogey Man" come after me!




Muraheen: You have the mighty Muraheen on your side! What have you to fear? :D




Edwin: Lady Autumn requests an audience.


Imet: *turns to nearest guardsman* Gather up 52 people; get 'em to clap.




Kethri: You DO sound like that, when youre in the sack!


Ruuna: I was with Ulf! Hes a legendary hero! What did you expect?


Gwynnifer: Is that how they invented yodelling?




Imet: Ive never had to beat a Troll to death with my anus before...


Astra: ?!?? :nonp:




Kethri (OOC): Whats a "capstan"?


Imet (OOC): The man-winch.


Kethri (OOC): -that eats like a meal! :D


Astra (OOC): "Man-wench" sounds like a hermaphrodite, to me




Imet (OOC): Sounds like a cheesecake punched her in the gut




Imet (OOC): Shave his b*tt and it wont bother you as much.




GM: The overseer is an Ogre...


Imet (OOC): An Ogreseer?


GM: *facepalm*




Astra (OOC): I made the GM cry! How cool is that!?!




Imet (OOC): Im gonna go grab my rulebook.


Astra (OOC): While youre grabbing yours, could you grab mine too? ....That...came out really wrong. >_<




Imet (OOC): Life isnt about survival, anymore. Thats why we have refrigerators!




[Minotaurs emerge from the arena gates, surrounding the party]


Astra: Oh....bullocks.




GM: The spear does 6 points to Imet.


Astra (OOC): Does this mean you have a spear now?


Imet (OOC): It will at the start of next Round, when I use Quick Draw to recover it from my @$$




Imet (OOC): So, Im lying there pretending to be bleeding to death. Do they have a healer?


GM: As it happens, yes.


Imet (OOC): Is he Evil?


GM: Yes, yes he is.


Kethri (OOC): What, does he "upskirt" you?




Imet (OOC): So, when the training Ogre comes around to get my sword, I casually run him through. Cause Im in the arena, and you know, thats what you do.




Imet (OOC): I was looking this up to see how useless it was, and I did NOT get the answer I expected! :D




Astra: ....She stole falsies?!?




[Kethri clutches the skull-sized mystic Soul Sapphire, and the scrying orb]

Kethri: Oh no! This may have all been a trap to catch US! Cr:eek:p!



GM: Considering how handily you dispatched my Dragon Sorcerer...


Astra (OOC): He was a d*ck!

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Now that you mention it. Why did they edit that out?


Actually, the deleted scenes were never in the theatrical release, but were added back to the film to pad out the run time to fit the two-hour time block of the original network television release. (A common practice back in the days when it was a big deal for a semi-recent theatrical hit to be shown on the teevee. I can still remember how big a deal it was to see Star Wars on the small screen.) Depending on how much time a station is trying to fill nowadays, you might see some of the extra nine (and change) minutes added, but you're more likely to see about ten minutes removed to fit the original 93 minute film into a hour and a half slot.

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


There was a villian whom the PCs killed (executed actually) (Bronze with some leanings to iron), and later an alternate dimension version of that guy showed up with the same result.


In this session some people showed up and asked about Nikolai (the guy mentioned above) - One of the PCs asked "Didn't we permanently take care of him"


Another PC said "Yeah, Twice"

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Missed the evening game last fortnight, because Sundog was sick. Weldun's afternoon game was on tho, so here's a few quotes.


Miss Chaos, Edge member and secretly superhuman daughter of one of the richer families in Edge City, is having her 21st. She's also going to come out (as a super ) to her parents, their peers, and the public. She's invited the nation's premiere super-photographer to get a good shot of her parent's reaction when she does. She's also invited the entire Edge team, a class-full of PRIMUS agents in dress uniform, various supervillains including Foxbat, various superheroes ( often Significant Others of the supervillians) and the local press ( they have to stay outside by the mud-wrestling pit, where any trouble-makers will get Bounced to ).


Despite the strong chance of trouble, Trawler (wearing an Optimus Prime outfit for his fancy dress ) is still feeling relaxed about the situation.


"Any day you're not eaten by a giant amorphous blob is a good day"




Miss Chaos's parent are quite impressed when the crazed Foxbat turns up. Probably because he turns up in his secret identity, heir to a huge old-money fortune, now sadly fallen on hard times, but still of considerable appeal to rich snobs.. .


"You invited a Foswell? And they




However, a genocidal anti-mutant group has heard that there's going to be a superhuman at the party ( the rumour got the numbers wrong ) , and they gatecrash it with masked henchmen and heavily armed battlerobots.


looking up nervously at the 10-foot-tall robot that has just punched it's way in through the wall.
"Um, excuse me sir - do you have an invitation?"






a brief intermission where players were commenting on the number of guild members better known by their nicknames than their real names


: Hell, even my wife calls me Drhoz.


: He even answers phone calls from Japan as Drhoz


: The first time I met Raistlin, me and Fraggle were ....


I remember that time the returning officer announced the club President-for-Life, Mad Dog Gerstoffer.

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


No afternoon quotes this week, because I was working. But the evening game WAS on, as the characters dealt with the ongoing dimensional collapse of Champions Earth's universe, the threat of Dr Destroyer taking an interest in ongoing events in Kingdom City, and the local DA's office cutting a deal with one Skeleton Crew member - the Spectre - in order to get their hands on another ( good to know they have thier priorities straight )


Assistant DA
: "We're willing to drop the criminal negligence case against you, if you assist us with arresting a multiple homicide..."


The Spectre, Vitus
and other members , thinking
: Uh oh....


Ass DA
: "... and sneak thief"


Vitus OOC
: "Oh good. Not me then."


The Gunney OOC
: "Vitus wouldn't sneak"





Back at the tenement -


: "What was that courier doing here?"


: "The gas bill came in. Oh, and I got a letter from Dr Destroyer. Tell me, is it normal on this planet to get a polite invitation to your own execution?"




Vitus asks for more details on this individual


"Destroyer wiped out an entire city to fake his own death!"


: "Hmm. That seems
extreme. I'ld only destroy one out of spite."




Vitus responds with a letter of his own.


"I thank you for your your earlier letter, and appreciate the civilised manner in which your invited me to my own termination. Nonetheless, I must regretfully decline, as I am currently engaged in ongoing research to delay the dimensional collapse of this universe caused by my presence, and can do without the distraction.


I wish you well in your ongoing efforts to conquer this planet, and look forward to further correspondence.


Yours, Vitus D'rhazz ul Kashrak ur R'raschd


PS : thank you for not landing on the observatory."




I notice the GM behaving suspiciously


Me, to GM
: Why are you rolling all those d10?


: "Destroyer has transcended the paradigm"




The rest of the team panic, calling everybody they can think of to warn them of the bad news. Void is following Destroyer's chauffeur, and gets a large hole blasted thru his torso by the asteroid's laser defences.


GM : "Void teleports back into Felicity's room, next door."


Spectre OOC : "FMAB!"


Vitus eyes the large smoking hole blasted out of Void's chest : "You look different - have you lost weight?"




Events get confused by The Spectre's "Richlexia - the inability to distinguish between billionaires", but one of the Storm Lord's hired telepaths gets an secure message thru to PRIMUS.


: Golly-gee, that's incredible! You had me write out the message and gave it to a telepath to get it there in mere minutes -
when I could have teleported it myself, instantly.




Vitus wanders off to finish his calculations, and calls Dr White (Vitus prides himself on his polite acknoledgement of,and good working relationship with all Earthbound mages - Dr. Wu, The Red Circle, etc) for the third time that day. She already know about Dr Destroyer's threat.


: "Hello again. We have a problem"


Dr White
: Well,


: Oh, not the Destroyer thing - that's not the problem


Dr White




In order to use The Storm Lord's pocket universe as a sea-anchor to slow this Earth's uncontrollable fall across dimensions, Vitus will have to conduct a major working in Meteor Crater, Arizona, and he'll have to do it tonight.


Void attempts, badly, to explain what a meteor is to Vitus, and justifies his poor explanation thus


: To somebody that doesn't know any astrology (sic), a meteor IS a big rock that falls out of the sky.




Vitus's students will have to assist.


: "Let me tell you in advance, that if this ritual actually works, it will go a long way towards ensuring your graduation"




Of course, Dr Destroyer will no doubt be sending a hit-squad - at the very least - after Vitus. And The Spectre is still not allowed to leave the state of Nebraska. And Felicity will be busy with the ritual herself. And the Storm Lord is going to be staked to the floor of the crater.


But The Gunney, Void and Orca won't be totally outnumbered - they'll have The Storm Lord's Personal Data Assistant to help.


Void OOC
"I wanna be a PDA - it's got better powers that I do"


The Spectre OOC
: "Welcome to Champions - where
has better powers than you do"




Predictably, the spell gets badly out of control, what with Destroyer's assassination droids being flung all over the place, and team members running all over the ritual area mid-ritual, trying to stop Vitus getting killed. Vitus has to find extra power from somewhere, urgently, but can't risk signalling the others for help without loosing control completely.


So he bites out his own wrists, sacrificing his own blood to give the spell the extra kick it needs.


As he explains to his horrified teammates afterwards, once the ritual is over and they've stopped most of the bleeding.


: "Well, I
have sacrificed one of my own students, if I didn't think they'd flinch."

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Also from Sundog's Kingdom City campaign, as Drhoz mentioned, the Specter has been asked to provide information leading to the capture of Void. Whilst honourable, the Specter has recently begun to show a sense of self-preservation. So after Void had teleported himself and the Specter away from most of the party.


Specter: "Look, you nearly died back there. If anything happens to you, is there someone I can contact? And who would I say is gone?":sneaky:



But in my game in the afternoon, the party has been investigating reports that Serpentine Animorphs (TMNT-style mutant animals) have recently been attacked by a cloaked figure. Their attacker seems to use organic weapons based primarily on marine life. One weapon seems to be an explosive trilobite hand grenade. Unfortunately, my players seem to be incapable of pronouncing trilobite.:rolleyes:


Trawler: "So, they also use an exploding Tribble-ite."

Terminus (OOC): "Hmm, Compound-T as opposed to Compound-4."

Miss Chaos (OOC): "It's a tribble of death."

GM: "No, Death Tribble posts on the Hero Boards."


I later left the table to feed my nicotine addiction, when I walked in on this surreal bit of Hero mathematics.


Trawler (OOC): "So Trawler can throw a tribble 3 kilometers. How much damage would that do?":nonp:



And yes, Susano, the attacker also has acid claws.:eg:

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Also from Sundog's Kingdom City campaign, as Drhoz mentioned, the Specter has been asked to provide information leading to the capture of Void. Whilst honourable, the Specter has recently begun to show a sense of self-preservation. So after Void had teleported himself and the Specter away from most of the party.


Specter: "Look, you nearly died back there. If anything happens to you, is there someone I can contact? And who would I say is gone?":sneaky:



But in my game in the afternoon, the party has been investigating reports that Serpentine Animorphs (TMNT-style mutant animals) have recently been attacked by a cloaked figure. Their attacker seems to use organic weapons based primarily on marine life. One weapon seems to be an explosive trilobite hand grenade. Unfortunately, my players seem to be incapable of pronouncing trilobite.:rolleyes:


Trawler: "So, they also use an exploding Tribble-ite."

Terminus (OOC): "Hmm, Compound-T as opposed to Compound-4."

Miss Chaos (OOC): "It's a tribble of death."

GM: "No, Death Tribble posts on the Hero Boards."


I later left the table to feed my nicotine addiction, when I walked in on this surreal bit of Hero mathematics.


Trawler (OOC): "So Trawler can throw a tribble 3 kilometers. How much damage would that do?":nonp:



And yes, Susano, the attacker also has acid claws.:eg:


Uhm.... and? Am I missing something? :confused:

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


The Fearless Monster Hunters are once again fighting their old foil, Nikki the Obsessive.


GM: OK, Nikki doesn't want the heroes getting too close, so she casts a Fog Bank spell, cloaking herself in a billowing cloud of mist.

Kaira: I cast Dispel Magic. (rolls phenomenally well)

GM: So... um.. the fog disipates as quickly as it arose.

Leth: (completely deadpan) Ayup. That's the weather for ya.



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